Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, March 18, 1995, Image 93
KLI FRUITS A ■^VEGETABLES 1 Taking orders for Caulif lower, Broccoli plants, grown in celKlats on float system, $4O a thousand. LONG LANE GREEN HOUSE, 1977 A Mine RD., Paradise. PA 17562. AVAILABLE NOW TYVEK SPRAY SUITS NITRILE GLOVES KABCO HELMETS FOR YOUR PROTECTION FROM PESTICIDES CUTWELL POLE PRUNERS CORONA LOPPERB SMALL BOW SAWS HAND SHEARS FRECON ORCHARD SUPPLIES BOYERTOWN PA 610-367-2933 LANCASTER FARMING'S CLASSIFIED ADS GET RESULTSI. Uy NURSERY Bark mulch and mushroom soil, trailer loads and smaller loads also avail able. German's Coal and Mulch Products, (717)653-9580. Bedding vegetable plant starters available, plugs for transplanting in 406 flats. (410)658-5590. Cara tree spade: all hy draulic, three spades, 32* ball, digs up to 10* trees, $4,500. (717)836-2609. Compost, $4O/cu. yd., large & small amounts. 717/354-3105 Lancaster Co. DIGGER; 24* Care Tree spade, $3500. TREE PLANTER: Single row tree plant design w/planting wheel, $l3OO. Both good condition. ELIZABETH FARMS, Lancaster Co. 717-626-7878. B & B EVERGREENS FINE QUALITY ‘AFFORDABLE PRICE Douglas Fir • Concolor Fir *Blue Spruce . Norway Spruce • Black Hills Spruce • White Pine Austrian Pine ‘Arbomtae ALSO CONTRACT TREE DIGGING . /-a ii CHRISTMAS BARN FARMS AAjrrriMl p.o.boxiss New Rlngold, PA 17960 (717) 386-2107 (717) 943-2891 John (717) 943-2499 Dave DIPPERY'S EVERG REENS Douglas Fir trans plants, Lincoln, 2-2 $45011000. 10,000+ 10% discount B&B evergreens, shade, weeping, and flow ering trees. Call <717)667-6447 or fax (717)667-2229. ELLIOTT'S NURSERY AND CHRISTMAS TREE FARMS SEEDLINGS TRANSPLANTS: Douglas Fir, 2-0 $9O/per 1000; Blue Spruce 2-0 $9O/per 1000; Penn-Spanish Scotch Pine 3-0 $2OO/per 1000; Shrub bery B&B trees. Call for ‘FREE* price list. 717-349-9916; 717-349-7319. EVERGREEN SEEDUNGS & TRANSPUNTS. Spruce, Pine, Fir for Christ mas trees & nursery stock. Write or call for price list Croshaw Nursery, P.O. Box 339, Columbus, NJ. 08022. or call 609-298-0477 Evergreen Seedlings, Pines, Spruces and Firs. 2, 3, and 4 yr. olds. Write for free price list. Habe's Nursery, RO 4, Box 468, Leechburg, PA 15656. 412-842-4397. Let us plant your seedling stock this year) Call for your appointment (717)362-9649. ©M.H. MARTIN LANCASTER COUNTY, PA (717) 738-1312 MUSHROOM MULCH-Delivered 100 bu. $75.00 300 bu. $llO.OO 1200 ba $210.00 BARK MULCH-Delivered 5 yds. $140.00 10 yds. $250.00 , 15 yds. $330.00 MB: Douglas, Hamlocfc, Whlto Pint, White Bias and Norway Spraoo.' ©jp©(§3siE fftjaoa guM (Sag Call or write for price list Showers Christmas Tree Farm 630 Clearview Road Aspers, Adams Co, PA, 17304 717/677-6494, Rick; 717/677-6816, Office; 717/677-6881, Clair Near Klingerstown. 12' Douglas Fir, Dig (or $6.00/each, 100 minimum. 