Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, March 18, 1995, Image 75
KB SILOS AND HHiwl oaders Buying used stave silos, especially Fickes and Lan caster. Fair price paid. Af ter 6pm, (717)786-2103. MAY-CO PLASTIC SILO LINERS To have mold free haylage, com silage & hi-moisture grains, install a May-Co liner in silos with or without unloaders. Easy to install. SHOP (717) 399-8232 OFFICE (717) 768-3269 MAY-CO SUPPLY CO., INC. 48 Jeffrey Road, Gordonville, PA 17529 Bunker Silos Precast Concrete Bunker Silos available In T-wall or A-frame panels. Available in 8 Ft. or 12 Ft. High K r asas.) (■""b • '«Sssa^' 477 gastrfcrmeisvJlte RdL New Holland. PA 17557 (717)f 355-2361 Jamesway VIII, 20' silo un loader, nng drive, 7V4 hp motor, complete, $3OOO. 814-355-0412. Many Good Used Supreme Forage Challenger Parts. Gear Cases $lOO. Hous ings $lOO. Backbones $5O. Other Misc. Parts. (216)852-4088. Lancaiter Fanning, Saturday, March 18, 1995-Cll Model 70 Starline Silo Un- WANTED: Concrete stave loader, 13‘ Winch Tripod, silos, will remove. Fair Good Condition. $4OO prices paid. 610-273-3993, 080. (717)653-9662. 1-800-860-3993. USED ROLLER MILLS: We pay top dollar for used 9x12 Roskamp roller mill, Harvestores and automatic 200 bu. roller Slurrystores. mill. 717/866-5708. 717-354-4051. DONALD R. NISSLEY RD #l, Willow Street, PA (Comer of Rl 272 S. & Byerland Church Rd) (717) 786-7654 Strengthen Your Silo With Fill Pipe Vinyl end Steel New, Used And Recon ditioned Silos Available Vinyl Repair Slmv* ®jr ,i,30 Sproodef or “ Multi Flo Sell Propelled BBS, Spreader Spreader (to bo ff \ yiod wllh olio bogi) 2 Arm Pipe Support Brack** Manufacturers and Builders of New Silos * S & S Silo Repair (610) 273-3993 CALL TOLL FREE: 800-860-3993 Shotcretc Telescoping Section Kwlk Pip* 1 Arm Pipe Support Bracket Swivel Transition PberglaH or Steel [Sq] Sollenberger Silos Corp . Sollenberger Silos Corp. Quality Concrete Structures Since Before 1910 Get The Precast Advantage Precast Bunker Panels B’6” Height Side Wall Panels 5’2” or 7’6” Center Wall Panels 5’2” Corner Panels Tongue & Grooved Bolt Together Sections re 1 Sollenberger Silos Corp, A Nitternouse Company Bo« N Chamb*rtburg, PA 17201 |717)2M-BSM Poured Concrete Silos Since 1908 Office Number - 717-264-9588 For Upright Silos Call For Bunker Silos & Manure Systems Bob Francis 717-369-5915 Evenings Tabb Justus 717-762-8663 I Sollenberger Silos Corp. - Box N, Chambersburg, PA 17201 | Name I Addresi City/State/Zi] Phone I Please Send Info. On: | □ 2. Bottom Unloading Silos | □ 3. Top Unloading Silos □ 4. Precast Bunker Silos PLANNING FOR 1995 FEED STORAGE... WILTED HAY...SILAGE.. .HI-MOISTURE GRAINS “This is Ihc kind of silo you need to protect your valuable feed." Sollenberger Silos Corp . [Sgj .County. 01. Manure Pits □ 5. Feed Bunks □ 6. Cattleguards □ 7. Industrial “The major costs on dairy and livestock farms are related' to FEED: production - harvesting - storage - purchases - delivery to animals.” Significant savings in time and money are possible when you store and deliver your forage from a poured concrete silo, equipped with a Big Jim Distributor/ Unloader. Protect your valuable forages from rain, sleet, snow, mud, ice and wind. Reduce the stress! Increase the efficiency of your, feeds, labor, and livestock. At SOLLENBERGER SILOS CORP. we know a lot about feed storage and handling... we’ve been in the business since 1908. If you are thinking about new or addition al feed storage, give us a call. We’d like to contribute to your success.