Great Hay Bales Start With Great Windrows! Vermeer R-23 & R-24 Twinßakes: The two hottest hay-raking tools In the field today! FIT VIRTUALLY AMY HAY HARVESTING SYSTEM ADJUSTABLE WIIWROW WIDTHS (3 ' TO 61 DESIGNED TO MATCH YOOH BALER PICKUP ADJUSTABLE RAKIHG WIDTHS Sweep 18-24 feet across (R-24) and cut field time by as much as 66% over single rake systems! FIHE-TUHED BAKING SPEEDS FOB DIFFERENT CHOPS AND FIELD CDHOmOHS MORE POSITIVE RAKIHB ACTION! LOWER REPLACEMENT COSTS! Twin 6-bar baskets with rubber-mounted tines (120 per basket) give you up to 25% more raking action than the conventional steel tines, reduce tine replacement costs. Work great In heavier crops, higher moistures or rough terrain. FULL HYDRAULIC CONTROLS! Raking widths! Windrow wldthsl Folding/ unfolding and lift systemsl Controlled from the tractor. Front-folding baskets squeeze thru nearly any farm gate. a a CAB-MOUNTED R-24 COMMAND CONTROLLER Trigger hydraulic lift/fold, and adjust windrow widths and raking widths, from your tractor seat. Basket speed is controlled thru the other hydraulic circuit and a quiet, smooth-running hydraulic motor mounted on each basket. 27x9.5x 15, 6-ply ribbed tires(on the R-24 Twlnßake) help cushion the ride, smooth out turns and maintain rake setting as they negotiate changing contour and terrain. No need to reset tooth height adjustment after transporting to another field. It’s already pre-set with easy-to-adjust cylinder stops. Rubber-mounted tines. More raking action. Reduced tine replacement costs. 120 per basket. Vermeer R-23 Twlnßake. Quiet! Proven! Reliable! Sweeps up 18' to 23' wide. Adjustable raking and windrow widths. Adjustable basket speed control. Mechanical fold. New, large caster-type gauge wheels with