E44-Lancister Farming, Saturday, March 18,1195 and Pa. borders. Fred R. ■i Daniel, auct Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M. of each week’s publication SAT. APR. 29 -930 AM Burtville (Potter Co.) Pa. Ringo Hills Farm Machin ery Auction. Pirrung Aucts., Inc. 716-728-2520. MAY WED. MAY 3 - 6:3OPM Winross Trucks & Toys. A&C Diffenbach Auction, Inc. 100 W. Jackson St., New Holland, Pa. THURS. MAY 4 - 7 PM Annual Heifer Sale, Cattle must be tested. Bam Man ager Larry Benfer. FRI. MAY 5 - BAM Vintage Sales Stables Spring Heifer Sale. Rt. 30, Paradise, Pa. Willier Inc. FRI. MAY 5 - 6PM Spring Heifer Sale, Belleville Livestock Market. i FRI. MAY 5 & SAT. MAY 6 - swimming pool and porch items plus tools and full line of household goods. Located between Penns Creek and Troxellvllle, Pa. Ken Smith, Dennis Massin ger, aucts. SAT. MAY 6 - 28 Acre Far mette, farm machinery & antiques, Paxinos, Pa. Russel E Zellers, owner. Bryan D. Imes, auct. SAT. MAY 6-B:3OAM 37th Annual Community Sale. Fivepointville Fire Co. Rt 897 in the village of Five pointville, HH Goods, quilts, lawn & garden tools. By Fivepointville Fire Co. Sale Committee SAT. MAY 6-B:3OAM Anti ques, household goods, beer adv, watches, musi cal instruments & accesso ries, toys, full size school buses, car manuals. Held at Lisburn Fire Co. Pavilion, Lisburn, Pa. 1-83 N or S use exit 18, take Rt. 114 W for 5 miles or traveling on Rt. 15 use the Bowmansdale exit, take Rt. 114 E. for 6 miles to Fire House. Marion N. Capp, owner. Little Ike Eichelberger, auct SAT. MAY 6- 9AM Rt 204 between Kratzerville and New Berlin, 36 acre farm on private lane, antiques, collectibles, and farm euqip. Estate of Roy Ben fer. Hassinger/Courtney, aucts. SAT. MAY 6 - SAM Real estate, trucks, personal property. 1 mile N. of Terre Hill along Rt. 697 Lane. Co. East Earl Twp. By Esther Elizabeth Martin Estate. SAT. MAY 6-9 AM 54 Gas engines, 1930 Ford Model A Coupe. Early Am. Stem Eng. Society Show Grounds, southern York Co., near Windsor, Pa. From 1-83 exit 7 take Rt. 124 E (E Prospect Rd.) 7.5 mi. Turn R onto Manor Rd. for 1.3 mi. to show grounds. Russell Wright, Ralph Brenneman, aucts. SAT. MAY 6 - 9'3OAM, Real Estate, Household Goods, Antique Furniture & Collectibles, Garden, Mechanical & Hand Tools. Located At 872 Plum St.. Millersburg, Pa (First Street North Of Johnson Baillie Shoe Co) Owner, Marlin Romberger. David Deibler & Ed Shoop, Aucts. ANNUAL 2 DAY CONSIGNMENT AUCTION Miller Auct. Ctr., Bethel, Pa. FRI., MARCH 31 at 5:00 PM i SAT.. APRIL Ist At 9:00 AM g & Call to Consign your Farm Equip, Cars, Tks, Lawn Equip, Tools, Building Mat., Household, Etc. or Bring your items to sale site. Wed., § Mach 29 - Thurs., March 30 or Fri., March 31. From 9:00 AM till 5:00 PM. Full listing week of sale. Call (717) 933-5736 Now I* Auctioneer: .. li| Dwight D. Miller AU002414-L Bethel, PA 19507 (717)933-5736 SAT. MAY 6- 10AM Heifer Sale. New Holland Sales Stables, Inc, 101 W. Fulton St., New Holland, Pa. SAT. MAY6-11AM3 Ford Tractors, hay, forage equip. For Winding Brook Farm on Rt. 565,2 mi No. of Augus ta, NJ 7 mi. from Sussex or Newton, NJ 20 mi. from NY PUBLIC AUCTION Sat., MARCH 