Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, March 18, 1995, Image 90
C26-Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, March 18, 1995 BBSF ======= Neck BEI POULTRY i Key-Cross Mutant Pheasants ■H SUPPLIES and Canadian Goose Goslings —— Cross Keys Pheasantry 1000 Sex-link pullets, P.O. Box 594 ” Hollidaysburg. PA 16648 Weaver, 1190 Indiantown (814) 695-3063 Road, Stevens, PA 17578. COMPLETE RODENT CONTROL PROGRAM WE DO THERMAL FOGGING • Disinfects •Insecticide • Long Lasting Fog Kills all types of beetles and insects in hard to reach areas that cause structural damage. We recommend fogging in addition to our regular spraying. I [COMPLETE PEST CONTROL PROGRAM I Programs available for rodent, 'fly and ■■ '' i 1 beetle control, life can tailor a 1 "' program to suit needs., Don’t let rats and mice eat your profits! for More Information Call BEITZEL’S SPRAYING Witmer, PA 17585 Since 1961 717-392-7227 Toll Free 1-800-727-7228 7:00 AM to 5:00 PM CERTIFIED COMMERCIAL APPLICATORS LICENSED 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE INSURED (Spraying Since 1961) RADIO DISPATCHED TRUCKS wmeemmewmeeeeeeeewm ocexeKceceieeeieeeixie) ■- .7T **2* \\ “”j. Btin H L L Emu Farm \ \ Laying < f |(7l7lMW*4Bo| 143 Eggs Total-134 fertile from 2 split rhea hens in 1994. A few yearling hens for sale. This is high pro duction. Stepping Stone Farm (PA). Our first 95 egg laid 2/12. 717/677-8010. Pre-selling 95 chicks and a small amount of eggs. 8 month old Rhea's, 13 month old Emu's. 1995 Rhea and Emu chicks. 717-665-5563. EMU EGGS $l5O/each; Chicks $4OO/each. Call for quantity discount. Breed ing pairs of imports & domestics. Good layers, high fertility. Call for price or interesting trades 215/721-0555. EMUS. High quality. All ages. Reasonable prices. All oMers considered. 717-265-8783. Emu Yearlings, good lay ing stock, $BOO. 2 White female llamas. 717/738-2044 No Sunday Calls OSTRICHES! 3 to 5 months old. Strong large birds Unrelated pairs. Bird-in-Hand (717)768-3628. Ostriches for sale: Mike Englezakis blood line, Shippensburg, PA. (717)532-2915. Processing Ratite Seminar by CORE April 22, 1995, Gettysburg, PA, area. $3B/person includes meal. (717)624-3483 (717)677-9700 for details. RHEA'S; Whites, grays, splits. Large healthy birds. Lancaster., PA. 717-464-0812. Rhea breeder pair, micro chipped, good fertility, $l,OOO. (717)733-2740. Wt WtWt jt Emu Chicks, 1995 Hatch, $225/Each 4 2 Breeder Rheas, $lOOO/ Pair. T T Taking orders for 1995 Rhea T 2 Chicks, $125/each. Jt All birds home raised, parents 2 u onpremises. J T 610/987-3020 * r* ¥»* w VT»t 1 THIS WEEK’S SPECIAL | X PAIR EMU'S i | $l,OOO/PR. | j OFFER EXPIRES || I TUESDAY. 3/21/95 \ 11-800-333-3548 | "i Blue Neck Ostriches 1 pair 7 month old $2500 1 pair 18 month old $5OOO *95 Emu chicks $4OO/ea *94 Emu SIOOQ/ea Dave Kulp (717)664-3175 HFEEDt SEED Corn Silage, Haylage, Hi* moisture Com for sale. All excellent quality. 717-769-7550. IW FEEDS, W/M SEED 1500 bales early June cut ting no rain alfalfa, broom grass, Timothy: 500 bales second cuttin 717/659-5949 evenings. 200' Ag Bag of Com Silage For Sale. $25/Ton. Mt. Joy. (717)653-4748. 269 NH baler, engine good condition, $1000; MC rot ary scythe. 78 Furnace RD, Quarryville, PA (1 mile {west of Gerogetown). 2nd cutting Timothy. 4x4xB bales, S7S/per ton, deliv ered. Straw $lOO/per ton delivered. 717-534-1253. 3,000 bushel barley, 1,500 bushel oats. Will deliver. Berks County, (610)488-1965. 3rd Cutting Alfalfa, Treated w/Silo King. Can Deliver. (717)359-9052. 3rd cutting alfalfa, good quality, tested. Orchard grass. Southern Lancaster County. Call after 7:3opm, (717)548-3504. 