717-758-9177. For Wreaths, S3.SO/each Roundup: 2% gallon jugs, $lOO, 30 gallon drums $l,OOO. (717)667-6447. SPECIAL PRICES: Pin Oaks $3O- $55. Bradford Pears $6O. Aristocrats Pears $35- $65. Golden Weeping Willows $35.. Or ders over $5OO an addi tional 10% discount Ber mudian Valley Nursery, York County, (717)292-6697. TREE PUNTERS: 3 mod els, plant trees from 3" see dlings to 10‘ shade trees. Rentals also available. Also Available: Tree Boss ier B&B-a 1-MAN tree loading and unloading sys tem. TREE PUNT DE SIGN INC. RD 1, Box 104, New Ringgold, PA 17960 717-386-3515. TREE SPADES « EQUIP MENT: All excellent condi tion, 40' Care Tree cone $7500; 40* Rokor curved cone $7000; 28* Care Tree truncated $4500; 32* Ro kor curved cone $4900; Also, Case W-14 articu lated loader w/bucket and forks, $ll,OOO. Would con sider trade for good used equipment 717-887-1789, M-F, 7-4:30. rhododendrons Azaleas Nursery Stock Herbs Perennials Coopera Creek Farm Nursery 371 Beasley Neck Road Salem. New Jersey 08079 609-935-1113 David L. Rocktoff Sharon G. Rocktoff Stone Mountain Premium Growers P.O. Box 151 MHfllntown, PA 17059 717-436-9564 717-436-9690 FAX Cut Tree • BAB • Seedlings A Transplants SEEDLINGS A TRANSPLANTS nflOO oat 1000 nwlOD nf IMP 3-0 10-14 mm $lOO.OO 44 10-10- $lO.OO $200.00 3-0 11-20 30.00 110.00 2-2 *l4-20 100.00 020.00 2-2 12-10 00.00 324.00 2-2 20-24 110.00 070.00 2-2 10-24 104.00 02040 BAB TRAILER PRICING Machine Dug In Wire Baskets Fa—f Fir CohmlaßhM s«m.»—m W $31.00 BDm WhHsHrf r-r 46.00 r-r r-r rr r-r r-r r-r Itoiwiif Pr t* *22M r-r 2100 v-r moo T-tt 4100 Colorado Or—n Onnira 11100 1100 MOO 37.00 47.00 moo Hawvi WhH« ’-4' (12.10 '■C 1400 W 2100 ’T *2.00 *4’ 42.00 f4 1 H.OO '-10' 7400 0V 01.00 r-r r-r r-r r-r r-r r-r TREES: Super fast grow- ing hardy trees. For info send S.A.S.E. to Aus tree East, 649 S. Ramona Road, Myerstown. PA 17067. Turf Tires and Wheels for JD 1250 4WD tractor; 2 front wheels & tires (9.5x16), 2 rear wheels, 1 rear tire (18.4x16.1). Make offer) Lancaster Co. 717/872-0755. Wanted: Used 24* tree spade in good condition 717 A OO AO*y> CROSHAW&tM NURSERY wk EVERGREEN Seedlings & Transplants RO. Box 339 ■ Mill Lane Columbus, N.J. 080EE Call or Write for Price List (609) 298-0477 (609) 298-6388 Jfl* We Care About Our Trees & Customers SHEcVfuND FORESTS SHEERLUND FORESTSINC. 1995 Balled and Burlapped Tree Price List Type Size 1-9 Each 10 or More Douglas Fir 3-4’ $22.00 $16.00 4- 5- Douglas Fir 4-5’ RowßunNo.2 5-6’ Southwestern 3-4' White Pine 4-5' 5-6’ Located 3 miles south of Reading on Route 625 or call for more Information (610)777-9351 All sales are made with the understanding that we shall not be liable in the event of crop loss, or of damage from other causes over which we have no control. Trees must be picked up no later than date specified, or other date mutually agreed upon. It not called for by that date, the order may, at seller's option, be cancelled, and trees revert to seller and deposit will be forfeited. A 25% deposit is required with all orders. Payment in full must be made before pickup or timb of delivery. Customer is responsible for freight charges. $23.00 3200 3000 4100 r-r r-*’ r-r r-i’ moo 32.00 40.00 3000 13.00 72.00 WhHiPIM r-r 31100 r-r 20.00 r-r 2000 r-r not r-r moo r-ir moo White and Austrian pine, blue spruce, 5-9 foot, $lO each, 200 minimum. (717)584-4055. 