Women’s Health Seminar FLEMINGTON. N.J.— Women’s health is in the forefront xjay more than ever. Healthy png for women will be based on isease prevention and minimiz ,g the effects of chronic diseases | e n they develop. Rutgers Extension will pre ent a two-part mini-series on SYSTEMS ARE ALL THE SAME, YOU REALLY SHOULD SEEA SPECIALIST. We know the right cooling system for your operation really does make a differ ence. You operate more efficiently, more profitably, and at lower cost. And since we rely on the broad selection of Mueller® equipment, we can help you custom select the right size cooler, precooler, chiller, or Fre-Heater® unit for your specific needs. See the difference Mueller equipment can make systems specialist today for a complete system analysis PENNSYLVANIA Agway Service Rufus Brubaker Center Refrigeration R. 26 Box 5280 1048 N _ Penryn Rd Pleasant Gap, Pa. 16823 PH: 1-800-533-3866 PH ‘ 717 ' 66 5-3525 Dairyland Sales & Service RD 2, Box 43 Troy, Pa. 16947 PH; 717-297-4128 women’s health, “Healthy Guide lines for Women.” The first part “Transitional Years” will be presented by Dr. Corrado Altomare of the Women’s Health Center of Hunterdon Coun ty in Remington. Dr. Altomare will discuss important health top ics facing women today. Particip- IF YOU THINK MILK COOLI Rt 3. Box 437 A Quarryville, Pa. 17566 PH: 717-786-1617 541 Frystown Rd. Myerstown, Pa. 17067 PH: 717-933-4711 ants will hear the latest informa tion on cancer screening, osteopor osis, infertility, hormone replacement therapy, endometriosis. The second part “Super Nutri tion for Women” presented by Kathleen Klotzbach, interim home economist, will address the impor- Martin's Refrigeration Service 1122 Woodstock Rd. Fayetteville, Pa. 17222 PH: 717-352-2783 Longacre Electrical Service Inc. Martins Dairy Ag Division Service 602 Main Street RD#2, Box 197 Bally, Pa. 19503 Troy, Pa. 16947 PH: 610-845-2261 PH: 717-297-3972 Mills Service Company 102 Parker Street Mifflin, Pa. 17058 PH: 717-436-9044 tant nutritional issues facing women as they go about their busy lives. Attention to proper diet, exercise, and lifestyle changes will make the transition into mid-life easier. Topics such as Yo-Yo Diet ing, the calcium connection, “female minerals,” “women and sugar” will be discussed. The two-part program will Call your local milk-cooling- DELAWARE Bennett Machine Company 1601 South Dupont Boulevard Milford, DE 19963 PH: 302-422-4837 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, March 18, 1995-811 begin on Thursday, March 23 and 30, 7-9 p.m. at the Rutgers Cooperative Extension Center, Route 31, Flemington. Those interested may attend one or both sessions. The fee for the series is $5 or $3 for one program. Pre registration is required. Please phone 908-788-1342 for further information and registration. aryland P. test's Refrigeration Regional 2C205 Marsh Haven Lane Manager Hagerstown, MD 21742 Pennsylvania PH: 301-797-3921 Michael B . Regional Conklin Manager Rt. 90, Box 248 DE Locke, New York 13092 Frank M. Bird Jr. PH: 315-497-1133 PO Box 420 ILA GA 30647 PH: 706-789-3928
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