40 4x4 round bales of good 2nd & 3rd cutting Alfalfa. 500 lbs. $l5/per bale. Also, 200 square bales of soy bean straw. 717-694-3917 NO Sunday calls. ALFALFA. 4x4 wrapped high moisture baleage, chemical free. Price re duced. Guaranteed. Can deliver. Lebanon Co. 717-865-6220. ALFALFA. Orchard Grass. Ist, 2nd cuttings. ROM RERS MILL FARM, Lan caster 717-687-7170. Alfalfa and timothy in small bales and big bales. (717)532-8713. Alfalfa and mixed hay, 1000 lbs., 4x5 round bales, nice Ist and 2nd cutting; Buck Wheat straw, small bales. 814-736-8266 Cam bria Co. Alfalfa and Grass Hay, No Rain. Call 814-364-1296. Alfalfa and mixed hay, Ist & 2nd cuttings, $9O-$llO, add $2O/ton delivered. 717/872-2909. Alfalfa Hay Ist & 2nd cut ting, tested; Ist cutting Ti mothy; Wheat straw. All 4x4xB bales, stored inside. Can deliver. 814-848-9753. Alfalfa haylage, Ist cutting. Will load from AG bag. 717-535-5820. Alfalfa hay, mixed orchard grass, barley straw. Akron, Lancaster Co., (717)859-1523. Alfalfa wrapped round bales cheap, a little mold. Berks County. (717)933-8269. Approx. 200 ton haylage in silo. Approx. 500 ton com silage in silo. Approx. 50 ton high moisture ground ear corn in bag. (717)786-4771. BREAKTHROUGH Revo lutionary new biotech pro duct shortens growing sea son or produces up to 300% greater yield on cer tain vegetables and crops. Environmentally safe and nontoxic. Not a fertilizer. For more info send name & address. Include $4 S&H to Beams ter Co.. 3061 Rup pert Road, York, PA 17404. BUYING HAY: Timothy Orchard Grass, Buying for Large Mushroom Farm in Chester County, Top Dollar. Using 18,000 Tons Yearly. Paid By The Load. Call Harry (610)932-9457. Buy your hay direct from the farm, eliminate the dealer. Alfalfa and mixed hay. Can deliver. Call for price. (717)532-8601 CORN SILAGE FOR SALE, chopped w/kernel processor. Delivery avail able. 717/872-9152, 717/872-4058. Corn Silage, High Moisture Ground Ear Corn, Hay, Straw. Delivery available. Chester County. (610)932-8999. Corn Silage out of AG Bag, Horse and Cow, Hay good quality. Delivery Square Bales, No Rain available. 717-786-1458. $l.OO. (301)447-2635. Corn Silage- Pioneer addi tive. Quarryville Area. 717/548-2760 No Sunday Calls. Corn savage, lop quality AgriKing treated, delivery or pick-up. 717-898-7689. Corn silage for salo. Deliv ery can be arranged. Ches ter County. (610)932-5274. Corn silage for sale, deliv ery available. Gap, Lan caster Co. 717-442-4690. Corn silage for sale $23 ton, at silo. Kirkwood area. 717-529-3107. Dairy quality 4x4 wrap ar ound bales alfalfa hay call Carl. 717-867-1227. Dry round bales of quality alfalfa, stored inside and wrapped haylage bales. Barley straw and mix of oats and alfalf square bales. 410-838-5971. Dry Shelled Corn & Roasted Soybeans. Stump Acres 717/792-3216. York Co. Dry shelled corn, cleaned, high test weight. (717)733-4516. Early Cut Timothy Grass Mix Hay. $1.25 Bale. (717)434-2103. Susque hanna Co. First cutting good quality alfalfa baleage. Delivery available. No Sunday calls 717/258-6682. First cutting alfalfa in round bales, $9O/ton delivered. (717)532-8601. First cutting alfalfa hay, good quality. Can deliver. Harford Co., MD, (410)452-5634 evenings; (410)462-8655 days. For Sale: First, Second. Cutting Grass Hay, Mixed Hay. Corn. (717)272-5052. For Sale: Orchard grass hay, 4x5 round bales, stored inside and out. York Co.. 717-266-2672 after 7 p.m. GOOD CORN SILAGE. DELIVERED IN YOUR SILO. High protein or regu lar. Satisfaction guaran teed. GARBER'S SILAGE SALES. Willow Street. 717-464-2894. Good Alfalfa Hay, $75/Ton at the Barn, Past 18% Pro tein. (814)237-7763. Good Alfalfa Hay for sale, round or square bales. 