Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, March 18, 1995, Image 32
A32-Lanc«Bter Firming, Saturday, March 18, 1995 Top Pennsylvania DHIA Herds By The top producing herds in Pennsylvania for February 1995 are listed by county. In addition, herds from New Jersey and New York are also listed. They are as follows: NO CONS MILK FAT IN NILE LBS LBS NAME ADAMS 71.7 123.0 27.3 PENN GATE EARN BEAVER NUN FARMS JO JEN HESS 66.7 137.1 206.6 45.0 123.2 ROY A NEARER JR LAGGING STREAM FARM JOBO HOLSTEIN FARM MARK 6IEROK KEHR ACRES 45.1 63.5 153.5 75.7 77.5 R+K CUNNINGHAM C k T OURBORAK HAY BRITE FARMS BROUN VALLEY FARM STONER DAIRY 145.3 24.2 LEROY DEPUTY ROBERT C HOFFMAN ARMSTRONG MARK+DAVID CAMPBELL OREN J CLAYPOOLEASON HILLTOPHEAVEM FAIR VIEH DAIRY SCOTT BOWSER HAYPORT HILLS HOLST ROBERT F HINDMAN RAY CLAYPOOLE i SONS WILLIAM V PATTON TE i HARYJEAN GROOMS ROBERT E PATRICK JR ROY £ BOWSER RON + BETH ROFFANER LARA WILSON MARVIN E DAVIS BEAVER BONZO ONE-O-ONE BROADRDN HOLSTEINS JOHN+WENDY COOPER DIANE BURRY RAYNYE JODIKIMOS DAIRY FARM H J & V J HC CHESNEY ELDER VOGEL F KEITH NYE EDWARD GINGER PFLUGH MILLER FAMILY DAIRY FRED SCHEEL CRAIG FARMS TESTS BROS CONKLE CENTURY FARMS BEDFORD MEADOW CREEK FARM 175.4 24631 898 3.6 STEVE + JERI RITCHEY 66.1 24027 946 3.9 Dairy Stakeholders (Contlnu*d from Pag* A 1) ting tools and interaction of the seminar participants. The second result of the first for um has been the organization of a professional dairy farm managers group to exchange ideas and deve lop skills. To date, the group is small and loosely organized. But plans call for expansion of the group as direction is established. Since the objective of the origi nal Pennsylvania Dairy Industry Future Committee was to encom pass the entire dairy industry from farm to consumer, suggestions for the second forum indicate the need to focus on consumer needs and the limits that may prevent manufac turing plants and distribution sys tems .to function in the Common wealth. The final direction of the forum is still to be decided, but it can be said that everyone agreed the forum must conclude with action goals for the next year or there will be no third forum. Work is being done to arrange the forum 21812 23341 22985 4.0 3.4 3.5 882 785 809 22370 22398 22141 21720 21239 22003 20796 20482 20630 21006 20127 20231 27887 933 26160 1018 25459 987 25192 1024 73.9 99.0 54.4 80.8 23656 49.9 23990 24660 21938 22968 22797 22624 22484 99.4 22097 40.3 21160 28.1 20406 58.9 3.5 3.3 3.5 855 715 763 24149 21420 21702 31.1 64.7 86.7 20300 20022 19.4 61.2 760 683 694 699 19760 20419 18572 17938 62.7 29.4 57.0 91.1 18438 17761 95.3 58.4 3.7 3.9 3.5 638 674 615 17105 17404 17495 46.5 91.0 55.2 17595 33.6 at the same time the new dairy research facility at Penn State is dedicated. Various topics were discussed at the planning meeting this week, all related to the concern that the dairy industry may not remain a viable enterprise in Pennsylvania even in the near future. Of course, the usual concerns about the diminishing number of farms and the cost/price squeeze to the farmer were expressed. The old line about producers becpming more efficient has about run its course in many farmers’ minds. Many believe they are already about as efficient as they can get But the concern reaches deep into the distribution chain as well. Right now. a major supermarket chain is faced with changing state regulations that may force it to buy milk outside of Pennsylvania to meet competition. Many such questions remain: • “Why can supermarket chains