Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, March 18, 1995, Image 89
SWINE ARNOLD’S 95 th HOG SALE Saturday Afternoon l:OOP.M. April 8, 1995 Lebanon Fairgrounds, Lebanon, Pa. Auctioneer - Harry Bachman - (717) 867-1809 AU-000033-L CROSSBRED ■ DU ROC - HAMPSHIRE - LANDRACE - YORKSHIRE SO BRET> OTLTSlMwiidmwtwd due April thru June. Registered & Crossbred. Many of these mated to make excellent quality litters of show pigs. BO TESTED SERVICE BOARS I Growth, backfat & loin figures will be furnished on all boars. REAL TIME ULTRASONIC SCANNING by Mike Cherchuck (717) 258-1056 since 1989. 1073 Yorkshire boars scanned to date average 250 pounds, .76 backfat (.68 adjusted/230#) 5.52 loin eye. IOPEN GILTS I Approximately 40 head IPROJECT FEEDER PIGS I 100 head May-June-July shows. Sale Order: Feeder pigs, bred gilts, boars & open gilts. All animals vaccinated for rhinitis, erysipelas, lepto & parvo. Validated brucellosis & pseudorabies free herds. Herd health Dr. Tim Trayer. 1-800-222-4084 Project Feeder Pig Sale: April 29th 100-150 head. Guest Consignors. Lebanon, Pa. Leon L. Arnold 355 Schaeffer Rd. Lebanon, PA 17042 717-273-5880 Private Sale: Service Boars Yorkshire, Hampshire & Blackline. 'Scanned Jan. 14,1995. Some SUPER Boars $3OO to $5OO Consigning To New York Breeders Sale. Saturday, March 25, 1995, Pavilion. NY. Catalog Call 716-343-4525 Delivery To New England Late March) mEjHOGEQUPHENT supplies Catalogs Available Call or Write Lawrence Arnold 38 W. Four Point Rd. Womelsdorf, PA 19567 717-933-8153 McConaughey’s Club Pig and Lamb Sale April 22, 1995 1:00 PM at the farm Selling 100 plus- Purebred Duroc and Hampshire, and DxH cross pigs. Selling 10-15 Purebred Suffolk and Dorset Lambs. Watch for more information in future issues. Mahoning Creek Farms Clyde McConaughey A Family RD «1 Box 133 Smlcksburg, PA 16256 (412) 286-9671 uEjHOG EQUPUENT WKM& SUPPLIES Farrowing Crates Com plete w/Stainless Steel Feeder 18, Sow and Piglet Waterers. Excellent Condl toin. $5O Each Takes All. Pregtone II Pregnancy Checker S7S. Berks Co. (610)562-7388. WANT Hog nursery modular unit (717)656-7754 13 POULTRY i ■ SUPPLIES Aqua Magic egg Washer, grader w/Peco egg lift, 10* rod conveyor; Stando matic cage feeder for lay ing hens. 717/426-2975. Cash for Chucker, Quail, Squab, Silky, Rabbits, Muscovy Ducks, Mallard Ducks. BO BO POULTRY WHOLESALE MARKETS. 718-386-1117 6am-3pm. Ducklings: French selected hybrid muscovy ducklings available year 'round. Call Doug Wemhold (or pricing. Days (717)364-4424; evenings (717)354-9685. |EJ POULTRY t SUPPLIES EMU's: breeder's chick and one coming 2 female. Call before 12pm or after spm. (410)482-6288. Farmer Automatic, Cage systems for pullets and lay ers, 4-5-6 decks, 410-833-1840. G&S Hatchery 609/769-9689: Ring Neck pheasant chicks 25-100 $.BO/each, 101-500 $.70/each, 500-1000 $.60/each. Wild turkey chicks $3.00/each or $2.50/each over 100. Ducklings: Muscovys 25-150 $l.OO/each, 151-1000 $.BO/each; Mal lard ducklings 25-150 $l.OO/each, 151-1000 S.BQ/each. Guineas 25-100 $l.OO/each, 151-1000 $.BO/each. 10% extra free. Canadian Geese Avail able, call for price. Northern Bobwhite quail hatching eggs, $22.50 per 100; chicks, .35 each, 5% extra. Order now for 1995 season. (717)653-6086. Ringneck Pheasants, day old chicks, $750 per 1,000 top quality. Order now, B&B PhwAnrey. (908)735-6501. Used Farmer Automatic equipment for 40,000 birds w/belt manure system, good condition. Priced for quick sale. Also, Diamond 70 egg packer, good condi tion. Asking $l5OO. 410-756-6781. WANTED: Incubator, new or used, 200 or more egg capacity. 