C32-Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, March 18, 1995 LANDSCAPE NURSERY VVe have the foOowing positions open for experienced, hand working individuals: DRIVER Hass n license required, must be able to handle plant material DRIVE/LABORER class in license. FOREMAN experienced in all phases of landscape installa tion & construction, strong horticultue knowledge. LONDONDERRY NURSERIES, INC EO. BOX 299 COCHRANVILLE, PA19330 610-857-1816 Person for Building Maintenance Repairs & Lawn Work Must have some carpenter skills. Must have own tools Apply in Person 8 AM,to SPM ESBENSHADE FARMS 220 Eby Chiques Road Mount Joy, Pa 17552 717-653-8061 I f * ASSISTANT SUPERVISORS * ] \ } { For Egg Processing Plant. Must have (j i { good skills in supervising people, Must \ \ i { have ability to learn to operate the 5 ) | ( computer, some mechanical skills helpful, ) | \ \ openings for Full-Time Ist & 2nd Shift } $ ! < Apply in Person > | it 8 AM to 5 PM \\ II ESBENSHADE FARMS \ \ I! 220 Eby Chiques Road \ \ it Mount Joy, PA 17552 \\ EASTERN PA. TERMINAL LOOKING FOR DRIVERS for Tractor/ Dump Trailers - Experience preferred - Long Distance hauling - Eastern U.S. & Canada - Class “A” C.D.L. - Steady work - Home Weekends - Pay based on percentage of gross (ave. 300 a mile) - Raises after 1 year of steady employment - B/C, B/S Family Plan - Paid Holidays - Vacation- Personal Days - D.O.T. Physicals and Drug Tests - Incentive program for new referrals - SIGN ON BONUS - Send Resume to: Lancaster Farming R 6, ROB 609, Ephrata, PA 17522 EGG PACKERS - $6/HOUR “On Call” individuals needed for our egg warehouse during daytime hours M-F Job duties involve packing eggs by hand (no machinery involved) and require indi vidual to be able to lift 20 lbs and stand entire shift We are looking for individuals with flexible daytime schedules to help out as needed Start time is SAM and approx 5-6 hour shifts This is not a regular part time or full time position, but only as need arises. May be very sporadic Stop by our office between 7AM and 5 PM M-F to complete an inquiry form If needed call 1-800-692-6008 for directions. WENGERS FEED MILL. INC. 111 Harrisburg Avenue Rheems, PA 17570 EXCAVATING **** LANDSCAPING Lane. Co. Landscape Co. is seeking several individuals to join our fast-growing team at entry level positions. Experience with farm equipment, landscape equipment, paving equipment, and/or maintenance of equipment is a. plus. Non smoking environment. Starting salary $7.00 to $8.50, depending on experience, plus overtime. Send reply to: Box JB2 Lancaster Farming RO. Box 609 Ephrata, PA 17522 Mycogen Plant Sciences, a National Cutting Edge Employer in Agricultural Seed and Biotech Research, has an immediate opening for a District Sales Manager covering Central and Western Pennsylvania. This position requires the successful candidate to possess a CAN DO ATTITUDE and be able to concentrate on solutions rather than problems. The individual will be responsible for managing, recruiting and training Sales Representatives. The position requires a Bachelor of Science or equivalent agricultural related field experience. Send resume with salary history in confidence to: Mycogen Plant Sciences Bill Snyder, Regional Sales Manager 5 Lockwood Drive, Enola, PA 17025 or fax to: (717) 732-5938 Equal Oi Herdsperson needed on York Co. Swine Farm. Excellent benefits including 401 K program, health insurance and opportunity for advancement. Experience helpful, but will train motivated, responsible person. Positions available in gestation, farrowing and nursery departments. Contact Jim or Bev at Valley Pork, Inc., RD 3, Box 3004, Seven Valleys, PA 17360 717/229-2988 FEED SALESPERSON To assumd duties/develop clients In partially established sales area. Excellent territory many top herds as established clients. Must have sales experience/dairy background. Salary, commission, car and fringe benefits. If you enjoy the dairy business this is a real opportunity to work for an established compa ny with excellent reputation. Will help relocate right person. ALL REPLIES KEPT CONFIDENTIAL Send resumts to: F.M. Brown’s Sons, Inc. Attn: Dr. Carl Brown, Sales Mgr. P.O. Box 67, Birdsboro, PA 19508 1-800-362-6455 - In State 1 -800-367-6455 - Out-Of-State I FARM EQUIPMENT V ■* MECHANIC g D Aggressive and growing farm Tr Y machinery dealership needs ambitious I ■ and talented mechanic to repair used * J equipment and set-up new equipment. JL Engine and welding knowledge Q| 0t needed. Farm Background preferred. *»\ V We Offer: l r ' \ • Pleasant working conditions I I • Paid Blue Cross/Blue Shield \ jj * Retirement Plan m ]4» • Tool Discount « A • Lots of good people to work with. T Y If job security with compensation equal r Jto