BltUncastar Firming, Saturday, March 18, 1995 Eight of the members of the Lehigh County Farm Bureau Women’s Committee, from left front row: Dawn Lennon, Janet Bachman, Minnie Young, Priscilla Greiss and Claire Shelly. Back row: Nancy Semmel, Diane Schlauch and Karen Boyd. Lehigh Holds Mini NEW TRIPOLI (Lehigh Co.) —More than 5,000 people attended the weekend celebration of the Lehigh County Mini Farm Show held at the Trexlertown Mall on March 4,5, and 6. The event was sponsored by the Women’s Committee of the Lehigh County Farm Bureau. General chairman of the event was Diane Schlauch, Sla tington and Priscilla Greiss, Sla lington, served as Vice-Chairman. The kick-off of the event was the huge ice cream sundae made by Turkey Hill Farm. The master piece contain .4 126 gallons of ice cream, 5 gallons of chocolate syr up, 5 gallons of strawberries, and 20 pounds of pecans. The sundae’s were then dished out b.’ the Women’s committee with help from the other Farm Bureau Board Members. More than 2,600 ample servings were given away to the public in less than 90 minutes. The mall was filled to capacity with agriculture exhibits and dis plays; sampling of ag commodi ties; demonstrations; 20 farm ani mals to pet as well as other activities. Sampling was being done by Hatfield Qualitiy Meats, showing off their new micro-wave ham; Leidy with their country sausage; Beatrice foods with samples of many kinds of cheese; Atlantic Dairy Coop and Weis Markets with strawberry milk. Education of the non-farm con sumer was on the mind of the ladies in the planning of the show. All of the major players in agricul ture in the Lehigh Valley were pre jyer, Penn Fiber Guild, demonstrated weaving at the show. Smiley the Hatfield Pig was a big hit at the Mini Farm Show. tion Service, Lehigh/Northampton Dairy Princess Program, Lehigh County Holstein Club, Lehigh County Potato Club, Lehigh Val ley Beekeepers Assn., Trexler town Grange, ASCS, PA Depart ment of Agriculture and Schnecks ville Community Fair. The 4-H Club Program in the valley was well represented at both ends of the mall. The Wildlife and Livestock Clubs had a petting zoo with many sheep and pigs, a horse, a baby calf, rabbits, guinea pigs, chickens and goats. The sheep club leader, Mrs. Gressley was demon strating spinning and the clubs had decorated the wall with a beautiful mural pf rolling farm land. 4-H leaders, Darlene Brosky and Tina Roth coordinated the zoo and con ducted children’s story time. At the other end of the mall, the traditional 4-H clothing and foods projects were being demonstrated. Members were sewing on state-of the-art sewing machines and the sent with educational displays. Groups included were Agriculture Extension, Farm Credit, PA Lives tock Association, Soil Conserva- Farm Show (Turn to Pag* BIT) SEE YOUR NEARE & DEALER FOR DEPENDABLE EQUIPMENT & SERVK Annvllle. PA Honey prove, f BHM Farm Norman D. < Equipment, Inc. & Son, Inc. RDI, Rte. 934 Honey Grove, P, 717-867-2211 Carlisle. PA New Holland. P R&W A.B.C. Groff, Equipment Co. 110 South Railrc 35 East Willow Street 717-354-4191 717-243-2686 Elizabethtown. PA fllgY. PA Messick Farm C.J. Wonsii Equipment, Inc. Bros. Rt. 283 - Rheem's Exit R.D. 2 717-367-1319 215-987-6257 Halifax. PA Sweigard Bros. R.D. 3, Box 13 717-896-3414 Honey Brook. PA Timagui. PA Dependable Charles S. Motor Co. Snyder, Inc. East Main Street R.D. 3 215-273-3131 717-386-5945 215-273-3737 West Grove. PA S.G. Lewis & Son, Inc. R.D. 2, Box 66 215-869-2214 Frederick. MP Ceresville Ford New Holland, Rt. 26 East 301-662-4197 Outside MO, 800-331-9122 m Bridgeton. NJ Leslie G. Fogg, Smith Tract Inc. Equip., Inc. Canton & Stow Creek 15 Hilicrest Ave Landing Rd. 908-689-7900 609-451-2/27 609-935-5145 a IiEWHOUAN) S iYtVAI 717-734-3682 Loysville, PA 717-789-3117 Pitman. PA Schreffler Equipment Pitman, PA 717-648-1120 iERSEY iton. NJ Woodstown. NJ Owen Supply Broad Street & East Avenue 609-769-0308
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