610/286-6726. • Good Corn Silage, Delivery Available. Will Blow Ag- Bag in Silo. 717/393-1490. Good Meadow Hay, Mixed Hay and Wheat Straw for sale. Manheim 717-665-2284. Grass Hay in Big Square Bales, Stored Inside, 13.6 Protein, $65/Ton at the Barn. Can Deliver. (717)359-9052. HAY AND STRAW. Con tract your 1995 supply. Domestic & international service. Heidel Hollow Farm 610/767-1408. HAY AND STRAW (or horses and dairy. We de liver. L.J. HAY, INC. 1-800-622-9902. HAY FOR SALEH Excel lent quality. Call anytime. 410-658-4501. Hay and straw for sale. Can Deliver. 717-393-4683 Call 7AM. Hay For Sale, Heifer Dairy Horse Hay, Small Squares or Round Bales. (717)258-5224. You Call, We Haul. Hay for sale. Round bales $l7/each, square bales $l.lO/each. Days 614/695-8478, evenings & weekends 814/695-3421. Haylage $35.00/ton. Corn silage $20.00/lon, delivery avail. .Lebanon. Co., 717-865-4159. Hay for Sale) 717/862-3213; 717/927-9483 Hay and straw for sale. STUMP ACRES (717)792-3216, York Co. Horse hay and straw. Will deliver with pickup. Lan caster County, (717)653-4416. Horse quality timothy hay and second cutting timothy and mixes; also some first cutting alfalfa for sale. (215)766-0534. Large round bales of alfalfa hay, stored inside. Can de liver anywhere, approxi mate 10 ton loads. Call (614)355-0412. Mixed hay, $75/ton. Picked up at the barn. 717-367-7745. Lancaster Co New Jersey horse and dairy hay and straw, can deliver. 908/782-5304. Open pollinated seed com $2B-$3O bushel. High pro tein feed silage and grain. Will ship. (419)657-6727. Quality horse hay for sale. Call Shawn Eberly 717-336-4241. Lancaster Co Ri id bales: timothy <ourK >aii clover mix, straw, stored in side. Can deliver. (610)381-3043. Sale: Corn silage, high moisture ground ear com, wrapped round alfalfa bales. Lancaster 717/786-3918, 717/786-2371. Seed Oats for sale. 717-792-3216. York County. Soybean/Milo Mixed Hay, 80 Large Round Bales, Dusty, Ideal for Beef Cows. $l5/Bale. (302)424-4570. Soybean straw, small square bales, bale dty, no noxious weeds, S4S/ton at the barn. Delivery avail able. 610-285-2309. Straw for sale: nice bright wheat, $2/bale. Delivery can be arranged. (610)932-5274 SWEET CORN SILAGE: Good protein content, keeps well in warm weather, $l4/per ton, good heifer and dry cow feed. Mixed with field corn, $24/per ton. Will deliver. CLYDE KREIDER, Lancaster PA Wanted ALFALFA HAY Contact Our Farm at (610)584-9198 BUYING WET EAR CORN Wet Shelled Soybeane Contract or Dally Price Picked Up At Field Or Delivered To Menhelm (717) 665-4785 (717) 665-9463 NOLL GRAIN Manheim, PA RISSER GRAIN Buying & Selling Ear & Shelled Com, Wheat, Barley & Soybeans. Roasted Soybeans For Sale Holtwood, PA 717-284-4628 717-284-3362 B.K.IAIDGT 1225 Colcbrook Rd. S Marietta, PA 17547 . BUYING EAR CORN, SHELLED CORN 8c WHEAT (7X7) 653-2810 1 (800) 654-2810 Spot or contract prloas available EAR CORN FOR SALE DELIVERED TO THE FAR! Spencer Hill Farm selling all types of hay. 717/942-6466 FREE ROUND BALES ORCHARD GRASS CALL KIM 717/566-8131 uaasi 5,000 bales of Bright Timothy Hay and 5,000 bales of Bright Timothy and Alfalfa Hay, horse quality, $9O per ton. 2,000 bales Timothy and Alfalfa Hay $7O per ton 814-749-0879 Wanted Mulch Hay 610-869-2078 John H. Lloyd HIGH MOISTURE SHELLED CORN Delivery Available John T. Wlker 322 River. Hill Rd. Conestoga. PA 717/872-4209 Alfalfa Seed Taking Orders. * Tested for germinatio/i and purity. * Will ship UPS. * $1.65/lb., * 50 lb. bags. Homestead Nutrition Inc. (717)354-4398 WANTED Good quality Ear Com. Paid at scale. Eugene Garman R.D. #3 Sch. Haven 717-739-4469 RAIN