contribution is your goal, contact: f / Umberger’s Of Fontana Inc vt Rte 4, Box 545 JJ Q Lebanon, PA 17042 Tf \ (717)867-5161 / Htuntty Employ ■ F/T ASST. MANAGER , 1 field PRODUCTION (TRAINEE) 1 - Employment opportunity available with SKH Landacapa Contract Dlvlalon. Previous horticuKure/nurseiy experience desired. Responsibilities include planting of field grown trees, fertilization, application of pesticides and general maintenance of fields. Must be able to lift 80 lbs. Good starting wage and benefit package. Preview in confidence to; James Stauffer Stauffers of Kissel Hill Landscape Center 360 W. Main Street , Leola, PA 17540 E m (717)656-2591 m WANTED SALES REPRESENTATIVE FOR UNIQUE OPPORTUNITY Are you looking for a position that gives you the freedom to work your own hours in a protected territory? Do you want a position that lets you earn as much money as you want or need? Do you want to operate your own business with NO CASH INVESTMENT? The Central Petroleum Company has full and part time openings offering all this and more in Baltimore and Harford Counties, Maryland, plus several SE PA counties. Established in 1911, Cen-Pe-Co manufactures and sells Lubricants, Fuel Additives, Roof and Sidewall Coatings and Paints. To leam more about this commission sales position selling to the Agricultural, Trucking, Construction and Industrial Markets contact; Central Petroleum Company Ron Casper 1449 West 117th Street , Cleveland, Ohio 44107-5101 f 216-521-6630 1 WANTO> Large, modem, Union Co. grain and swine production operation seeks a responsible, quality oriented person, experienced in the operation and maintenance of large farm equipment as well as all phases of grain production, for its grain division. Problem solving, positive attitude required, good salary and benefits. Send resume w/reference and transcript, if available, to: Wiand Farms Inc. RD #l, Box 156 Mifflinburg, PA 17844 717/966-1269 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FREE INFORMATION) Al low the Government to fi nance your farm or small business. Loans/Grants to $687,900. Call 24 hour, free recorded message: (810)825-6700, Dept. 1319. INTO BUSINESS FOR YOURSELF raising Per- WORK AT HOME; Assem sian and Himalayan kit- ble products. Easy work, tens. Fun and very profit- excellent pay. Free details) able. Turnkey operation Send SASE to: Infoser and owner support, vices,3932Sunnysideßd., 301-842-3829. Manheim, PA, 17545. WANTED Owner Operators with Tri-Axle Dump Trucks or Dump Trailers To Haul Stone From S.E. PA To Dover, Del. with Backhaul. Expected' Income of $70,000.00+ Per Year Please Call (610)383-7042 Monday-Friday 8:00 - 5:00 Market Stand for Sale. Have Been Established for IS Years. Items Sold: Out door Lawn Furniture, Gazebos, Gym Set, and Storage Sheds. Bucks County to Central Jersey. (717)354-6703. |££| situ a noNS WANTED Christian family looking to start a dariy nerd. If you can help, call 717-423-6647. Franklin, Cumberland Co, PA. Married Lancaster County man with lifetime dairy background seeking agricultural sales opportunity. Some previous experience in farm sales and delivery. Call (717) 626-0506 |£| BUSINESS Excellent opportunity for ambitious person to apply roof coating to agricultural buildings in Lancaster and Chester Counties. 717-627-3336. Farm for Rent; Includes farmhouse, stone bam and 2 ponds. Located off route 322 between Downingtown and West Chester. For de tails caH (717)739-2373. Firewood Source: Mostly oak, 85 cords, near Kutz town, Berks, $1,360. (610)856-7392. EUJ household 6 plank bottom chairs Peachey, 3841 Ridge Rd. Gordonville, PA, 17529. Kalroic brown gas stove, Warm Morning coal stove and gas heater. 610-857-1741. MAGNETIZER Water conditioners- stop hard water naturally— orig inally $199-$299, now fac tory direct $69.95- For info.— ask your neighbors. Magnetizer Group, Inc. (215)766-6660. APPLIANCES Central PA'a oldest A largest used only appliance store now open In Lebanon. Over ISO rebuilt appliances to select from. All appllsness guaranteed 1 year. w.s. Enterprises 15 S. 9th St. Lebanon, PA 717-272-2408 m PETS 8 week old mixed Beagle pups, shots, wormed, make good rabbit hounds. 717-284-4924. AKC Bloodhound breeders for sale, 1 male, 2 i (emales, 4yrs, $BOO f/all. Boxer pupe & stud service, flashy. Mes sage (717)442-9248. AKC Dalmatian Stud Ser vice $lOO. David E. Stolt zfus, 506 Hensel Road, Kinzers, PA 17S3S. AKC Doberman Stud Ser vice, Blue or Black, Champ blood lines, excel, temper ment. 717-656-0239. AKC Golden Retreiver Pups, shots & wormed, ready to go March 27. Call between 6 and 7 PM 717/354-7502. AKC Great Dane Pup. Fe male, 8 Weeks. Real Nice. $4OO. (717)865-3488. AKC Reg. Great Pyrenees puppies, born mid- February. 717-524-7998 NO Sunday calls.