Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, March 18, 1995, Image 76
Cl2-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, March 18, 1995 SILOS AND H WJNLOADERS 20x70 Ribstone w/top; 24x70 Ribston w/top. Both good condition. $5OO/each. 804-724-4647. 320x60 Harvesters, Her cules unloader, 100' bunk feeder. (317)583-4164. A.O. Smith Harvester silo, 20x50 w/Hercules un loader. 717-745-7415 Farm Master TMR 100 w/ scales. (717)597-4343. j J; J.E AG & BARN EQUIP, iggg-L' 717-r>:!,s-9r>(il or 717-712-122(i ' , 1 ! , T 3 MARTIN’S SILO REPAIR Moving Concrete Stave Silos - Gunite Relinlng - Fill Pipes - Distributors -Roofs ' - Replacement Doors - General Repair 907 Centerville Rd. New Holland, PA 17557 (717) 445-9834 4' BUILDINGS AND SUPPLIES 1000 watt mercury vapor lights, $ 125/each. 717/354-3105. 1/2" and 3/4*, 4xB plywood cabinetry; birch, and red oak. Sell out 1/4’ $3O/sheet and 3/4' $35/sheet. No Sunday calls. (717)582-2543. 2 B'xl6‘ outside pig pens can also be used calf hutches. Best Offer. Levi Stoltzfus, 633 E. Meadow Rd , Manheim PA 17545 #3 pine boards, I'xl2'xlo-15', $2.25/each. Must take 25 or more. 717/764-8337. T locust posts, $2 each. B', 7/8 rebar steel, $l.OO each. All sizes of new pipe. All types new building tin. (304)265-0026. Angle Iron V, xV. ’/•" thick 20' lengths, $3 each. 717/766-8013 days. 717/766-7423 evenings & weekends. Antique building materials, beams, wide pine boards, flooring, doors, etc. 717/249-2304 STEEL BUILDINGS, all types and sizes. Call for current 'Specials*. 410-667-6310. Telephone poles for sale, excellent condition, $1.50/ft. Can deliver. {610)381-3043. Used Gondola shelving, excellent condition, also heavy duty stock room shelving, and heavy duty pallet racking. Priced to sell. 717-263-3404. WANTED: Building stone from stone ruins or hedger ows. Guernsey cow brown to rust brown coloring. Please call 610-431-3063. WANTED Old barns, good condition. Will pay fair price. 704-526-5877. WANTED: Original floor, grainery boards, 2' floor ing, barn beams, tobacco sheds, siding. (717)229-2806. mobile 717/880-4549. BARN FLOORING; new, kiln dried, T&G or plain 2xB‘s, Y.pine, for floors, stalls, studs, rafters. 2x4's roofing perlins. Can de liver. Noah Shirk Sawmill, 717/354-0192. Barn 70x40, to be re moved. Good pine flooring. Cheap. 410/228-2321, 410/228-0097. B grade glass board and plastic sheets. Glenn Beid ler, Freeburg, PA,(717)539-8993. Brick-Tlie paver bricks, 1/2* thickness. (610)593-1172. KIRBY CECO ALLIED... Steel buildings and componants. Retrofit steel re-roofing. Com merce, Industry, Ag. Supply or supply erect. Standard or custom. Com plete or addition. Certified permit drawings. Building YOUR business is OUR business. A.S. HOOVER, INC. 3125 Manor Rd., Coatesville, PA 19320. 610-942-2591 ; 717-445-4962; 1-800-942-2591. Chain Link Fence, new, slightly imperfect, heavy 9-gauge galvanized. 3'-$.90/ft, 4’-$l.OO/ft, s'-$1.55/ft, O’, 7-$1.85/ft, B'-$1.95/ft. Call 717/822-7820 7-Bam or leave message. Cramer's Discount Roof ing, lowest prices in 3 states. See display ad sec tion 4. (717)567-6782. Dry Lumber; Walnut, ce dar, cherry. 