25, 1995 - 9 AM Located 19 miles South of Mifflin and 20 miles North of Shade Gap along Route 35, Just South of Reeds Gap. Farm Machinery Farmall Super C tractor w/cultivators; IH #B2 P.T.O. 7’ auger feed, pull type combine, nice; Papec self unloading wagon w/Zimmerman 8 ton chassis, good; N.H. 492 haybine, very nice; N.H. 310 PTO hay baler, nice; Pequea P.T.O. hay tedder; Kewanee 36’ hay and grain elevator w/electric motor, very nice; IH 56 4 row pull type com planter; 16’ high side bale rack with J.D. chassis; 16’ bale wagon w/chassis; 16’ flatbed wagon w/chassis; J.D. 12 forage harvester w/one row com head; N.H. P.T.O. flail chopper; N.H. 22 P.T.O. table forage blower; Pittsburgh 8’ transport disc; Little Giant com drag w/electric; Shaver hydraulic post driver; Central tractor gravity box w/6 ton chassis; N.H. gravity box w/510 grove chassis; large big bale feeder; Farm Bill 24’ portable livestock feeder; bag cart; 2 wheel wood cart; 1/2 h.p. jet pump; B&D hedge trimmer, like new; 325 board feet walnut 4”, 6”, 8”, 10” and 12” boards; 2 loads farm related items. Livestock 15 beef type Hereford cows, bred to freshen April - May. 10 Hereford feeder steer calves weighing 400-800 lbs. All animals home raised. Modern Household Monarch combination electric and wood fired stove; Gibson 30” electric range, white, like new; Gibson 19 cu. ft. refrigerator/ffeezer, like new; Westinghouse electric sewing machine; 36” light maple base, 2 drawer cabinet; 48” maple roll top desk; nice old treadle sewing machine; small square top extension table; utility cabinet; single & double beds; platform rocker; metal office desk with light; new Magic Heat waste heat circulator; stereo with speakers; electric lamps; electric broiler oven; large cooker/fryer; maple cradle magazine rack; encyclopedias; bedding; baby necessities; double bed and dresser with mirror; chest of drawers; carpet shampooer; electric heater; electric appliances; pots & pans; dinnerware and much more. SALE ORDER: Household - 9:00 AM; Farm related - 11:00 AM; Farm machinery - 12 Noon; Livestock -1:00 PM TERMS: Cash or Good Check. Lunch by Wesley Chapel BANKS K. & ERMA HUTCHINSON. Owners Bryan D. lines, Auctioneer CLIP AD CUP AO SAT. MAY 6 -HAM Real estate located near Rein holds, Lane. Co. By Lester Weber, Edward Miller, Esquire. SAT. MAY 6 - Mel's Stables, at 834 Wallace Rd., New Holland, Pa. From Rt. 23 in New Hol land, go S. on Brimmer Ave., go 2 miles S. on New Holland Rd. to Hill Rd. Turn left on Hill Rd. Proceed 1.2 miles to sale on left. From Rt. 340 E. of Intercourse take New Holland Rd. 2.5 miles to Hill Rd., right On Hill Rd. to sale on left. Mel Hoover, owner. wrm ANNUAL cmummEm PUBLIC AUCTION OF FARM MACHINERY, TRACTORS, TOOLS, LAWN & GARDEN, ETC. HEAD OF LIVESTOCK INCLUDING BEEF COWS & CALVES STK. BULLS, STEERS, HEIFERS SAT., APRIL IST at 9:00 AM FULTON CO., PA LOCATED JUST OFF OF RT. 655 5 MI. SOUTH OF RT. 30 OR 5 MI. NORTH OF RT. 522 ON UPPER TIMBER RIDGE ROAD FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL: CHARLES W. LEESE 717-485-9476 OR VERNON B. LEESE 717-573-2302 CONSIGNMENTS ACCEPTED DAILY AUCTIONEERS FLOYD DAVIS JOHN DOWNIN AU-000231L