buy milk cheaper outside of Pennsylvania?. ANDY T MOHR DANIEL L OVER DALE A BAKER BEAVER CREEK FARMS KENNETH MOWRY PAUL k DAVID HELSEL HIDDEN FOX FARM MICHAEL STOLTZFUS ALLEN CLAAR BLAIR L BENNETT DICK&ELEANOR RICE GREG k KIN WHITFIELD DUNNINGS VIEW FARM FANTASYLAHDHOLSTEINS JUDGE FARMS INC *RAY GLENN B GOCKLBY CARL Z GOOD EARL R SAFER A SONS HIDDENVIEW HOLSTEINS RED HEL EARNS INC BETHANY DAIRY EARN DAVIES EARN HERVIN BRUBAKER GLENN BRUBAKER EVAN LAFOLLETTE GRUNBRO HOLSTEINS FRANK J BORKEY JR CURT+BREMDA DIETRICH FREDERICK FARMS JOSEPH S STAYDDHAR THOMAS H KELLY RODRICK4TRUDY HINISH COVE VIEW FARM DAVID NANCY BISHOP BLACKCREST FARMS CLOVER HILL FARMS DENNIS+DOUG SMITH GOR DA FARM PENN-ENGLAND JAMES ELLIS BARNES BROTHERS HILECREST FARM LAR ANN FARM BRADFORD ROB&DONNA VANBLARCOM SCOT LYN DAIRY BRAUND VALLEY FARMS GLEN ( ARLEN LANDIS KATT HILL BAN RUSSELL MAPLE FARMS BROWNCROFT FARM RONALD P DAVIS SNOWCREST FARM CLAIR i FAT THRUSH BEN i DEAN JACKSON FINETOF TAiK BARRETT JANES A VAN BLARCON SFRINGCROFT FARM MARSHALL M WATKINS Plan Next Forum eet To • “Why don’t manufacturing plants want to build in Pennsylvania?” , • “Who speaks for Pennsylvani a’s dairy industry when a united voice is necessary to attract indus try or develop markets?” In the end, there was a lot of impatience with just talking.'lt’s time for action to bring all seg ments of the dairy industry and maybe even other enterprises into a united front for Pennsylvania agri culturc. Action! Now! Immediately! And the next action will be a for um in June at Penn State to decide what next action to take. M DOLE ATLANTIC MILK MAAKFTtNG A*SOCIA n CN f r BERKS BLAIR HULK. IT DOES A BODYGOOD. County For February R GALEN LEATHERMAN DAVIDASHARON BISHOP PROMISE LAND DAIRY KEVIN A CINDY BISHOP DEUHARE VAL COLLEGE MOYERS VILLAGE EARN RICHARD 0 SMITH DONALDABRDCE CROUSE JOSEPH FLECK CROCKED ACRES DAIRY JAMES PAVLICA DEB A RAY DEIHEILER HALTER L DEIHEILER BREEZYVALE FARMS HAROLD-TON BALDEMAN DALE + PAULA HACK JOE LANGE RITA KENNEDY FRITZ FARM ALBERT HOGG i SONS RICK + LINDA STOCHAL NADEIBRADLEY COOPER NORMAN H GRAHAM LEE KUKKER RONALD E LUTZ HARTZELL FARM HALSTEAD FARMS EDUARD THIELE H K SCHEIDEHANTLE SMITH BROS JANES HARTEIS STRITTMATTER DAIRY BRENT LOWHASTER VALEWOOD DAIRY RONALD HOGOE MARTIN SHERRY RON HOOVER DAVID MYERS RALPH J LIES LARRY C BAKER EDWARD HC MULLEN KRUG FARMS CLETDS BORLIE TOM MARHEFKA DIVIDING RIDGE FARM JACOBIII+SALIY TANIS VALLEYS END FASH TRINCA FARM VALLEY HIDE FARM JAY HOUSER ORE BANK ACRES STRINGERS SAND RIDGE RICK HOMAN BILL +JENNIE STRUBLE ROBERT J NC COOL CARL R GATES DAN+PEHNY DIM REESE S DAIRYHILL FK DINGO KEADOH FARMS FRANLO-ALKEN FARMS NELHOOD FARM DUNNOOD FARM MARILYN+DUANEHERSKEY CRYSTAL-RAY FARM MINDER VALLEY FARMS PEI-VALLEY FARM BRECK-A-DE FARM CENTURY OAK FARM RODNEY BARE JOSEPH +SANDRA LUSBY JOY-HIL FARMS PENNY MOORE NED BOLTON CTR DNIT4 CHARLES J MOORE DALE HOSTETTER KEITH E DECKER SOLID GOLD BOLSTEINS GENE FESENNYER LLO-TIM ACRES SANDY RIDGE EARNS NELSON E SMITH JOHN HENRY FROSTBURG EARNS SNYDER VALLEY FARM BASHLINES DAIRY BUCKS BUTLER CAMBRIA CENTRE 27463 1017 27336 977 25559 969 24854 903 24081 950 23462 863 22852 895 23238 774 23358 878 23416 791 21540 813 22806 960 22310 780 22304 837 22085 835 CHESTER CLARION 59.4 '25648 990 74.1 26193 956 50.3 23063 861 45.5 22386 841 71.3 21645 767 49.2 21402 794 93.2 20246 717 61.3 19513 709 67.7 19265 651 70.4 19223 623 (Turn to Pag* A 34) 3.4 777 3.6 775 3.6 749 3.4 748 3.9 731 3.6 727 3.7 718 3.5 707 3.5 707 3.4 660 3.9 658 3.6 654 3.7 651 3.4 632 3.7 632