Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 13, 1995, Image 148
04-Lancastef Farming. Saturday, May 13, 1995 JERRY+KAWY BEARY MITCHELL DAIRY WIRY E TAYLOR GAYLORD R NAGNER PAUL £ RONMINGER WAYNE DEETER i SONS MINERAL RIDGE FARM SCHWABS DAIRY JOE NO COY ELAINE N EIDENILLER BRUCE &SUZIE LINDELL RICHARD HARRINGTON FINE TON FARMS MAPLE PLACE FARM TWIN STATES FARM INC FLOYD BEARDSLEY FOGGY KEADOWS FARM RONALD HUNTER MARX LAWSON JARED LINDELL DENNIS UNDELL OOUGADIANE HASTINGS GLA DON FARMS RAN-DELL FARM KEVIN LONG RANKIN FARM HAMILTON BROS GAPEH BROS. CO-HILL FARMS RANKIN FARM FOLLY HOLLO# FM IXC HEAVERTONK FARMS M KENN i if REA SMITH OBRIEN FARM MILLEBVALE FARM MORGAN GLO FARM JOHN S J E KARCUEZAK MINDSON DAIRY FARM TURNER FARMS INC GEORGEiDAVE BANICKY ADKENXS FARM HIGHLAND FARRS KEN + ELAINE SODEN CLEARFIEU FARMS GARY FIELDING KEVIN BURLEIGH DALE NQROBEY CONACRES DAVE NOBLE ROME BROS ALTON C OLVER ROKALD J MAYESXI CARL A ROBINSON EMIL R SHINGLE JOHN 6 ROBERT GRAHAM HARRY R MASKER JAKES I NC QQAIDE HOHABD H BRANTUOVER HlilAK BOnUMORE JAKES DRUGS KEITH C HALTERS OVZRLEA FARRS ROBERT K FIRE JR RICHARD LOVE (SEEK BILL FARC CATAURA DAIRY BERNARD DC QOAIDE RICHARD G STOKER BILL fi RICK EBERT KAYRE-ROGER SBERNOOO DA TOE HOLSTEIRS R + W KOZKA FARR ROGH! S KUIARS JOHR t FAR AIUHSOI JOSH CHRIST IRSIKGA BOLSTEDTS FOSTER L CONSTABLE SHDPFS FARR HILLYE HOLSTEIMS HARRY C CURE JR PEARLSIREET BROW HILL FARR TRAVERS DAIRY BROW FARR ERTESPRIS SLOE KNOLL PARKS lvnnkolf SKYSERS RICHUNN FNS BESHORE FARRS ransbt S COOPER JR LEONARD GREEK SINKING SPRING FNINC KAYNE £ NYERS EDWIN L CAIHOOK KILLIAN MYERS miEsomas EARL FUHRHAN RDITERS STUMP ACRES HDSHON FARMS CZAR, STEMS! NYERKOOD PARKS KERKBTOALL,KILLIAN GREEN VALLEY FARM 52.1 280.6 29.8 104.6 Top Pennsylvania DHIA (Continued from Page D 3) 41.0 21080 786 3.7 85.7 20392 734 3.6 50.0 19835 776 3.9 72.1 19637 683 3.5 25.3 19765 777 3.9 96.8 17399 634 3.6 48.0 17102 667 3.9 71.4 15280 552 3.6 40.2 13403 557 4.2 15.3 1951 74 3.8 RYOHU6 22613 22893 21822 19567 890 819 751 776 24761 789 25490 1004 23226 877 23821 857 22220 826 22827 781 22221 824 22227 836 22796 1039 21687 800 22148 770 21431 843 20282 792 20654 686 NEK JERSEY STATE 21537 753 20222 718 20554 690 19013 694 3.5 3.6 3.4 3.7 3.9 3.6 3.4 4.0 736 731 686 676 3.3 3.2 3.1 3.5 672 660 642 627 3.1 3.3 3.1 3.3 VANALTHDIS, EDWARD 80.5 COSE, HAROLD 56.0 WESTBROOK, JACOB 8 K 64.7 DUCKNORTH, DONALD 80.9 LITTLE, MARTIN 45.6 SYTSEMA, RICHARD 60.2 SYTSEXA, CASEY 53.0 JOHN XERKENDALL 39.5 ■■ FARM EQUIPMENT 10’/f' Bush Hog mower, excellent condition, $3950. 304/725-5323. 1066 black stipe new re built motor, 20.8-38, good condition; 1066 cab, good TA and motor, 18-4-38, 4200 hours; 1466 cab, good TA and motor. 20-6-38, 3900 hours; 240 UIT, good condition, 1000 hours, good rubber; 300 good condition, TA and motor; M good, live hyd., PS; 1811 Cub Cadet, 450 hours, 44* mower. 717-966-3483. (1)3000 & (1)9000 Gal. SS nitrogen storage tanks. 703/639-2262, after Bpm 703/382-0570. 14' Grain Body Dump Truck, 1974 Internationa), 30,000 GVW, PS, Air Brakes, Inspected. $4200 080. (717)369-2540. 15661 NT cab, heat and air. full wt package, 90% on ra dial,TA, out of frame over haul, $9500,.; 717-922-3365. 16.9-34 or 18.4-34 axle du als, $275; 5' Hawse 3pl rot ary mower, $275. 717-534-1253. 19458 JO Tractor, Excel lent Condition. $2000; JO 44 Plow and Cultivator. (717)993-3346. 