Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, March 18, 1995, Image 249
Xtra Consistency Harness Xtra delivers consistent control across a wide range of growing con ditions, too. Because it binds tightly to soil particles, Harness Xtra stays in the weed zone. Even after heavy rains, Harness Xtra is there to provide consistent, season-long control. menses xtra pseformi muse hi irazns milium nom 4 % Control ■ Harness Xtra ■Atrazine 120 100 90 20 ii 0 —^^ — Triazlne-Resistant Triazlnc-Rcsistant Pigweed Lambsquarters Source- 1994 Monsanto Product Development Trials Rates=2 3 qts/A Harness Xtra and 15-2 0 Ibs/A atrazine. INazfne-Rosfetant Broadeaf Control Unlike Bicepf Dualf and and even common ragweed Extrazinef only Harness are no match for Harness Xtra. Xtra offers you complete Plus, the ideal combination of triazine-resistant broadleaf Harness and atrazine will pro control. duce more consistent control Lambsquarters, pigweed, in varied weather situations. Always follow label direction*. Restricted Use Pesticide. Harness* and Roundup* are registered trademarks of Monsanto Company Surface Blend' is a trademark of Monsanto Company Bicep, Dual, and Princep are registered trademarks of Ciba Corp Bladex and Extrazine II are registered trademsrks of EI duPont de Nemours & Co, Inc Gramoxone* Extra is a registered trade mark of Zeneca. © Monsanto Company 161-94-13 HARNESS. ■Him “Monsanto But dry weather is where Harness Xtra really stands out. Acetochlor, the active ingredient in Harness Xtra, needs only one quarter-inch of rainfall for activation in most situations, so it requires oply half as much rainfall as some other herbicides to begin killing weeds. In a dry spring, Corn Talk, Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, March 18, 1995-Page Meal For Varied Application Methods Approved Application Mothod/Uming Early Preplant: Apply Harness Xtra up to 30 days before planting. You’ll spread out your workload and still get season long control of labeled grasses and broadleaves. Preplant Incorporated: Apply and Surface Blend™ or shallowly incorporate Harness Xtra any time within 14 days prior to planting. Preemergence Surface: Apply Harness Xtra before the crop and weeds emerge and within 5 days after your last tillage trip, High Quality Formulation Other premix formulations can settle out in the spray tank, creating a nasty “hard pack.” Harness Xtra resuspends after agitation making it superior to other premixes. Plus, Harness Xtra mixes easily with fluid fertilizer. Use Rates For Harness Xtra Always be sure to follow the Harness Xtra label directions for best results. Listed below is a guide for application rates based on your soil type. Harness Xtra Applcanon Rates Soil Textural Group Broadcast Rate Per Acre* Coarse 1.8 quarts Medium 2.3 quarts „Fine 2.3 quarts *ln areas of heavy weed infestation use up to 2 3 quarts per acre on coarse textured soils and up to 2 7 quarts per acre on medium and fine textured soils Contact the Monsanto Representative Jeff Vance Rex Petit Lancaster* PA Monroeville, PA , 717-560-8894 412-373-8633 Mike Kuhns Sellnagrove, PA 717-374-3734 that can be the difference between relatively clean fields and a weedy mess. Along with superior control and consis tency, Harness Xtra is cost competitive with other premixes. All of which make Harness Xtra the best value in its field. In Your Area Jay Baratelli Bill Tucker Annapolla, MD Amherat, VA 410-268-5513 804-946-7154 Sloan Rausser Salisbury, MD 301-758-2950