STOLTZFUS BROS. PUBLIC AUCTION CLEAN FARM EQUIPMENT PERSONAL PROPERTY SAT., MARCH 25, 1995 Auction - 10 AM Location: From Gap take Rt. 30 East past Newport Conaete Plant, turn right onto Swan Rd. to crossroad, turn left onto Strasburg Rd. to 3rd farm on left. West Sadsbury Twp, Chester Co. 1974 John Deere 4230 Diesel Tree, 2300 Orlg. Mrs., 1 Owner 1963 John Deere 3010 Dieeel Tree, NF w/3020 Kit, 1 Owner 1954 JOHN DEERE 40 STANDARD W/CULT. & HOERS, 1 OWNER) 1956 Farmall 100 w/Cult., 1 owner 1975 M.F. 510 Dlaaal Combine w/13' Floating Grain Hoad. & #43 Narrow Corn Head, 1 Owner. . 1973 Chevy CBS, 366 Engine w/16’ Omaha Bed w/Oump, Only 11,000 Ml.’on New Engine & Trans. ■ 1959 Chevy 060 w/14’ Dump Flatbed, 3000 Ml. on Engine Overhaul. 1975 Chevy C2O ■/. T. Pickup, 74,000 Ml., 10wnerw/2 Sets Cattle Racks. JD 7000 Consevadon 4R Max-Emerge Cornplantor 30" w/#loo Monitor I Be*n Cups; Krause *1577 Roekflex Tan dem Wing Disc 16'; Dunham 16' Culdpacker; Dunham 9' Cultlpacker; JO #l6OO 10-Tooth 3 Pt. Chisel Plow; IH #7OO 4B16" Auto Reset Plow; Myers 200 Gal. 3 Pt. Field Sprayer 10-Row w/Myers Piston Pump; JD F92S-H 10’Cultimulcher; JD FBI 3 Disc Grain Drill; JD #3O 2R LEVEL BED POTATO DIGGER (ex. cond.); NH #271 Baler; Farmhand Wheel Rake: NH 401 Crimper; Brady 1440 12’ Stalk Shredder; Wyatt 54' PTO 6” Transport Auger; 20’ Transport 6” Grain Auger w/Elect. Motor; 27' Bin Sweep w/Elec. Motor: JO 10' Lime Drill; NH 24’ Bale Elevator; JD T 4 Front Mtd. 4R Culti vator (lor 30 & 40 JD Series); JD 3 Sec. Harrow; 2 Flat Wagons w/NH Running Gears, 2 NH Gravity Bin Wagons: McCormick Deering Hay Tedder; Walking Plow; Boggs Potato & Onion Grader; Hand Potato Cutter; 700 */■ Baskets; 100 Bu. Baskets; 60 Bu. Crates; VI Bu„ Vi , ’/< Peck Baskets; 300 Gal. Fuel Tank w/Elect. Pump; Elect. Gas Boy Key Pump; Stor More Grain Tester; Platform Scales; Dehor ner, Homelite Cham Saw; Gram Probe; BSD Vi " Drill; Echo 200 Weed Eater; Log Chains; 38“ Trac Chains; 700:20 Truck Chains; JD 3010 TOY PEDAL TRACTOR: & Other Sm. Farm Items. PERSONAL PROPERTY; Double Bed; Crib; Singer Sewing Machine w/Cablnet; Cream Bucket; Maple Ext. Table w/4 Chairs: Maytag Portable Dishwasher: Crocks; Enterprise Saus. Stutter; Wooden Stirrers: 3 chicken crates; plus other items Note: The Stoltztus Bros, have deplded to retire from farming and are selling their equipment at auction. Approx. 90% of Ig. equipment listed above has been purchased new by the Stoltztus 1 and been well maintained and kept inside Don’t miss this important auction! Terms are cash or good PA check No out of state checks unless accompanied by cur rent bank letter of credit addressed to this particular auction. Term* by EDWARD A. & EDNA S. STOLTZFUS LESTER H. & PAULINE M. STOLTZFUS Ed - 810-593-5371 or Lee ■ 610-593-5317 Auction conducted by Randal Kline, Lloyd Kreider, Roy Good Jr., Auctioneers AU2II6L 717-445-4309 PUBLIC SALE Farm Equipment, Household Goods Sat, March 25,1995 At 9:00 AM Located S. Jacob St., Mt. Joy, Pa. Take Rte. 230 In Mt. Joy to S. Jacob St. at Nissley Funeral Home. Ford 5000 gas tractor; Farmall H tractor; Ford 150 auto reset 3-16” plow; Ford 311 4R corn planter, N.H. 329 spreader