Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, March 18, 1995, Image 137

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    6-8 Ton Martin Gear
Gear 51/2x28” Steel Wheels Horse Hitch.... $5BO
Gear 7x28” Steel Wheels Horse Hitch 8600
Improved Farmers Choice
Wagons Gear In Stock
8 ton Gear adj. tong $525.00
8 ton 86 in Wide trac adj. tong $560.00
I Set of 4 used truck tires & tubes $75.00
Set of 4 used 16 in. truck tires & tubes $lOO.OO
Set of 4 New 11L15 tires & tubes $185.00
| Ivan, Noah & Ammon Hoover
7 A.M. to 7 P.M. 717-733-6825
New REDTEK Grease
Saves Farmers Money
Reports indicate that this ultra-tacky
grease with silicone reduces maintenance
down time and grease consumption by as
much as 80%. REDTEK is a high
technology grease manufactured by TCB
Manufacturing Industries. It is specifically
formulated to solve the most severe
lubrication problems found in rugged,
heavy-duty industrial applications.
The technological breakthrough
consists of combining an ultra-tacky
texture with one of the slipperiest
materials known to man, silicone. The
silicone provides an additional safety
margin of protection since only one
molecule thickness is required to prevent
metal to metal contact.
The ultra-tacky texture shields bearings
from contamination when equipment is
“up to its hubs in dust and grit.” This is
accomplished by creating a “ring seal”
around the bearing. The company states
that REDTEK is so tacky, it cannot be
thrown off universal joints, washed off
pumps or squeezed out of loader pins.
REDTEK “stays put” and dramatically
reduces bearing replacement costs.
4 WD, Like New Rubber, 170 HP from the Factory, 180 HP on the dyno,
Real Nice Tractor, 1990 Model, 1989 Year Mfgr. Priced Right
|MF 1020,21 hp, diesel tractor w/warranty fit new loader |
IMF 2675 cab, air, 24 speed
MF 1135 w/canopy. good rubber, sharp
IMF 265, diesel, 8 spd„ 28* rubber cab, H/A
MF 245 overhauled, new paint fit rubber, sharp
IMF 165 38’ rubber, good n
MF 135 gas, power steering,
I MF 135 gas, goad running
® MF 35 good running tracti
I Ferguson 20 w/englne ovt
I* MF 846 loader, quick-tach
455 DA quick attach loadr
NH 275 w/thrower
I NH 268 w/thrower
" NH 489 hayblne
I NH 477 hayblne
_ IH 5109 7x16 drill w/press wheels
I IH 510 7xlB drill w/grass seed box
IMelroe 7xlB grain drill, like new ■
10' Brilllon cultlmulcher w/wheels on Inside, like new |
IMF 880 spring reset plow: sxlB and 4x16 |
8 tooth Bushog, 3 pt. chisel plow w/3 baQQ clearance I
ICultlpackers; 12' and different sizes ■
IH 3 pth 10' Held cultivator and 10' pull type ■
I Rotary mower I
■ Baltic 2 Beater Spin Spreader w/Hyd. Openers, like new *
I Used Brilllon cultlpacker and cultlmulcher parts I
I" Packer pups ”
New farm and corral gates, also hay feeders I
MF Tractor parts Dismantling: 20, 30, 35, 40. SO. 65,
85. 90, 135. 150. 165. 175, 178. 180, 283, 285, 399
4WD; 1080. 1085, 1100, 1130. 1105. 1135. 1150
w/cab. 1155. 2805. 3680. MH 22. 44.
403 Centerville Rd . Newvllle. PA 17241
off 81 exit 11.2 miles N on 233
■ (717)776-6242 No Sunday Calls ■
I No Out-Of-State Personal Chucks Us Ship OPS I
To obtain a FREE? sample call 1-800-451-
2049. You may also contact your local
sales engineer. Gene Istanich.
FREE sample cartridges are available to
full time farmers who 'agree to test
REDTEK on their toughest greasing
We have two of these Tractors
Best Buys in Used Equipment
IH 3588
IH 4568
(2) IH 4366
IH 1486
IH 1086
(2) IH 1066
IH 5288 MFD
IH 706
(3) IH 806
IH 2444
KR 1927 25'
KR 4927 A
KR 1965
(2) KR 1966
IH 490, 21'
IH 470, 18'
(2) Case IH 1480
(5) Case IH 1680
CIH 1644
CIH 1660
DMI Tiger II Sub-Soller 7 Shank BR 16’ Chisel Plow
DMI Tiger II Sub-Soller 5 Shank AC 13’ Chisel Plow
JD 910 sub-Soller, 13 Shank • Athens 156 Chisel Plow, 3 Pt.
(2) Sunflower 21’ Chisel Plow 10’ & 12’
Stleger 2211, Sllcer chisel, 14' Ferguson 9 Shank Chisel Plow
SF HB 30 Chisel Plow
1H531. 3x14
IH 560, 6 Btm
KR 3921 Fid. Cult.
KR 3121 Landsman
KR 4612 F-3 Fid. Cult.
KR 3131 Landsman
IH 45 Fid.-Cult, 18’ 22’
BR 12 RN Cultivator
BR 16’ CF Packer
BR 14’ Cultl-Mulcher
BR 25’ Cultlmulcher
BR 34' Packer
BR 25’ CF Packer
GP 12’
GP 24’
(3) GP 15’
GP 20’
(2) GP 30'
JD 8000 23x7
AC 600 Planter, 18’
JD 71 Bean Planter
NH 575 Baler
NH 1496 R Hayblne
Schulte 5026 Rotary Cutter
Woods 15' Batwing Mower
FMC Orchard Sprayer
500 gallon tank
42” fan
International V 8 motor
Updates include:
Bean 2-stage pump
New tires
S.S. Sheet metal
Cheny Hill Orchards
Lancaster County
(717) 872-9311
IH 574 Case 2670
IH 966 C1H7130
JD 8650 (2) CIH 7110. 2WD
JD 4840 (2) CIH 7120. MFD
JD 2550 (2) CIH 9270
Case 2290 Ford 5000
Case 3294, MFD Steiger 310
Case 1270 Steiger CM325
Case 4890 AC B
IH 496. 27’6"
IH 490, 23’
IH 475, 18'
JD 430 12’
MF 520 16'
MF 820, 26' & 21'
(3) IH 1480
(2) IH 1420
(4) IH 1460
(4) JD 7720
IH 720, 6x16
IH 800, 10 Btm
BR 32' N Packer
BR 23' Packer
JD 950 Cultlmulcher
JD 10' Cultlmulcher
DL 12' Cultlmulcher
Sunflower 17' land Finisher
Bervac 615 Fid. Cult.
UM 31' Rolling Baskets
UM 23' Basket
Landoll Tlllall 875
JD 8300
JD 750, 15 Ft
(2) IH 5100 Drill
IH 510
21x7, 24x6
Badger TAS4 Blower
Berthoud D 6 Sprayer
Gehl 1865 Rd. Baler
UFT 400 Grain Cart
Klnze Grain Cart
Hardee 1360 Mower
I. SfttOi
r. Mafch 18, r f9W-C)2l
MF 620
Midland 1050
Pittsburgh 6'
JD 4400
(2) CIH 5100
CIH 5400
w/Cultlplanter, 26x7
CIH 5300
(2) MF 43, 22'