Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, March 18, 1995, Image 97
ffIpETS AKC St. Bernard puppies for sale. Abner King, 676 Mill Creek School Rd., Bird-In-Hand, PA 17505 give phone numbers AKC St. Bernard Pups, nice markings, $2OO males; $235 females. 340 to Horseshoe Rd., passed CV High School to W. Eby Rd., Ist farm on right. Ready March 18. AKC Siberian husky stud service male has perfect markings Ivan Stoltzfus 525 Furnace Rd., Quarry ville PA 17566. Australian Cattle Dog Pup pies. AKC reg., excellent import bloodlines, reds & blues, guaranteed to work, shots & wormed. 717/267-0394. Australian Shepherd pup pies, registered, NSDR, working parents on pre mises. (717)225-7214. Australian Catdedog Pup: (Blue Heeler), ARF regis tered, excellent working dog/ pet, good disposition, one female left, $2OO. Bethel, PA (717)933-5064. Australian Shepherd Pup pies, $5O/m, $764. (51-a -dult females, (2)-adult males, German Shepherd adults, (2) females, (1) male. Bargain prices. 717-665-4537 [ Pups wanted in litters Daily pickups anywhere in Penna. Call Jo Jo the Dog Man Mornings or Evenings 6 to B (Mornings or evenings) 1-800-392-4593 or 4lO-778-1429 M WANTED gj ,1 Puppies wj i \ i For Pets AKC, Purebred, Mixed Litters. Stud service for most breeds. Transportation provided Forest Ridge Kennel 296 S. Vintage Road Paradiaa, PA 17562 717-442-4259 Border Collie Puppies: Re gistered imported interna tional champion blood lines, shots and wormed. (717)676-9564. Boxer pups, 2 males, AKC, $2OO, guaranteed. 717-656-1995 leave mes sage. York Co. Buying Dwarf, Mini Lop and Regular Bunnies and Hedgehogs. (717)822-2033. DOG KENNELS and RUNS, any size. 717/687-9050, 7-7:3oam or leave message. For Sale: AKC Norwegian Elkhound Pups, shots, wormed. 717/445-6066. German Shepherd Pups, AKC, $2OO, guaranteed. 717/656-1995 leave mes sage. York Co Kennel building: B'x22', has 7 pens, suitable for small to medium breeds, $l,OOO 080. (717)483-6567. Kennel Sections, chain link, any size. 717/822-7820 7-Bam or leave message. Lab AKC Yellow Pups, Very Nice, Shots and Wormed. (717)733-3150 No Sunday Calls. Mastiff pups, 2 males, AKC, $5OO, guaranteed. 717-656-1995 leave mes sage. York Co. ssssssssssss $ PUPPIES $ $ WANTED $ $ Cash Paid $ $ Call Hacked $ $ 610/681-8236 $ $ ssssssssss $ AKC PUPPIES WANTED I need all kinds - pure and mixed iCall now 717/822-2033] We Pick Up - Very Dependable “24 Years Buying & Selling Puppies” We Pick Up Please call (215) 766-8802 or (215) 766-8840 Between Bam-spm Hiesday Thru Saturday JACK’S DOG FARM Founded 1927 NOTICE INVITATION FOR BIDS The Cumberland County Conservation District is requesting bids for the construction of several ag waste storage systems and related components to be funded in part by the Chesapeake Bay Program. Construction of these projects will begin during the 1995 construction season. Prospective contractors will receive a bid package which contains instructions to bidders, a sample contract form, plans and specifications for the project and a bid sheet. Small and minority business and women’s business enterprises are encouraged to respond to this invitation for bids Site showings and bid openings will be scheduled for each project. Sealed bids will be accepted until the public bid opening at the conservation district office. A site showing in South Middleton Township, for the first project of this year, is scheduled for 10:00 A.M. March 23, 1995. The bid opening will be 10:00 A.M. April 18, 1995. To obtain a bid package contact the: CUMBERLAND COUNTY CONSERVATION DISTRICT 43 Brookwood Av»., Suita 4 CcxtMa, RA17013 (717)249-8632 Miniature registered Baby doll pet sheep, unique, very tiny and friendly, start ing at $876.215-297-0767. Older AKC breeding stock, 50 head, Bichon, Yorkies, Schnizers, Cockers, Ca rons, Lhapsoapso, $lOO each, must take all! Leave message, (717)656-1995. Pot Belly Piglets, ready 3/25, 6 black, 3 white, $6O/each. Parents 16* to shoulder. 