Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 06, 1995, Image 1
voi. 40 NO. 26 Copes Help Prepare For National Holstein Convention BETH MILLER Cumberland Co. Correspondent GRANTHAM (Cumberland Co.) —John and Helen Cope have been members of the Pennsylva nia and National Holstein associa tions since the mid-19505. Next month, they will be the of Pa. Guernsey Association Holds Awards Banquet Melissa Morrow 1995 Pa. Guernsey Queen Dairy Recipe Contest, Families Part Of Lancaster Farming’s June Dairy Month Celebration Laneasttr Farming is holding a Cow Mania Drawing. To be eligi ble to win one of the collectible cow items offered, send a recipe using at least one dairy product as a sizeable ingredient. The recipe may be for an appetizer, dip, soup, bread, main dish, veg etable, dessert, beverage, snack or salad. It must include at least one of the following ingredients: milk, cream, sour cream, whipped cream, butter, yogurt, buttermilk, ice cream, cottage cheese, ricotta cheese, cream cheese, or any hard or soft cheese. Do not send recipes using margarine or non-dairy substitutes. Clearly print or type your recipe. Be sure to give accurate measure ments, temperatures,, times, and sizes of baking dishes to use. Be sure to include your name, full address, and phone number on the recipe. Please include a few paragraphs about yourself and your fami ly. Although it is not required, we’d like a'picture of you or your family to include with the recipe when it is printed during June Dairy Month. Photos will be returned if you mark your name and address on the back of the photo. This is a popular annual event for our readers who not only enjoy the recipes but also reading tidbits of information about the person who submits the recipe. Send your recipe, accompanying information, and photo to Lou Ann Good, Lancaster Farming Cow Mania Drawing, P.O. Box 609,1 E. Main St. Ephnta, PA 17522. Only one recipe per family. Send it immediately as the deadline for entries to reach us is June 1. 60c Per Copy ficial hosts when thousands of their fellow association members come to Pittsburgh for the 110th annual National Holstein Associa tion Convention. This is the first time that Penn sylvania has served as the conven tion site since 1976, and the Copes LINDA WILLIAMS Bedford Co. Correspondent BEDFORD (Bedford Co.) The Pennsylvania Guern sey Breeders’ Association recently held its convention April 21-22 with an awards banquet at the Are na Restaurant in Bedford, a break fast queen coronation, and the annual Blue Halter Calf Sale. The J 995 state Guernsey Queen is Melissa Morrow, of Tyrone, who was crowned by Beth Anne queen during a morning event during the second day of the convention. The contestants were introduced during the awards banquet the evening prior. During the awards banquet, Snyder-Homestead Guernseys, in New Enterprise, received multiple .honors. The breed association also rec ognized the recipients of All Pen nsylvania awards, based on the results of showing an animal throughout the year, according to age class. Officers of the association include Bemeta Gable, of Snyder- Homestead Guernseys, president; ’(Turn to Pan* A 23) Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 6, '1995 have put plenty of work into mak ing sure everyone learns a lot while having a good time. John Cope, who is semi-retired from the Ashcombe’s dairy opera tion in York County, said he and his wife have been involved in planning for the convention for the past four years. The Copes, who are co-chair persons of the convention, have been working with 18 planning committees that have a total of about 230 members. John Cope said he and Helen became chairpersons of the event after they were asked to take the job by the board of directors of the Pennsylvania Holstein Associa tion. John has been a member of the national association’s board of directors for 13 years and has (Turn to Pago A 24) Ridge Appoints Deputy Ag Secretaries HARRISBURG (Dauphin Co.) —On behalf of Gov. Tom Ridge, Agriculture Secretary Charles C. Brosius on Wednesday announced Ridge’s appointment of three deputy secretaries for the Agriculture Department “I am delighted to welcome these three well-qualified exper ienced individuals. They will work with me in leadership posi- Opportunities On Increase For Poultry Grads JUDITH PATTON Union Co. Correspondent UNIVERSITY PARK (Centre Co.) At the fifth annual Penn State Poultry Science Club Awards Banquet last week, club members, parents, faculty, and friends recognized the year’s achievements and listened to words of wisdom from Paul Hann, president of the Pennsylvania Poultry Federation. Since graduating in ag educa tion from Penn State. Hann has been a salesman for Purina Mills. He has attained Top Salesman of the Year status several times and has been president of the Pennsyl vania Agricultural Marketing As sociation. Citing an increase in opportuni ties in the future for agriculture graduates, Hann told students they need to adapt to changes in the field and to use their college edu cation to maximize their experi ences. Hard work and common sense are two keys to success, he said, along with the ability to work with people, to listen to others, to work at what you love to do, and to apply information in books to real life. Hann’s advice to students for making their lives matter was to John and Helen Cope are co-chairs of the National Hols tein Convention set to be held June 25-28 in Pittsburgh. tions within the increase the visibility of the Key stone state’s number one indus try,” Brosius said. “Gov. Ridge recognizes the importance of increasing the pro fitability of our farms and agri business to maintain a position of strength, and our new deputies are committed to being a part of that effort.” “care for people, risk more than others think is safe, dream more than others think is practical, and expect more than others dunk is Lana Sollenberger, the new Pa. DHIA president,. gives some thoughts on hie vision for the state milk' testing and records organization In this on-farm Inter view. See story page A-32. Four Sections •**KlBge appointed Walter Peech atka, executive deputy secretary; Russell C. Redding, deputy secret aiy for marketing, promotion and program services; and Christian R. Herr, deputy secretary for regu latory programs. Peechatka, formerly deputy secretary for regulatory programs and director of die Bureau of Plant (Turn to Page A3O) possible." Accepting responsibili ty for mistakes and faults and cor recting them when possible is also (Turn to Pago AST) $25.00 Par Yaar