Page 10—Corn Talk, Lancaster Farming, Saturday, March 18, 1995 Herbicide Resistance: A Challenge To Agriculture W. S. Curran Assistant Professor Weed Science Penn State Weeds that resist an applica tion of a once effective herbi cide arc not a new problem for northeastern fanners. We have managed or at least attempted to control triazine resistant (TR) weeds in a num ber of crops for the last 15 years. Although triazine resis tance continues to spread into new areas, most producers have resigned themselves to dealing with the problem by simply Table 1. Plan Rotation Strategy - Think Mode of action. This table elassihes Ireibicides hasul on mode ol action and commodity use In planning a weed management program identil's opportunities for iorating lietueen the dilferent herbicide classes In particular concentrate on lotalion ol the ALS and the PSI classes Herbicide class Corn Sos beans Wheat/barley Alfalfa AI S(sulfonylureas Accent Beacon Broadslnke Hannnm \ Pursuit itnidazolinones Broadstnke Canopy Classic sullonamrdes) Exceed Permit Pinnacle Pursuit Puisuit (IMI conn Scepter ACCase (lipid s\nthesis None Assure Fusilade Hoelon Poast inhibitoisi Pusion Poast Select EPSP (glyphosatei Roundup Roundup Roundup Roundup PSI rlnazines phenyl Atrazme Blades Hasagian loros Buctrl Hiiclnl I exotic ureas uracils misc i Buctnl Basagran l.oros Sensor Smbar Loros Pnncep \ tlpar Root (dimtroanalines) Prnul Pioul Sonalan None Balan T reflan Shoot Dual Frontier Dual Frontier None r-plain rchloroacetamrdes Harness Micro Micro-Tech thiocarbamatesi lech Surpass Eradrcane Sutan- Cell membrane Ciraniosone Clramosone Gramosone Uramosone idiphenyl ethers Resource ’Blazer Cobra paraquat) Resource Tackle PORstphenosy’s Banvel Clanty None Banvel 24 D Butsrac benzoics pyndmesi 2 4-D Stinger MCPA stmgei Pigment (clomazonei None Command None None Green Land Corn 1994 PENN STATE TRIALS The Ohio Seed Company Peter Johnson West Jefferson, Ohio 43162 PA/DE/MD Rep. Mifflinburg, PA 800-879-3556 switching to or including non triazine herbicides in their con trol programs. Producers with triazine resis tance have fewer effective her bicide options, require more tank-mixing, and make more trips over the field, all resulting in increased costs, potential poor control, and possibly grea ter yield or quality loss. Wouldn’t a program targeted at prevention be more cost effec tive in the long run? It may very well be too late for many producers and triazine-resistance. However, there is still time to take action Early Medium Season (Zone 2) new GL 226 # 1 Hybrid . Avg. 42 Entries . GL Advantage Advanced GL 223 #1 Hybrid . Avg. 30 Entries . GL Advantage Late Medium Season (Zone 3) Advanced GL 262 #5 Hybrid . Avg. 36 Entries . GL Advantage Late Season (Zone 4) Advanced GL 345 #2 Hybrid • Avg. 27 Entries . GL Advantage on other heibicides that are just beginning to show resistance problems. Some newer herbicide fami lies of greatest concern to pro ducers in the Northeast include the sulfonylureas, imidazoli nones, and sulfonamide herbi cides, all collectively known as the ALS inhibitors because of the site or enzyme for which they attack in susceptible plants. The ALS inhibitor class includes a number of products commonly used in com, soy beans, small grains, and forage or hay crops (Table 1). 176.7 153.5 +23.2 bu/ac 186.3 162.9 +23.4 bu/ac 198.2 187.9 + 10.3 bu/ac 195.5 179.1 + 16.4 bu/ac Exparianca Resistance to this class of chemistry is currently not a major problem in the midwest or northeastern U.S. However, in dryland wheat-producing areas of the western U.S. and Canada, ALS resistance is a problem. There are several reason why this class of herbicides pose such a threat for resistance development. First, these herbi cides all attack a single site within susceptible plants (ALS). Resistant weeds have an altered form of ALS which is no longer inhibited by the her bicides. Scientist estimate that peihaps one in a million weeds that are traditionally suscepti ble to this class of herbicides may have an altered ALS. Her bicide families that act at multi ple sites within plants are less likely to select for resistance. (The photosynthesis inhibitors including the triazine herbi cides also act at a single site.) Secondly, the ALS herbi cides are highly effective on a number of weed species. This means that few susceptible weeds escape treatment, so the selection pressure for resistant types is much greater. Weed a* ©(DIEM Ml MSWO PENNSYLVANIA MASTER CORN GROWERS ASSOC., INC species are not all equally sus ceptible to selection for resis tance. In the Northeast, pig weed and cocklebur are very sensitive to several ALS herbi cides and could become a prob lem more quickly (pigweed and lambsquarters were highly sen sitive to the triazines). Third, some of the ALS inhibitor her bicides provide season-long control and in fact require plant-back restrictions because of their residual properties. Longer residual herbicides will continue to control highly susceptible weeds late in the growing season and potentially select for the resistant types. Finally, the effectiveness and sheer number of ALS inhibitor herbicides in the marketplace make it easy for producers to use one in virtually every crop, regardless of rotation. In addition, within the next five years, more than a half dozen new ALS inhibitor herbi cides may be introduced in the com, soybean, and small grain markets. On the positive side, resistance to one ALS inhibitor herbicide does not automatical ly guarantee cross resistance to (Turn to Pago 11)