717/966-3015, 717/966-3677. Reg. Border Collie male pup, good working parents, ready to go now. 717-933-8473 NO Sunday calls. WANTED TO BUY Puppies, mixed breed & AKC for resale in pet store. Also looking for kittens. Call when young for pick-up at 7 weeks. Fair price paid. Norman Wheeler 610-380-1445 Dog Bloom Line® VM-250+2 22 Oz Extra Bloom Wate 16 Oz Horse Bloom 999+2 21/2 Lbs Large Pupji/Heat Pad 3 Dog Collars w/Brass Name Plate .... 6 Dog Collars w/B Name Plate 3R.xBFt.T)og Kennels Elevated w/Run Oiled Harness Leather Collars or Day Glo - Yellow - Blue -Red - Green - Black Add $4.00 Shipping HERBERT WELCH 173 GALLAHER RD. ELKTON, MD 21921 410*398-5423 \/ Reg. Border Collies, 6 yr. old male, fully trained. 18 month male, well started on sheep. 814-344-8659. Registered Australian Cattle Dog pups, guaran teed to work. Parents, ex cellent disposition. No Sun day calls. (301)842-2578. St Bernard Puppies, regis tered, shots, wormed. No Sunday calls. (717)438-3375. Yellow Lab Pups: AKC, ex cellent bloodline and health, shots and wormed, females $3OO and males $250. (717)866-7863. ...$13.95 ...$10.95 ..$16.95 ...$35.00 ...$15.00 ..$29.00 $299.00 wSS^COMPUTERS Computer Sales & Service. Guaranteed repairs and upgrades. Specialized tu toring available. JOHN LINDINGER 717-862-1015. JSCELLANEOUS 12 Church Pews, solid oak, natural finish, 21' long, $2lO/each. 717/483-6904 after 6pm. (2) on demand wall mounted water heaters, LP and natural gas, (1) work ing condition, second for parts, plus $lOO worth of extra parts, $200; New Bruner chemical solution pump model 22SP, $95. 610-779-4586. 38*x28* cardboard baler. 24’ Band saw. 717-263-0676. 4Shp, 3 cylinder Ford diesel motor, $6OO. After 6pm, (717)733-1000. 6* irrigation pump, 8 cyl Chrysler enfjine, runs good, 40‘ suction line and foot valve, $l,BOO. (717)633-1239. American Floor Sweeper, electric, self-propelled, 48-W, model 20008, $750. 717/354-3105. Heat With Waste Oil Turbo Z Series Free Air Applications 90,000 ■ 260,000 BTU Units 10 years combustion warranty. A safe way to dispose of your waste oil. Over 13 years experience. Electronic air, Fuel control modules give dependable performance. Prices starting at $2,195.00 Power Systems Electric, Inc. (717) 933-5617 Auto turn fore cart w/ sprocket notch selector, w/ brake $675.00. w/o brakes $450.00.; Barn yard scrap ers $52.00.; Horse drawn garden cultivators $130.00. Nickel Mine Welding, 2133 Mine Rd., Paradise PA 17562. 717-786-7363. 7:30-8:00 a.m.. BAHAMA CRUISE! 5 days/4 nights. Under booked) Must Sell) $279/Couple. Limited Tick ets. (407) 767-8100 ext 5886, Mon.-Sat., 9am-10pm. Band saw, wood, Cres cent, heavy duty industrial type, 36”, 3HP, 3PH, direct drive motor, $1250.00. 610-942-4116. BREAKTHROUGH Revo lutionary new biotech pro duct shortens growing sea son or produces up to 300% greater yield on cer tain vegetables and crops. Environmentally safe and nontoxic. Not a fertilizer. For more info send name & address. Include $4 S&H to Beamster Co., 3061 Rup pert Road. York, PA 17404. Buying used and unwanted air compressors. SHP and larger, working or not Call Indian Valley Air Compres sor. (215)257-6434. Farm Toys-Collector Se ries, Show Tractors, Pedal Tractors, Trucks-for sale at all times. Visit our large dis play during business hours. Wengers Farm Ma chinery, Inc., 251 S. Race St., Myerstown, PA 717/866-2130. FOR RENT: Storage Space 50'X120' Block Building; Also Partial So'XBo‘. For Small Sec tions. Cars, Boats, etc. Sam Beiler, 600 May Post Office Rd. (717)687-7939. FOR SALE; Used desks, files, chairs, drafting table, blue print files, fireproof files, etc. NOLT'S Ephrata, PA 717-859-1617. Generator: 30K.V.A., brushless, 2-71 Detroit, self-contained skid mounted, 150 gal. fuel tank, $3OOO. 412/224-6706. INI T Sickel bar mower; Tractor, circular wood saw; 8.0. 717-684-8307. LIVE GAME FISH Fingerlings and Adults, Largs snd Small Mouth Baaa, Spotted and RocK Baas, Bream _ Grapples. Trout, Channel Cats. Bullhaads, Walleyes, Z Perch. Minnows, Northerns, Pickerel, Musklea, Red * ufft Gills, Mullets, Carp. Ealf, Turtles, Frogs, srasll carp Alao Aquatic Planta and Water Lilies MMV&gS' COLORFUL CATALOG $2 00 Truck, Air and Parcel Post Delivery ZETTS FISH HATCHERIES ~J DRIFTINO, PENN*. 