w/top beater & pan; NH 269 baler; NH 56 rake; NH 479 haybine; NH gravity bin w/RG, JD 17 disc grain drill; ID 6’ flail chopper; JD 125 silage wagon; JD 112 silage wagon. Fox harvestor/lR head; Fox blower; IH 1R cornpicker; Md. 220 Easy Flo bin: Rheems elevator; (3) flatbed wagons; 16’ Cardinal elevator; Brillion 5T chisel plow; 9’ Brillion cultipacker; 9’ Oliver trans. disc; 9’ spring harrow, 2 B Little Genioes plow; McCormick horse drawn mower; IH T mower 2R-3pt. cultivator; walking plow; potato plow; bag wagon; 2 hole com shelter; Fairbank scales; antique fodder shredder; milk cans; wooden wheelbarrow; flagstones; 100 bales straw; 15 doz. 12”x24” slate; dbl. & single trees; wagon tongs; 2 wagon loads small items. Household Goods: 10 pc. D.R. suite w/ext. table; 5 pc. Waterfall BR suite; iron beds, single bed; 4 cots w/mattresses; dbl. bed; baking table; chairs; benches; elec, sewing machine; lamps; lawn chairs; picnic table; Ben Franklin wood stove; Buch farmers furnace; Ig. iron kettle; old doll coaches; treadle fire engine; old bottles. Order of Sale: Household furniture, small items, farm equipment. Lunch available - Not responsible for accidents. Sale by Amos M. & Grace B. Nolt Aucts. AU6I7L Raymond Miller (717)653-8762 Jim Hershey 665-7284 PUBLIC AUCTION Valuable Residential Real Estate and Personal Property Sat., March 25, 1995 9:00 A.M. Located one mile south of Manheim, Lancaster county, Pa. known as 1422 Lancaster Road or Manheim Pike opposite of Kreiders Restaurant. Real Estate to be offered at 11:00 A.M. and consists of a parcel of land located in Penn Township, Lancaster County, Pa. thereon erected a nice 2 bedroom ranch house with living room, eat-in kitchen, 2 baths, 2 car garage attached, full basement, storm doors and windows, electric heat. This is a well kept property you will appreciate a tour of this one. Please call for an appointment 626-2636. Terms are 10% down with balance in 45 days. Personal Property consists of the following items, 1982 Ford Granada 58,000 miles, Antiques and furniture, high oak bed. Pedestal stands, tables, stands, fernery, Gov. Winthrop '.ficty. desk, candle stands, 1 drawer table, 2 drawer small dropleaf table, iron dog, iron deer, Tomahawk, numerous arrow heads, Cedar Chest, 5 pc. dinette set, mirror, approximately 125 wood turnings, including a lamp base made by “David S. Nissley” signed and dated. Curio Cabinet, coffee table, Farm painting in oil by Lynn Longenecker 1959, Cane seat rocker and stool, double bed, Braided rugs, 5 Quilts, 5 pc. bedroom suite, Press back rocker, living room furniture, lounge chair, 5 pc. dinette set, Husquavama Sewing machine, Roseville book ends, Roseville vase, Misc. dishes and glassware. Misc. utensils, pattern glass. Small appliances QE-washer & dryer, Edger, Seeder, lawn roller, lawn & garden tpols, lawn cart, also numerous items of value not mentioned. Auction for Ruth E. Nissley Estate, Nancy Wildt Executrix Young & Young Atty’s JiukMjUtoddtet LICENSE NO. 649-L / 23 N. Watar St. (717) 626-8175 or (717) 626-2636 LHltz, Pannaylvanla 17543 FAX (717) 627-6757 APPRAISERS and ADVISORS
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