for the competitive advantage! The introduction of the AIM technology has created a lot of excitement among area producers. Lancaster County field tests indicate why.. The test results were taken from 13 herds representing in excess of 493 cows. These herds represented a cross section of various sizes, feeding programs, and management levels. Results from producers using existing Master Mix technology or competitive nutritional programs were compared. AIM TEST ■ RESULTS ISO Day Standardized Herds Previously Tank Average On Master Mix No. of Days in W/out W/AIM Production Program Cows Milk AIM Advantage D. King 28 202 70.0 74.1 +4.1 J. Fisher Farm #3 I. Stoltzfus E. Esh J. King Farm #4 Farm #5 C. Fisher K. Martin S. Stoltzfus Averages vs. Herds Previously noton Master Mix Program Farm #1 Farm #2 Averages 67.3 173 32 167 66.2 75.4 +9.2 36 210 60.7 71.7 +ll.O 189 63.5 73.6 +lO.l 74.4 +8.9 +6.7 66.1 +3.9 57.0 +3.7 65.5 +4.7 71.3 +5.5 85.5 +4.4 72.1 +2.2 83.5 +4.9 77.4 68.5 +5.9 72.3 +5.0 TM The average milk response of all herds was 5.8 lbs. of milk per cow per day. Herds put on the AIM program from competitive feed programs responded with an average of 10.1 lbs. more milk per cow per day. What an Impact! AIM (Amino Acid Impact Management) represents the third generation of industry leading patented protein technology from Master Mix Feeds and is the direct result of Master Mix Feeds’ continued commitment to research. AIM technology focuses on increasing the total essential amino acid flow to the small intestine. AIM feeds feature higher rumen undegraded protein (RUP) levels with defined concentrations of lysine and methionine using highly palatable, highly digestible plant protein sources, for optimal protein efficiency. See the dealer nearest you to see how you can gain the competitive advantage with AIM! MASTER MIX* .FEEDS. 'l