610/760-0434. WANTED: Used Poultry Drum Picker, Cleaning Table. Buttonwood Game Preserve. (908)454-8377. FOR PURE MUSCOVY DUCKLINGS THAT ARE NOT HYBRID AND HAVE THE FIRMEST MEAT. ASK FOR THE HOFFMAN MUSCOVY PUCK CALL FOR OUR LOW PRICES. ALSO, FRENCH GUINEAS, EMBDEN GOSLINGS PPPP CATALOG ON GOSUNGS. DUCKLINGS. CHICKS? TURKEYS. GUINEAS, BANTAMS, PHEASANTS, QUAIL, CHUKARS. SWANS. MEDI CATIONS. EQUIPMENT AND BOOKS. 717-365-3407 HOFFMAN HATCHERY BOX 129. 6RAIZ. PA 17030 STARTED CAPONS AND CAPONIZING Very Lew Slip Percentage BCHOPF BROS. Well Feathered Bird 3493 Marietta Ave. Great 4-H Project Lancaster, PA 17601 Alto Available: Started (717) 235-7748 Pallets A Live or Greeted Gene or Jim Market Weight Capone. Additional Pickup Locations humuib/immi c* Mm Mft ftMlllftanMn o*. MaHUMpiCe SCHOPF BROS. CHUKAR CHICKS 690 Buy 1000 Plus Postage Guaranteed Live Delivery 10,000 weekly WOLFE’S GAMEBIRD HATCHERY RD #2 Box 359 Brookville, Pa. 15825 (814)849-3430 BOBWHITE QUAIL CHICKS $4O per 100 Eggs $l5 per 100 JAPANESE CORTUNIX QUAIL $35 per 100 Eggs $l5 per 100 NPIP Approved Started Chicks and Adults Available. Can Ship Eggs & Chicks ELI EBBRSOL 558 Gibbons Rd. Bird-In-Hand, Pa 17505 717-656-1485 Leave Message Goslings, Ducklings, Guineas, Turkeys, Chicks, Bantams, Pheasants, Chuckars, Quail, Books and Equipment Rseslvs hsalhty 3’/. weak old surgically caponlztd chicks I All Size Orders Accepted I Largo or Small | Uki AiMWtpw o*. »l m U * MW CMiWRiVI Ntl PntMugJNY Lancaster Farming, Saturday, March 18,1995-C25 I If yon didn't get us, you probably paid too much. With old fashion work ethics we will wash to your satisfaction. All your washing needs. WiU Travel. Chicken Houses - Veal Barns - etc. RAY EAGER & SONS 717-949-3212 Leave Message pennfleld corporation BROILER HOUSES NEEDED • NEW OR EXISTING HOUSING CONSIDERED • LANCASTER, LEBANON. AND WESTERN BERKS COUNTY AREAS PLEASE CONTACT: VERNON REAM (717) 865-5086 FREE NEW 1995 CHICK & TURKEY CATALOG “WHOLESALE PRICES” Jumbo Cornish Cross, Sexlinks, Golden Reds, Leghorns, W. Rocks, Barred Rocks, Guineas, Pheasants, Ducks, Goslings Plus Buff Orpingtons, Araucans, Golden Laced Wyandottes. Booking Orders Now For Large Broadbreasted Whites And Giant Brohsfe Turkey Poults. Special Wholesale Prices New For 199510 Day to 2 Week Old Started Turkey Poults. Call For Super Low Prices. m Write or Phone For Free Catalog Today We Guarantee You The Best Quality And Lowest Prices Anywhere PHONE (717) 426-3411 REICH POULTRY FARMS MARIETTA, PA 17547 H i — J Northeast Agri Systems Your Authorized / s/ s/ s/j MASTER (W®W DISTRIBUTOR serves the needs of the Poultry, Dairy & Swine Industries • Bulk feed bins in a wide variety of capacities, for anyspplication • Genuine Chore-Time FIXX-AUGER* . feed delivery flexible auger systems _ j • Broiler & broiler breeding feeding ■ JT,I syslems including the new Chore-Time mr Model 2000 and fhe Model C feeders *>; • Fans & Complete ventilation Systems 2L including the new lan oscillator • Innovative CHORt-TIME/SWISH watering lor any kind of poultry applicalion • Chore-Time's exclusive MEAL-TIME* | pig and hog feeding and watering RCw-i Jtii • Chore-Times produchon-boosbng cow n/nO] feeding system lor dairy operations ”fl Shenandoah I I MOODERS _ [| * ■_ TOLL FREE CUSTOMER SERVICE NUMBER: 1-800-673-2580 [ : T 2 Northeast Agrl Systems, Inc flywav Suihwi Portt JSuSwiwß 139 A WMt Airport Rood MO mz PA 17643 ‘’TwrS-i^B Ptl (717)669-2702 1-800-673-2580 9 it , ft 1 a* J