Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, March 18, 1995, Image 86
Cg-UKtt*, mm, M«h «, 1.95 WmaJ; Registered W*!; n a*ais»a riswjar l SSwar^-® ■Si CATTLE good type. Enos Herchber- HH ger, 381 N. Little Britian GERLACH Rd., Quarryvilla PA 17566. SIMMENTALS If MULVANEY LIVESTOCK SERVICES (10) Holstein milk cows s Mted Black Manheim, PA Top Prices For pnced y GRANDE l/ITsI by Black 717/665-6982 DOWN & QRiPPLED QATTLE FARM 610-944-0541 Mick. Eves. COWS, Bulls Cull COWS, Bulls & Steers Berks Co- Service Age Reg. Holstein & Heifers All cattle paid on Hanging Hot weight 12 tame polled Hereford Bulls with good pedigree. 1 _ BO O-789-2697 Of 610-258-1670 voss. feeder steers and cnoice »° ° w loifoxa 7SO lb aua 717/899-6893. _ B , Serving PA counties - Northampton, Lehigh. Berks, t RB/rlr ’ih 717 —: : . For Sale Lancaster & Parts of Lebanon & Chester Regß 2To^ ss - L AtoL^Bfflsar portanJ SoSS ssf* s3o °- ’ ' g°: d la p s e t d s 15 Close up Holstein heif- Service Bulls for Sale. of March RTTV DOWN Ar TNT TTmirTt jrs, well grown. Sires include: Curious, BUY UUWH S INJURED c 2 Washinflton SSSSTroSTpeESi liJi 7) 626^ 5 . 06 CATTLE # —i Farms, Bam-spm, 100 Mile Radius Of Harrisburg, Pa. £rSa?Ssi'2£ L 717145 8 prompt Paympnt-Top PrtcePald ,17/758-3834. JKU3SSS.SS I Co.tom J JOHN JONES 17 Holstein Heifers to three heifers, (all open) 7 Freezing JL ___ _____ reshen March/April; 4 and one bull calf. All heifers 7 w ..n. T 717-249-7685 Res. ;ross breeds also to and bull calf sired by High- 7 * .... _. reshen. 717/297-3754, wayman. (410)242-7281 or £ On "our Farm 717-432-4225 Shop 717/297-2812 Bradford (814)267-5663. £ .CompM*# SIMMENTALS: Weanling. * Mobile Unit 19 Charolais cows; (1) An- heifers and bulls. Polled, jus. Vi Charolais; (1) purebreds. large selec- Sharolais bull. Phone tions. Outstanding indivi -717-259-7090. duals. 301-972-4437. ?0 Holstein cows some re jistered, all stages. 717-739-1181. 12 Reg. Jersey cows, in cudes Ex. Bold, Venture, srojected M.E. 16,250, 88 3rigader, M.E. 16,150, IOVQ, young herd, vacci lated, high indep. Call 110-775-7693. ’5O cow parlor herd, high reduction w/strenth to en lure it. Al sired. A rare op xirtumty to buy a top regis ered herd at a commercial jnce. (717)284-3562. ’ Holstein Cows from over stocked herd, sired by .eadman, one has dam 3PBI 27,000 M, both just resh, 2&3years old. 717/656-4858. 30 Head Holstein Dairy -lerd. You pick from 35. 501 b. avg., low SCC, (1050/each. 717/253-5329. 30 Head Most Polled Here ord Bred to Saler Bull for Spring Calves, 10 Calves 3n Ground, 6 Open Here -ord Heifers, 650 Lb. ;609)455-5918. 3 Purebred Simmental Yearling Bulls, Sired By Highwayman, Pollfleck and Cactus Red. Ready for Spring Breeding. $BOO Each. (717)933-8561. 40 Cow Holstein Herd cur rently averaging. 65lbs. milk/day, top Al sires repre sented. Bradford Co. 717/265-8280. 42 Cow Holstein Herd, V 4 reg , 21,D00M, 16 first calf. A family herd for genera tions. 717/284-3562. 45 Steers. 600-700#, most black, few crossbred. 70 heifers, 700-Bfio#, most all crossbred. Call Gary 717/538-2237 days, 717/538-9059 evenings. 60 Holsteins, ave. wt. 60lbs. low SCC, 814-847-2238. 75 Angus heifers, 550-600#, $450. Can graze until fall. (703)382-3071. (8) Holstein heifers, 4-5 months old. out of 100#M cows. $3,000. (301)898-7426. Registered Holstein bulls, any age. Dams records up to 30,000 milk, 1,200 fat; also 1 red & white. Stump Acres, 717-792-3216, York County. Registered Angus Heifers and Bulls. (814)733-4908. Registered Milking Short Horn. 2 Years Old. Former 4-H Project, Due in March. Montgomery County, PA. (610)287-7027 Before BPM Registered Red & White Holstein Bull, Born 3/29/93, Out of Dam Ladies-Manor Sugar Kid-Red Sired By Weathervu Harry-Et. (717)862-3639. Simmental cattle, quality polled heifers, bulls & club calves. 410/442-1546 eves.. Small Commercial Beef Herd. 20 cows, some calves, 3’4 year old Angus bull Separately or all. 717/263-3996. 