1947 John Deere A; Ford BN. 717-336-2497 after 4PM. 1948 Ford truck w/12' flatbed dump body, truck runs, has very little rust on cab and fenders, $5OO 080. 410-756-4060 call anytime. 1952 JD A, excellent rub ber; 1946 JO A w/new power block. 717-435-2271. 1980 Tryco 3-wheel sludge application machine, D.D., Allison automatic, 66" tires, 1750 hours, Moro vacuum system, $14,000 080. WHI trade for equipment or any thing of equal value... What do you have? 609-894-2849. 1986 Ford 4610 4WD, 52hp, cab w/HAA, 2280 hours, excellent condition, $19,800. (412)627-5287. 1986 Ford 4x4 F2SO diesel power angle plow, new head gaskets, uses oil, $6500; 3 axle 9-ton trailer, 1 T bed, $1000; 4 2 air ride dry-van, $975; (8) 10-20 rims and tires, good for farm, $35 each. 717/764-7828. 1986 GVM Sprayer, Ford 350 4WD, 460 engine, auto trans., AC, 400 gal. poly tank, 45' hyd. booms, shp Honda engine for 2xl Vi .product pump, Ravens 440 controller, 36 gal. foam marker, SS Inductor. 410/239-3226. Herds By County For April !&* •*»•* RUY.SELL.mADE OR RENT THROUGH THE PHONE: 717-626-1164 or 717-394-3047 FAX 717-733-6058 Mon., Tues., Wed.. Fri, 8 AM to 5 PM; Thurs. 7 AM to 5 PM 1987 1000 Gallon DeLaval ' Shank IH #l4 V-Ripper, Century Bulk Tank, 2-3 HP Coulters and Gauge Condensing Units. Wheels, $3OOO. (717)530-1341. (410)398-8766. 1990 New Holland D2OOO big square baler, used only 2 years, excellent, $32,500. NH1033 bale wa gon, 105 bales, $5,200. NH 1044 bale wagon, 120 bales, $4,100. Reeder Im plement, Seneca, KS, (913)336-6103. IHC Dump Wagon, 7X14 Metal Body, $450; JD 2R Corn Planter, 3Pt. Hitch. $475. (610)488-0723. 20.8X38 Tires on Deutz Power Adjust Rims, 50%, Also Cast Center for Same and 18.4X38 Tires on Deutz Power Adjust Rims, 95%, BF 6L913 Turbo Charged Deutz Diesel En gine in Good Running Con dition, $2BOO. (7J 7)445-6156. 2120 Ford. 4WD, 7588, backhoe, 7109 loader, 450 hours, shuttle trans., $22,000. (717)647-9020. 253 White wing disc, good condition, $1,750. Lancas tef Co. (717)548-4190. DISMANTLING FOR PARTS: Just arrived for ports. 2 Case 580 CK back hoes. Lots of good parts available. BALANDA EQUIPMENT P.O. Box 407 RT 29 Palm, PA 18070. 1-800-322-8030 (2) FMC-QBIIO green bean multi-row harvesters, hydro, 4WD, cab & air, ex cellent condition. 609/935-0348. (2) flail mowers; Mott 1993 & 1994, less than 300 hours, side mount, 74", complete mount kit for Ford coarse cut Carl Neut zel Services, (410)329-6791. (2) Grove 14' hydro-driven forage wagons; MF 410 combine w/4R (30*row) com head; MF 300 com bine w/13' grain head; (2) 2-wheel wagon chassis. 717/646-6048. (2) JD 8300 18x7 drills; (3) IH 5100 drills. Zeisloft Used Equipment, 800/919-3322. (2) JD LA tractors, running condition, $2,200 and $1,500. Chester County. (610)495-6170. 2R JD com plantar w/ho-lill attachments, fiberglass boxes, Pequea Bilt, good condition. 814-383-2708 leave message. 2 used Chisholm-Ryder snapbaan harvesters w/ hyd. dump wagon, good cond., call 609-691-5097. GLEX DSEi FARMS VAXDER GROEF, JEFF HODGE, FHED/TOi CARL i VIVIMC FRHCZ B(I KOHIKCISOR Ml B ( L KOffIIGISOR M 2 EVERETT KOSHER 6000 lb. towmotor, air tire, runs, no smoke $2500; 3000 lb. Yale, solid tire, LPG, auto trans, runs good, $1800; 3000 lb. AC solid tire, LPG, runs but smokes, $BOO. Call Alan 410-337-3570 anytime. 6070 AC, just overhauled, new paint & batteries, good rubber. 610-932-8999. 