A2O-Lancast»r Farming, Saturday, April 8, 1995 Barr: Tax ANDY ANDREWS Lancaster Fanning Staff ATGLEN (Chester Co.) Dr. Robert Barr shared this “warn ing,” as he called it, with Chester County farmers Thursday evening watch what happens to Lancas ter County.under its court-ordered reassessment. “The farmers in your neighbor ing county are looking at tax increases of 30-50 percent, even with Clean and Green,” Barr told a record-setting attendance of 177 people on Thursday evening at the Chester-Delaware County Farm Bureau 42nd Annual Spring Ban quet at the West Fallowfield Christian Day School. Without Act 319 (the official title for the Clean and Green Law, which sets a tax structure cm the ag use value of a farm rather than the farm market value), Lancaster County farmers “would be look ing at tax increases of two to three times their current tax bills.” Barr served with 21st Century Appraisals, the company con tracted to perform the reassess ments in several counties, includ ing Lancaster and soon in Chester County. Barr told the Pennsy vlani a Farm Bureau (PFB) members that he helped develop appraisal policies with the company and now serves as president of the Fan- Tax Institute, under contract with the PFB to assist, for a fee, farmers Robert Yarnall, president of the Chester-Delaware Farm Bureau, left, presents an Outstanding Service to Agricul ture Award to C. Barclay Hoopes, director. IVfprrpr Choice 1050/1225 lbs 64.10-67 00, few _ _ Select 55 00-60 00 COWS' Breaking Util- Livestock Auction uy and Commercial 37 00-39.75, few MERCER, PA 40.00, Cutter and Boning Utility April 4, 1995 34.00-38.50, Canncr and Low Cutter CATTLE 260 . PDA .Compared with 30.00-33 00. Shells down to 28.00. last Tuesday’s market si steers steady, BULLS' few Yield Grade No. 1 1450/2100 cows 1 00 to 200 lower. STEERS'Choice lbs. 48.25-50.50, one 58 25, few No. 2 1050/1400 lbs 62.30-66 85, Select 975/1300 lbs. 41.75-43.75. FEEDER 56.00-63 10, Standard 45.00- 50.25. CATTLE: STEERS: Medium Frame No. 1 HOLSTEINS: Choice 1075/1525 lbs. 400/675 lbs. 67.00-73.00, Large Frame 57 50-61.00, few Select 52 50-57.50, few No. 2 750/1000 lbs 43.00-47.50; HEIF- Standard 45 00-51.00. HEIFERS: few Fertilizer WHOLESALE K RETAIL BOYDKLL FARMS 302 lona Rond, Lebanon, PA 1 7042 Phono: 717-2/2-8943 Reform, Clean And Green in making use of Act 319 in the farm appraisal. Barr said that many counties, as a result of reassessment, have come to the Fair Tax Institute and are asking for help. “A problem area is that there are no standards for reassessment anywhere in the state,” he said. As a result, the results of the reassessments will “shock the far mers, ’ ’ and he urges more work on local tax reform. Barr said that the insitute is working to make sure the tax base is “fair and equitable” and urged the PFB members to ‘ ‘continue the dialogue” as reassessment takes place. “Most all of you will be in Act 319 when reassessment takes place” in Chester County, he said. Before the reassessment order came to Lancaster, he said, there was not one farm in Lancaster County in Clean and Green. He said that Act 319 is “a great law and it’s doing a wonderful job,” but pointed out there is a “tre mendous need for educational programs” to ensure that the law is implemented correctly in the coun ties under court-ordered reassessment Barr said that ultimately, if far mers are considering appealing the assessment later on, “the burden of proof is on you” to provide farm “evidence of value, sales and Baler Twine comparable sales.” He told far mers to “get a second opinion.” Farmers who request help with Clean and Green can contact their local farm bureau representative and sign up for assistance with the institute. Robert Yamall, president of the Chester-Delaware Farm Bureau, said the banquet was the “single largest turnout fra any single ban quet in Chester-Delaware Farm Bureau history.” Charles