We Learned How To Write, To Draw, To Print... 1941 Annual Report Communicating the nutrition message through materials has al ways been a central part of Dairy Council’s mission In recent de cades, many of these materials have been produced by NATIONAL DAIRY COUNCIL® Whether it is a poster, a brochure, or a complete curriculum, all of these materials are ested nationally to ensure a sci er' tlcally-based message designed for a specific target audience However, on a local level, Dairy Council has never been at a loss for creativity and ingenuity in creating materials for specific audiences. In the organization’s archives, there is found written in the 1941 Annual Report a basis for what Dairy Council continues to do to this day with materials “Not forgetting that things are learned best when they are seen as well as heard, we developed a stock of literature, of posters, of projects, and of supplementary reading mate rials with which to further show many, many sides of our story Skilled artists translated our ideas into colorful posters —photogra- phers used expert equipment to catch just the expression and height for depth of tone we desired Print ers pulled proof after proof to per fect the dressing of our message This library has been of inestimable value to us in spreading our work to the far corners where we ourselves cannot go ” After decades of providing mate rials to schools. Dairy Council in troduced the organization's first cur riculum, "Big Ideas" in 1972 In 1977, with the introduction of the "FOOD Your Choice"™ curricu lum, Dairy Council staff offered for the first time inservice programs to the teachers to accompany the pack age By the early 19905, over 300,000 pieces of materials were being shipped to Dairy Council's custom ers, many still provided by National Dairy Council On a local level, the staff was busy writing and design ing some of their own programs, newsletters, posters, placemats and annual reports Not unlike their 1941 counterparts, they were "writ ing, drawing, and printing" Since 1990, the unit has won five national and three regional awards for their locally produced materials For Dairy Council, materials con tinue to be one of the organization's greatest assets 75™ ANNIVERSARY 1920 - 1995 <#ec<* ttSe Xj n r;A ft ■ is nets'"*. /‘-•'pom UJC, *W r/* 0 " " rrv