6200 Fox self-propelled chopper, 4WD, 5' pickup head, 3R 30’ com head, rebuilt engine and hydro static drive about 1 year ago, shed kept, field ready. 302-492-3688. 64 Forage Blower, JO; New Holland motor driven 68 baler. Suffolk Co., New York. 516/324-9062. 6’ Irrigation Pump, 8 Cylin der Chrysler Engine, Runs Goods, 40' Suction Line w/ Foot Valve Included. $lBOO (717)633-1239. 7000 JO conservation planter, 6R 30", liquid tanks, frame mounted coul ters, insect boxes, elec tronic monitor, acre meter. 410/239-3226. T NH Haybine, model 467, overhauled and field ready, $1,600. 215-536-9672. 'B7 F-350 diesel for parts, 6.9 diesel engine, doors, 5 speed overdrive transmis sion. 215-572-7700. 894 JD rake, NH 717 pickup head.; 717-665-4743. 8’ mower deck, PTO, $1250. Call Alan 410-337-3570 anytime. 6xl6’ hydraulic dump farm trailer, single axle, 2 ton, $5OO. (301)898-7426. 900 NH harvester, Metal Alert 11, and hayhead, $BOOO. 717-933-5771. 91 CASE/IH 22HP Diesel 4X4 ROPS/Canopy 3pt PTO 300 hrs New Front Snow Blower New Finish Mower $10900; 87 MF-30E Tractor/Loader 3pt PTO Hydra-shuttle ROPS $9900; 91 CASE/IH 45HP Diesel ROPS/Canopy Shuttle 3pt PTO 16.9X24 Turf tires 142 hrs; $16900 (perfect for loader) MAKE OFFER. (609)466-2953. AC 170, gas, NFE, excel lent, 2 owners, $3,800. 410-833-9091 AC 175 diesel tractor, dual remotes, good rubber, gbod condition, 4350 hours, $5,800. (717)677-8962. AC 190, gas, WF, excellent rubber, runs excellent, $3,750. 410-833-9091 17918 656 17910 618 17257 672 HER FORE STATE 19867 762 16454 639 12354 612 20834 750 55.8 71.9 49.6 83.9 271.9 18.6 350.1 (2) White 5400, 6R corn planters, $l3OO-$1100; Better Bill 2400 gal. vac uum tank, $3500. 215-348-5514. 2-Wisconsin engines model V 460, V 461; 410-472-2617. 300 Gallon 3Pt. Hitch De mco Sprayer, 45' Hyd. Booms, Electric Controls, Like New. $3800; Chester Co. (610)286-6881. 311 NH Hay Baler, super sweep, 74 kicker, all like new. $6500. 717/656-1995 leave message, York Co. 3260 Badger Spreader, $2lOO. (717)243-5768. 3488 Int. hydro, CAH, good shape, 3 hyd. outlets, good rubber. 410/673-7194. 3PT HITCH HEAVY DUTY. Agrotrend, new rotory mowers, cuts 2‘ diameter, S', $950; 6' $1250. 717-672-3139; 610-663-8074. 3RN Uni corn picker, like new 18.4x26 tires, field ready, $1,150. (717)445-6156. 4020 wide frontend, power shift, differential lock, cab, heat, turbo; 717-644-2103 after 6pm. 430 W JD, S/N142467, 5 speed, 3pt, sheet metal good, $3,425. Lancaster Co. (717)336-2031. 4420 Combine, 2408 hrs, 443 corn head, 213 grain head, all very good condi tion; 453 A bean head, like new; $18,000.; 315-364-8522. 4550 Heston centerline belsr (same as Case IH). exeoellent cond., less than 10,000 bales, no thrower, $6500.; 717-922-3365. (4) 70 series AC planting units w/insectide boxes, monitor included $lOO/unit; 2 sets of no-till coulters $5O/ea. Very good condi tion. 717-473-4473. 4R JD 7000 com planter. Rotor mill, 3ph motor. 1R FMC sweet com picker, PTO, used on 15 acres. (410)776-1965. 500 gat. Hard! sprayer for pickup truck, nearly new Honda motor, cab mounted controls w/ acreage counter, good condition. 717/328-3866, 717/328-9516. 509 New Idea haybine, 9', good condition, $3,500. (717)922-3365. 5100 While 4R com planter w/Nquid tort. A insecticide boxes. 717/935-2490. (5| 10’ sections of package rollers, $5O/ea; 300 gallon poly tank, good condition, $100; 2-stage hyd. unit w/Ohp Briggs engine w/ starter, $425. 717-534-1253.