20.00 27.00 15.00 20.00 16.00 22.00 27.00 27.00 37.00 20.00 25.00 22.00 27.00 35.00 f . EVERGREEN i t m SEEDLINGS & j V TRANSPLANTS ) V Beautiful fir, hemlock, pine & i f spruce transplants are now j « n {WR available for Spring ‘95 J f D TWIN BROOK \ 304,30-Cat. 10hp, $1,485. { PLANTATIONS i (610%6?9818 9r U * ed ~ f RR 2, Box 2070 I Carefree stabilizer for 1845 b Shickshinny, PA 18655 *. Case skid loader, $5OO. JO V 1-800-595-GROW f *75 front loader. $l,OOO. { 717-256-3440 FAX j &&%S{n£TnS 9t ‘ \ Order Now For Best Selection ’ ■— t ' “Pioudly Serving The Fussiest f Boys In The Business” Creeping Phlox (Mt. Pinks) Four colors, seven varieties 2 quart basket $1.40 each Wholesale only. Also Candy Tuft, Perennial’s and Ground Covers Send For List Or Call 609/767-1690 or 609/767-2363 609/767-2263 FAX Bridge View Farms & Nursery Waterford, NJ 08080-0540 Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, March 18, 199! GREEN HORIZON FARM 100 Guy’s Lane, Bloomsburg, PA 17815 Jt Growers of Quality Evergreens Fir • spruce Pine • Hemlock CALL NOW FOR PRICE LIST 1-800-553-6778 Crawford Evergreens £ Wholesale/Price List Spring 1995 Christmas trses, transplants and seedlings Top quality, low prices per 100 Douglas Fir (Lincoln) 2 year seedlings 2-0 6-12” $ 27.00 3 year eeedlings 3-012-20” $ 30.00 4 year seedlings 4-014-24” $35.00 4 year tranapiants 2-214-20" $ 90.00 syear tianephnls 2-320-30” $ 99.00 6 year transplants 2-4 26-36” $150.00 Concolor Fir 5 year transplants 2-312-24” 3 year seedlings 3-0 6-12” Norway Spruce 5 year seedlings 14-24” Conservation Grade Black Hills Spruce 5 year seedlings 5-012-20” Blue Spruce 3 year seedlings 3-08-18” 4 year aeedlinga 4-012-20” 5 year seedlings 5-0 20-30" Conservation Grade $30.00 $150.00 4 year transplants 2-2 8-18” $85.00 $450.00 5 year transplants 2-312-24” $95.00 $475.00 6000 or more 20% discount Come See Our Trees Call or Write Crawford Evergreens Wayne Crawford RR #l, Box 216 Port Royal, PA 17082 (717)527-4555 Days (717) 527-2589 Evenings 15429 par 1000 $135.00 $150.00 $175.00 $450.00 $495.00 $650.00 $525.00 $225.00 $llO.OO $ 45.00 $150.00 $30.00 $150.00 $30.00 $125.00 $150.00 $30.00 $30.00 LAWN A GARDEN Ford 25. 4W steer, JD 60’ deck, like new, 293 hrs., $7500. 717-529-2051. JD 140 w/mower, $1500; JD 110 w/mower $950; Ma han sickle mower, fits 110-216, $350. 717-243-9975 evenings. JO lawn tractors 111 hy drostatic $675; 111 gear $400; 108 $400; 110 $4OO. Mercer, NJ. 609-896-0455. Red decorative patio blocks for sale, 12x16x2, $1.75/ea. Many available. 215-754-6298. Ryan Mataway Over seeder (slit/seeder), lOhp, l/C, B&S engine, like new, used only 3 days, over $3500 new, will sell $l6OO. 717-875-4555. Woods model# RM9O-2 finish mower deck w/safety chains, 3ph‘, used only one season, likeVtew, kept in doors, $2,500. (215)3461872,