717/264-4550. Springing Holstein heifers for sale. 1 Reg. Out of home raised herd avg. 22,000 m, 790 f. Perry Co. 717-438-3205. Started Holstein dairy heif ers, large groups available, taking orders for April, starting at $275/head. (215)766-0534. Three sixteen month Hols tein heifers, one year old, from good herd. Also, Jersey bulls, one to four months old. 10.00-20 tire on rim, good, $5O. Berks, (610)856-1103. WANTED TO RENT sum mer pasture for .heifers Southeastern PA. 717/626-6845. WANT TO BUY: 20-30 head, 700-800# feeder steers. (717)523-8484. WATTS LOGAN SPRING ANGUS 1994 bull calves and heifer calves. Growthy, good conformation. Rea sonable prices. Health and registration certificates. Come see or call: 814/742-8118 or 814/742-7476. Box 10 Bell wood, PA 16617. FOR SALE Open Shortbred and springer ' Holstein heifers 717-789-3003 iy 2 year old Bison heifers 717-222-9815 Herman’s Cattle Co. Good Honest Dairy Cows 717-673-8694 717-673-4501 WANTED Dairy Cows or Heifers, ■ all ages, registered or grades. (215) 286-9096 (717) 656-8420 M " ■ FOR SALE Herd of 27 Young, Quality Holstein Cows, Al breeding, tested, ready to go. Also fresh & springing Holstein cows & heifers , 717-653-5408 - * FOR RENT in Gap Area 36x80 steer bam w/lock gates, 20 acre meadow with stream, 20x60 silo with unloader and feed mixer with digital scales, over head grain bins. All of this in one unit. Set up and ready to feed cattle. Lee Stoitzfus 717/442-3266 Roping CatOo Marriott Ranch has ROPING CATTLE for sale. LONGHORN/CORRIENTE CROSS. Lease or buy with an agreement to sell back at season’s end. Marriott Ranch 5305 Marriott Lane Hume, VA 22639 (703) 364-2627 Performance Tested Red Angus Bulls Sell March 31, 1995 State College, PA Bull Tag #2OB Sire: Leachman Orbit Birth Weight 85 weanling 770 yearling 1223 An ideal candidate for a progressive crossbreeding program, out of our best Red Angus Donor Cow. For more info: Dunkard Valley Farms (717) 428-2309 * Available at the farm'Yearting and 2 yr. old Bulls BULLS • BULLS • BULLS • BULLS • BULLS • BULLS • BULLS • 3 On Sale .994 Per Lb. c g HsasKxjegseasLu Maternal Traits On Sale S • \aA Growth Traits On Sale i 3 Easy Calving On Sale c 3 p,ent y of Muscle On Sale C v p) Gentle Disposition On Sale • 3 ZS To enable everyone to use our c genetics to improve their herds, P ® Bulls From we are selling some of our bulls V m 600 Lbs. for a limited time for .990 per Lb. “ 3 Take this opportunity to visit us and choose the bull p n to fit your needs. FREE DELIVERY « 3 Bred Com & Heifers for Sale ® s Please Call Ed E ? Days 1-800-878-0056 • 3 Evenings & Weekends 410-275-1239 c | Worsell Manor Farm, Warwick, MD 21912 £ • BULLS • BULLS • BULLS • BULLS • BULLS • BULLS • BULLS* Buffalo Calves (717) 222-9815 mmomumm mm® imw s ms^m On March 25, 1995 at Brandywine Valley Breeders Test Site All bulls will have test data with current EPD's and production records. A breeding soundness exam will be performed on all bulls selling and should be ready for heavy service. Information on all bulls in available at your request. Please contact either: Frank Walton 610-486-0972 Oreo Krueger 610-486-6376 FOR RENT FLOAT-A-COW I r ' » V V *■ With The Aqua-Cow Rise System Get that down cow up on her feet with warm water therapy. Warm water supplied, also a cow strecher - a well designed cart to get down cows out of barns. For More Information: LBB-MAR FARM 2724 Conastoga Crack Rd., Morgantown, PA 19543 (610) 286-9052 PENNSYLVANIA’S 22ND PERFORMANCE TESTED BULL SALE AT PENN STATE’S AG ARENA Only the top bulb ftomlfie'rospcctlve herds wert*- put on tut. They are fully evaluated for ADG on tell, lifetime WDA, adjusted JOS- and 365-day weights. The bulls arc ultrasonlcally scanned for , backfat thickness and loin-eye area and are given , a complete breeding soundness and semen exam. The bulls will have health papers to go anywhere. After the evaluation, the lop two-thirds of the bulls will be offered. In the past, these bulls have been real herd-improving bargains. Current/ EPD’s will be available. / —' P.C.A.’s Annual Meeting and Banquet following bull sale. Sat. April Ist- Beef Educational Seminar BULLS ON TEST 22 Black Angus 32 Polled Herefords 2 Red Angus 15 Simmentals 2 Charolais 1 Limousin 1 Beefmaster For Bull Sale Information Contact - Glenn Eberly , Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture’s Meat Animal I Evaluation Center I 651 Fox Hollow Road, I State College, PA 16803 |Phone: 814-238-2527 or 814-865-5857 WANTED Open Holstein Heifers 717-687-6698