Wollaston, membership chairman, reported that in the past year, 102 new members were added to the county farm bureau, an affiliate of PFB. Altogether, there were a total of 738 members at the county level. Harold Bryson, director of member services, said total incom e for the county bureau the past year totalled $63,160, of which $53,136 went to pay dues to PFB. Total income was $69,462 with total expenses at $53,136. After expenses of $6,186, for the first time, the county bureau earned a profit of $2,276. One of the big issues addressed during the recent PFB legislative tour, according to Harold Kulp, director of governmental relations, was local tax reform. Work is pro ceeding on two bills. Charles Brosius, state secretary of agriculture, told the members that Gov. Tom Ridge will continue his support of Pennsylvania far mers in the effort to raise family farm income. Also at the banquet, members were honored. Outstanding Ser vice to Agriculture awards were presented to C. Barclay Hoopes, director, Richard Bteckbill, direc tor; Charles Wollaston, member ship chairman; Susan McCardcll, newsletter editor; and Jennifer Joyner, director. Officers and directors of the Chester-Delaware Farm Bureau at the banquet Thurs day evening. From left, C. Barclay Hoopes, director; Jennifer Joyner, director; Bob Lange, director; Harold Kulp, director governmental relations; Robert Yarnall, presi dent of the Chester-Delaware Farm Bureau; Ed Cannon, director member relations; Charles Brosius, Pennsylvania secretary of agriculture; Roy Kolb, director ag com modities; David Herr, director; Harold Bryson, director member services; and Artie Needham, director. ERS; couple Large Frame No. 1 SB5 lbs. 69.00, Medium Frame No. 1 270/500 lbs. 59.00-67.00; BULLS: few Medium Frame No. 1 300/600 lbs. 59.00-65.00. CALVES 60...VEALERS; Standard and Good 65/100 lbs. 36.00-50.00, Utility 55/85 lbs. 21.00-31.00. FARM CALVES: No. 1 Holstein bulls 90/110 lbs. 105.00- No. 2 95/115 lbs. 80.00- few No. 1 Holstein heifers 90/95 lbs. 175.00-202.00 one No. 2 85 lbs. 130.00. Beef cross bulls and heifers 65/95 lbs. 105.00-160.00. HOGS 103... Barrows and gilts steady to 1.00 lower. BARROWS AND GILTS: US 1-2 230/260 lbs. 36 00-37.25, US 1-3 215/270 lbs, 34.10- 35.25, US 2-3 215/260 lbs. 31.00-33.25. SOWS: few US 1-3 365/535 lbs. 28.50-31.00. BOARS: 250/585 lbs. 20.00-22.50. FEEDER PIGS 0...N0 MARKET TEST! Dialogue Must Continue Charles Wollaston, membership chairman, left, receives an Outstanding Service to Agriculture Award from Robert Yamall, president of the Chester-Delaware Farm Bureau. Jennifer Joyner, a director of the county bureau, was honored with an Outstanding Service to Agriculture Award by Robert Yamall, president of the county bureau. SHEEP 2S...SLAUGHTER LAMBS: Choice 90/110 lbs. 71.00-83.00,25/55 lbs, 76.00- 100.00. SL \UGHTER SHEEP; few 8.00-19.00. GOATS 8...0ne SmaU 37.00, few Small Kids 16.00-26.00. per head. Aberdeen Livestock Market Aberdeen, Md. Wednesday, April 5,1995 Report Supplied by Auction SL STEERS' MARKET STEADY. CHOICE 2-4: 1100-1400 LBS. 64.00- 67.00 SELECT & LOW CHOICE- 1000- 1500 LBS. 60.00-64 00. HOL STEERS' HI CHOICE & PRIME 1250-1400 LBS. 58 00-60 00, CHOICE 1200-1500 LBS 56 00-58.00; SELECT ALL WEIGHTS: 52.00-55.00 SL HEIFERS: MARKET STEADY, CHOICE & PRIME: 950-1300 LBS 63.00-66.00, SELECT ALL WEIGHTS 900-1400 LBS 54 00-60 00 COWS- MARKET I 50 HIGHER BRK UT & COMM 2-4 BULK 39 00- 43.00 HI DRESSING 43 00-47 00, CUT TER & BONE UT 38.00-41 00, HI DRESSING 41 00-44.00, CANNER & CUTTERS 36 00-39.00; LOW DRESS ING 34.00 DOWN BULLS: MARKET 200 LOWER ALL WEIGHTS 1000-1900 LBS. 47 00- 58 00 VEAL CALVES. MARKET STEADY CHOICE & PRIME: 200-400 LBS. 77 00- 90.00; HI GOOD & LOW CHOICE- ALL WEIGHTS 59 00-68 00 FARM CALVES- MARKET 5 00 HIGHER. HOL BULLS 100-125 LBS 11000-133.00, HOL BULLS: 85-95 LBS 88 00-109.00, HOL. HEIFER CALVES (Turn to Pag* A 39)