FUNK’S 0-4273 MYCOQEN 4770 NC+lB9l DEKALB DK4SS FUNK'S Q-4106 AQWAY AG 304 HY PERFORMER H 58330 DEKALB DKSI2 DEKALB DKS24 NC+ 2844 NORTHRUP KING N 4242 MUNCY CHIEF XA39O HYTEST HTSIB DEKALB OKS 22 AQWAY AQ 454 1C18562 CARGILL 5X269 EXPERIMENTAL MEANS LSD (.08) LOCATION MEANS Clearfield Clarion Cambria Potter Centre Table 2 Shon-teaaon hybrid performances (Maturity Zone 1) Combined Penn State Commercial New Entnas (average of five locations) Data under Location Means Indicate counties where values were obtained BRAND-HYBRID AQWAY AQ 131 STINE 870 1C18990 FUNK'S 0*4214 DOEBLER’S 27XP OOEBLER’S 322 X DYNAGRO 8241 FUNK’S 0*4172 AQWAY AQ 266 HY PERFORMER HY9355 OOEBLER’S 313XP PIONEER 3751 STINE 993 DOEBLER’S S2XP HY PERFORMER HY9262 DYNAGRO 5133 MYCOOEN 5270 ASQROW RX444 BEACHELY HARDY 8H4418 GOLDEN HARVEST H-2331 GOLDEN HARVEST H-2349 CARGILL 3777 TERRA E9Bl ASQROW RXSO2 AQWAY AQ 310 BEACHELY HARDY H 86500 ANDERSONS PSX3OO MYCOQEN 4970 CARQILL 5677 HYTEST HT3IB MEANS LSD (.05) LOCATION MEANS Clearfield Clarion Cambria Potter Centre ■K.IAIOCT —G R 1225 > Colcbrook Rd. BUYING EAR CORN, SHELLED CORN & WHEAT (717) 653-2510 1 (800) 654-2510 Spot or contract prices available EAR CORN FOR SALE DELIVERED TO THE FARM (Continued from Pag* 2°) 95 6 09.3 23.0 120.6 102.9 103. t 39 100 3 1 3 09.6 1005 100.5 1012 997 94.4 120 0 096 665 92 7 78 0 124 3 1147 117.5 812 HEW ENTRIES %M}o lU/A % DISEASE ERECT GRAIN GRAIN ERECT RATING FERC£NT*Of*CHECK YIELD 60 3 100 4 72.8 99.9 83.5 100.1 98 9 99.9 94.7 101.0 89.9 99.8 89 5 100.4 1016 100.4 88.4 100.5 92 2 100 3 82.8 100.2 106.0 99.7 97.4 100.1 92.8 100.5 88.9 99.7 91.7 1012 89 5 99 7 97.9 100.6 98.2 100.6 103.1 99.5 97.4 99.9 100 2 1002 90 B 1003 92.0 99.6 96.9 99.0 87 3 - 100.7 103.4 101.0 904 1009 100 5 1001 102 9 99 8 1002 1 2 99 0 1002 101 2 1008 99 9 77 6 111 6 104 5 909 624 751 119.0 111 2 1159 75 0 A I N Marietta, PA 17547 139.0 1335 99 222 354 327 335 23 2 902 989 969 996 961 127 7 1624 134 7 1170 125 4 1362 103 97 5 98 7 99 7 99 3 98 4 1132 162 8 152 4 132 7 120 2 21 6 346 32 3 33 7 21 8 CONTROL MOM GRAKB AJW WELDS IN CORN...FOR 25% LESS PER ACRE. A tank of PROWL® herbicide knocks grasses and weeds on their ear... all season... for up to 25% less than competitive treatments. Apply PROWL as directed, any time from planting up to the four-leaf stage. You’ll get proven, cost-effective control of many grasses and weeds, including foxtails, lambs quarter, velvetleaf* and pigweed. PROWL is compatible with most other herbicides Corn Talk, Lancaster Farming, Saturday, March 18, 1995—Page fMM wmm TWO-YEAR AVERAGE PERFORMANCE Tables Short-season hybrids mean performace, 1992-1993 (Maturity Zone 1) r* F6RCENT-OF-CHECKB %Hj HfO YIELD ERECT GRAIN GRAIN ERECT BRAND-HYBRID DOEBLERS 27XP 95 4 FUNK'S 04172 966 PIONEER 3661 97 7 AGWAY AG 295 97 7 AQWAY AG 262 981 TERRA TR9IO 99 6 AGWAY AO 310 100.4 PIONEER 3751 101.9 MYCOQEN 4770 102.3 NC+ 1991 102 3 FUNK'S 0*4106 102 3 FUNK'S 102.7 WETSEL PX6S 102.7 DOEBLERS 49XP 102.7 DEKALB DK4BS 103.0 NORTHROP KING N 4242 103 0 NC+23O9 1030 AQWAY AO 394 103.8 DEKALB DKSI2 104.6 DEKALB DK524 105.3 NC+2B44 106.1 HYTEBT HT3I6 106.5 AQWAY AO 454 106.0 DEKALB DK522 109.1 1C18562 111.0 CARGILL 5X269 1141 MEAN! LID (.N| 1031 3.3 Technology (Contlnuod from Pago 20) John Kubik, Deere & Co., unveiled the company’s com bine yield mapping system. This technology allows far mers to vary inputs, like nutri ents and chemicals, to positive ly affect outputs that can be measured to show improve ments in the yield. Combine yield mapping changes data into information that can be used to make better decisions, ultimately helping the farmer to become more successful. John Grace, Resource2l, spoke about their product which utilizes an airplane sys- M| PENNSYLVANIA MASTER CORN GROWERS ASSOC., INC. BU/A % 1023 3.8 100.3 1 8 138 9 84 (Turn to Pag* 29) and fits any tillage program. However, do NOT incorporate PROWL in com. Let us help you knock grasses and weeds on their ear... for up to 25% less per acre. Come in for your PROWL® herbicide today. AgriCenter^A itealar fralanlanallaai • Sarvlca • {avlranmanlal Raaaaatikllity SILA6C eNTRIES Table 4 Silage performance of short-season hybrids (Maturity Zone 1) YIELD %H|o DRY MAT BRAND-HYBRID (T/A) KANT KANT(T/A) AQWAY AO 310 HY PERFORMER HY9424 AGWAY AG 578 PIONEER 3525 PIONEER 3527 DOEBLER'B 55XP DEKALB DK522 CARGILL 6208FQ AQWAY AO 394 EASTLAND E 495 DOEBLER'S 585XP CARGILL 5X269 MEANS LSD (.85) tem to provide growers with information on stresses occur ring in the field. According to Grace, “Resource2l takes data from light wavelengths and converts it into a paper form. This information will then steer you to problem spots on the field.” Soil doctor systems and crop doctor services were the sub ject of John Colburn Jr.’s, Crop Technology, Ire., presentation. This system truly ‘‘farms by the foot.” Real-time sensing and right now applications allow the farmer to collect data 10 times per second to accurately reflect the field. Alwayi read and follow label directioni carefully. ™ Trademark, American Cya-