d; 136-Umctstw Farming, Saturday, March 18, 1 NEW EQUIPMENT IN STOCK CALL FOR DETAILS 81 PRICES 0« THE MEW EQUIPMENT YOU NEED Case IH 415 Packer Mulcher, 10T Demo - $4,950! Case IH 495 Tractors - 2WD - call for details! Case IH 4210 MFD ROPS, (New Model) Case IH 4210 MFD, Cab Case IH 5230, 2WD, ROPS Case IH 7220 All Wheel Drive Case IH 600 Blower FOR RENT MAXXUM TRACTOR... 5130, 4WD, Cab.. Rent/Lease Or Rent/Buy Case IH 380011 1/2’Disk Harrow, 71/2” Spacing nts ? Case IH 183 4& 6 Row Cultivator f Cash Discoun . Case IH 4212 Soil Finisher, 12 1/2 Ft. (/ or _. „ n ~: na New Haying Equipment f LoW Rate Financing f lase IH 8309Pise Mower Conditioner ' on . $ ise IlfiSmDO Baler TRACTORS: IHI4O FH w/Woods 5' Mower & S' Snow Plow IH 154 Cub Low Boy w/5 Ft. Mower IH 154 Cab Low Boy w/S Ft. Sickle Bar IH 385 w/Ag Tires 35 HP, 2 WD IH 404 Gee, Duel Turf Tires, W/O 3 Pt. Hitch IH 684, Ag Tires IHIOB6 Cab, A/C, 1100 Orig. Hrs., Ex. Cond. Cue IH 112019 HP, 4WD, 60” Deck, Ag Tires, York Rake & Blade, LowHra. MF 1010 Diesel, Hydro, 2 WD, 5 Ft. Belly Mower, 600 Hrs., Like New Farmall H Farmall Cub w/S Ft. Mower Ford 1210 2WD, 5 Ft., Undermount Mower, Front Blade Hyd. Angle, Cab, Like New 184 Cub Lowßoy w/Cab & S Ft. Mower COMBINES: IH 744WideCornheadfor715, Ex. Cond. IH 81015'Grain Head w/Hart Carter Floeting Cutter Bar 24.5x34 Rice Tires & Rims For IH 1420 Or 1620 MF 444RW.CH, Nice Shape Good Selection Of Older Cub Cadet Lawn & Garden Tractors - All Makes and Models! Cub Cadet 1450 & 169 With Decks! Toro 7 Gang Pull-Type Golf Course Mower Jac Turf Cat Commercial Mower, 2WD, 5 Ft. Mower, Nice Shape (2) National 3 Gang Triplex, 84” Cut, 1- Eleetrlc Start, 1 - Manual Start JOl6O Lawn Tractor, 38” Cut, Nice Shape JD 430 Diesel 2/60” Deck Dixon ZTR w/30”Cut& Bagger, Nice Howard-Priee 727 Dleul w/5 Gang Reel Mowera JD 180 Lawn Tractor w/Blade & Bagger, Real Nice Steel Cab for IH 154,185 or 184 Hours: Dally 7:30 to 5; Sat. 7:30 mm farm PLATE STEEL LIKE NEW 3/16” and 1/4”. Ideal for Truck Floors, bins, etc. 160 per lb. We can install or cut to order. Can deliver almost anywhere. KISKO SALVAGE Rt. 209 Tremont, PA-17981 Ask for Carl 717-695-3332 Ml Ground Drive Spreader (Needs Work) Century 250 Gal. Trailing Sprayer JO 7000 4-Row Liquid Planter HSIOS Woods Hyd. 3 pt. Hitch Ditch Bank Mower Woods C6O 5 Ft. Pull lype Mower Woods 72,3 Pt. Mower Woods 31515 Ft. BatwlnmHwer (Real Nice) MF 5 Ft. 3 Pt. Mower FMC 500 Gal. Trailing Sprayer w/Boom Piston Pump 4-Ton Tandem Axle Hydraulic Dump Trailer Huber Highway Roller, 8-Ton 10 Ft. “Root” Highway Plow, Mounting forCaelH Maxxum Tractor $2,100 TILLAGE: JUI2 Ft. Transport Disc SIH 9 Ft. Transport Discs 5 Bottom Semi-Mounted Plow IH 420 3 Bottom 3 pt. Plow HAY & FORAGE: IH 56 Blower IH 14 Rake 7 Ft. IH 440 Baler w/Thrower IH 435 Baler w/Thrower, Real Nice IH 990,'9 Ft. Mower Conditioner Badger Forage Box w/Tandem Axle Hesston 4500 Wire Baler w/Thrower NH 411 Dlsbine Rt 7> (22) We Ship UPS Daily! to 3 a 5,000 Gal. Top Fill LIQUID MANURE SPREADER with Flotation Tires h « tl $4,900 t: m 717-426-4919 | n» New Holland Spreaders 12-Year Protection plan Most guarantees last only as long as the original owner. But New Holland Bonded Protection means our entire line of box spreaders is guaranteed not just to the first owner, but to all future owners. Bonded Protection covers every box spreader’s floor and sides for twelve years. If a floorboard fails for any reason Free Financing Waiver On New Spreaders Until January I, 1996 CHARLES S. SNYDER. INC HR 3 Box 109,1 Mite East of Rt. 309 On Rt. 443, Tamaqua, PA 18252 REWHOLLAnD Phone 717-386-5945 Fax 717-386-4080 Ship Parts UPS Daily Mon. Thru Fii. 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM; Sat. 8:00-12:00 Evening by Appt. NH 130 Spreader NH 185 Spreader NH 190 Spreader NH 195 Spreader NH 305 Spreader emu IT PAYS to talk to your local ABCO Haw Idaa doalar. They hava Interesting information ynu will want TO READ eoneornlng Now Idoa Hay Tools. Thoro aro tpacial pra-saason discounts avallabls BETWEEN now and tha 1995 hay saason. With tha bast hay tools on tho market It pays to raad batwaon THE LINES. A New Idea ‘Wertz farm Equipment, Inc. Sales and Service Farm, lawn & Garden Equipment 4132 MAIN STREET • P.O. BOX 230 LINEBORO, MARYLAND 21088 during normal use, or the sides rust through, we’ll replace them free. Choose from seven models, with 161- to 440-cubic-foot'(heaped, double-beater) capacities. Bonded Protection...only on New Holland box spreaders. NH 304 Side Delivery w/6" Sides NH 513 w/Single Beater *** NICE *** NH 514 w/New Chain NH 520 w/Slurry Sides End Gate ** EXC**
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