1M34 mGSSJf Phone! »I*-S4S-5357 ATTENTION POND OWNERS Tired of using expensive chemicals to control aquatic vegetation? Triploid Grass Carp eat pond weeds for a natural long term pond clean-up solution Other fish, food, aerators, more. Multistate delivery. (800)99-GRASS (800)994-7277 Sproch Fish Hatchery Lancaster Farming, Saturday. March 18, 1995-C33 Milling Machine, Cincinnati *3, vertical and horizontal, good condition, $3BOO. 717/354-3105. Model 300 Ideal reel type lawn mower sharpener, $800; Maytag wringer washer, completely rebuilt, $295; Air and gas motors available. HIDDEN ACRES REPAIR 610-593-7365. Plasma cutter in execellent condition, Max 40, single phased, $1200.00. Kirk wood Repair, 717-529-3299 between 8-8:30 a.m. Rifle; Remmington Model 760 3006 scope and sling, $4OO. (717)862-3131. Safes and Vaults for Sate, Fire Proof. Also Bank Vault for Sale. Will Deliver. (717)845-2350. Signode Banding Machine, auto. Vi * steel banding, $2500. 717/354-3105. Steel Bridge, 56‘ long, 26‘ wide, 52’ high, disas sembled, 25 mues north of Johnstown, PA. 814/674-8756. Turret Lathe, W/S, 20- swing, w/motor, complete, $1250. 717/354-3105. Unipunch and Strippit, I’/. WxB’D $95. 2’/. Wxß’D $2OO, 2’/. WxS’D $250, all like new. 717/354-3105. WANTED: Jewelers safe, vault door, jewelry making tools, equipment, ma chines. Fax 201-948-5458 Phone 201-948-4565. WANTED; Original floor, grainery boards, 2* floor ing, barn beams, tobacco sheds, siding. (717)229-2806. mobile 717/880-4549. WANTED: Used hot water cast iron radiators, any size. 717-354-5071. WANTED: Used tools and machinery. Buy, Sell, Trade, Consign or Finder. B.J. TOOL & SUPPLY, RT 422 W, Myerstown, PA. 1-800-772-9845. Water Conditioner, like new with brine tank, de chlorinator, 115 volt chemi cal feed pump with tank, 120 gal. retention tank, $lO5O. 814/371-8084. Powermatic *66, table aaw 10” 3 hp, Iph w/50" Beismeyer fence system $1200.00. Rockwell 18” planner #22-200 shp 3ph $2600.00. L Power Jointer 16” shp, 3ph $lBOO.OO. Tannewltz 36” band saw #GH shp 3ph #2500.00. Dust system motor snd blower 7 1/2 3ph 12” diameter inlet -11 xl 2" outlet Cyclone 7’ tall barrel 4' diameter and 50-60’ duct work $l5OO 00. Some misc. items. 410-820-6090 RECREATIONAL VEHICLES 1987 Wellcraft 30' Scarab panther, twin 454's Mer cruisors, white w/red trim, cockpit cover, many extras, tandem trailer, garage kept, excellent condition, $35,000. NJ, (609)935-5204. 1990 Sunbird 19% long, 30 inboard out board en gine, like new, used very little. (814)839-4141 (814)839-2918. 76 Dodge Amerigo 21', 42,000 mi., sleeps six, new tires, must see, different, $B5OO. 717/627-1052 Brickerville. Motor Home: 197$ Pace Arrow. 27, rear ba’th, two roof AC units & engine air. all power incl. cruise, 5K gen , 440 Chrysler eng , 46K miles, garage kept, ex cellent condition, $9500 717/355-2253 717/354-0273 WANTED: Dodge Swinger motor home, model R4O, 1973, any condition Call John 717-695-3332 WANTED; Kawasaki Mule. 4x4 or similar type vehicle, good condition. Somerset 814-267-4100. ANTIQUES Opel 1965 Olympia Re tard, 6 cylinder, 4 door se dan, 59,000 Kilometers. $5,000 080 Call (610)275-6185. Sleigh, one horse open, manufactured Waterloo Wagon Works, between 1905 and 1924. Dark red Excellent condition. Photo available. $ 1 600 301-678-6531. AUTOS 1970 AMC Rebel “The Ma chine*. 4spd, AC 26.000 miles, original 390, 340 hp $lO,OOO 080 (610)275-6185. 1972 Chevell, 2 Door HT, No Motor, Restorable, $800; 1968 Chevell 4 Door HT. Good Parts Car. 99% There, -$2OO (301)831-8600 (301)831-3300. 1981 Cadillac Coupe Do Villa, 84K miles, ex.dean, all power, garage Kept, $3lOO 080. 71 7/365-2253, 717/354-0273. 92 Chev Astro CL, ex tended, 42,000 miles, cass, PW, PL, tilt, cruise, ABS, 4.3 V 6, black, gray int., quad seating, $12,000 717/336-7375. CHEWS, FORD'S, etc Cars and trucks. Over 300 vehicles. Every Monday 6:3OPM. PUBLIC AMO DEALERS. YORK SPRINGS PUBLIC AUTO AUCTION, RT 15. York Springs, PA 1-800-222-2038.