717/328-2367 Franklin Co. Early American Building materials; Beams: Hand hewn oak, pine, chestnut. Assorted sizes. Siding: weathered light or dark. Hardware: strap hinges and door latches. Doors; paneled, many sizes. (717)665-4345. Flooring, new wide plank, T&G, timbers, see our dis play ad, 610/565-6038. HOUSE FOR SALE: must be moved! Two bedrooms, two bath frame house, vinyl siding. Living room, birch kitchen cabinets, ample dosets, water heater, car rier heat pump/AC, $35,000 080. Call (717)393-1301 or (717)390-4100. Log Home Logs: new, 6x6, 6xB, white cedar, single or double, tongue & groove, inexpensive for self builders $2.75/LF. (717)354-3105. METAL ROOFING and Siding. We'll beat any com petitor's regular panal price you mention on orders over 50 square. Call (717)354-2728. Pro-engineered steel build ings for Agricultural, Com mercial or Churchs. Au thorized Gulf States Dealer. We will build from your p|r dr ' rWans or wh. jesign. WEAVER CONSTRUC TION, East Earl, PA. 717-445-5165. Railroad ties, prices vary from $4-$lO. Delivery available. Lancaster Co. 717-898-7689. S.M.S. Bu'Tders POLE BARNS AND GARAGES 717-354-8755 evenings 717-940-6920 mobile phone ask for Sam BUILDING OWNERS DON'T TEAR THEM DOWN WE CAN REPAIR THEM. ROOF COATING A SPECIALTY TOD^^^^ •EFORE " AFTER WOODFORD BROS, INC. 1-800-443-9933 WE GO ANYWHERE WANTED TO BUY: Old at tic flooring and log houses. Lane. Co. 717/626-4520. DON’T IGNORE IT RBSTORB ITI Mason ry/Restoratlon specializing in restoring old stone/brick houses and bams. Also Laying Eldorado Stone JftJ Restoration 717-442-4773 • Large quantity of ideal red building sandstone. • 175 sq. ft. of white painted steel roofing $25/sq. 080. (717)354-0316 ★★★★★★★ •jf WANTED: Log cabins, ★ bams, granaries, out- i buildings, Steel buildings W to take down FOR PAY, + FOR SALVAGE, OR TO 7 BUY. Also restoration W or repair. Terms neg. -jr ★ INSURED and a REFERENCES. W (Will travel anywhere) ★ 410/820-2191 a 800/OLD-MULE* ★ after spm. ★ ★★★★★★★ PT-7-T-7XTXTTX7XT.Tj| j:i Wanted I | To Buy | H Wide Attic Flooring-Wide £ S 3 grainery-wide thick roofer L I {3 Boards. Chestnut And Yel-J [j low Heart Pine Indian Doors. Built-in cup- 1 boards, early cupboard C doors, fireplace mantles. | Old loghouses, early tim- fr ber-frame houses, summer £j h kitchens and ok) stone & i* j bnck houses for salvage. I 3 pay the most always and £ J travel the farthest! J ] (610) 857-1002 ? 3 ANYTIME C Fiberglass WALLBOARD PANEL White & Colors 0908 Grade 4xB 4xlo 45C 48® Sq. Ft. ODD SIZES & COLORS 15C —40 C Ft. Also; Full Line Of Roofing & Siding Large Inventory in Stock! Call For Low Prices) A.B. MARTIN ROOFING Ephrata, PA 17522 (717)445-6885 Pennyan, NY (315)536-0944 WANTEDt Original Floor, Grainery Boards, 2” Flooring, Bam Baams, Tobacco Sheds, Siding 717/229-2806 Mobile 717/880-4549 Wanted Old building materials, attic flooring, siding, heavy timber of all kinds. (717) 354-0316 Ash “Golden-Oak’, Oak, Maple, Hickory, Walnut, 5 to 10 Inch Wide Planks, 3/4” Thick, T&G, KD $2.50 Sq. Ft. & Up Stock & Custom Flooring & Molding Oak Barn Flooring 1-800-560-8020 610-565-6038 Close Construction Agricultural, Residential and Commercial. Also Building Take-Down and Removal Southern York Co., Northern Baltimore and Northern Harford County, MD (410)879-4915 2016 Channel Road Pylesville, MD 21132 John Koser’s FOR YOUR HOME IMPROVEMENT NEEDS LOCATED NORTH OF ELIZABETHTOWN OPEN MON.-FRI. 8 TO 6; SAT. 8 TO 3 • Kitchen Cabinets ■ • Plywood & Waferboard Rail road • Asphalt Roofing Shingles •T-l-11 Siding TIBS • GP Insulation • Railroad Ties SQOO • Shutters • Replacement Windows 68011 • GP Vinyl Siding 717-367-0283 'Mi mums Independence Steel Products will work with you from the design concept of your building through the delivery and all the years to come. Customer satisfaction is our #1 goal! CALL FOR A FREE BROCHURE... ■INDEPENDENCE STEEL PRODUCTS NORTH EAST, INC. TBOO-553-7833 ♦ Fax (814) 725-9193