Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, March 18, 1995, Image 134
D22-L*ncaster Farming, Saturday, Match 18, 1995 U FARM EQUIPMENT WASTE INJECTION SYSTEM Save Nutrients • Save Compaction • Save Time ALSO: IRRIGATION TOOL BAR DEMONSTRATIONS Compared to single gun, increases flow by 25% Applies close to the ground, reducing odor and nutrient loss Works great in a no till or limited tillage situation SPECIAL INVITATK To All SCS Employees, All County Extension Agents, State Engineers, Etc. Int. 574 Tractor w/loader MM445 Gas Tractor w/Wide Front End & 3 Pt. Hitch HAY EQUIPMENT JD 1209 mower conditioner NH 56 5 bar rake NI cut conditioner windrower NH 495 12 ft. Mower conditioner - Good Condition Hesston 1085 9 Ft Mower conditioner w/Lift Cyl NH 495 Mower Conditioner Head on a Hesston Swing-Arm Unit IH 1190 9 Ft. Mower Conditioner - Mech. Condition Fair JD 1217 mower conditioner w/non clog guards, 7 Ft Gehl CB6OO forage harvester w/2R corn head & 6 - hay pickup head JD 3R corn head, excellent condition JD 3940 Forage Harvester w/Hydra-Electric Controls, 1000 RPM, Excellent Condtion Call For Details JD 3960 Forage Harvester w/Long Tongue & Hydra-Electric Controls, Excellent Condition Call For Details NH9OO Pull Type Forage Harvester w/Metal Alert II w/3RN Corn Head & Hay Pickup Head $12,700 JD 3970 Pull Type Forage harvester w/Long Tongue Hydra-Electric Controls and Extras $ll,OOO JD 714 forage Wagon On Excellent JD1275 Wagon Gear $3,200 JD3970 Forage Harvester w/Long Tongue. Hydra-Electric Controls. 1989 Model. Gone Sunflower 3pt. hitch V-ripper, 4 shank, auto reset List $5900, Special $4350 H&S 7+4 16' forage box w/varlable speed, all steel, roof & 3rd beater List $B4OO, Special $6680 All the benefits of manure irrigation without any of the smell! IRRI-J For More Information, Call; AgriSy^tems 80Q-222-2948 ECTION "'"s* Call for Detaila 52,600 ;nt 52,500 .Call for Details (2) 12,000 lb. 4WO foifclllt, rebuilt 453 Detriot Diesel eng. (0 time) $14,000 4 $16,000 4.000 lb. Clark pneumatic LP6, good cond $3,700 2.500 lb. Clark electric, w/charger $2,500 15.000 lb. tVojan articulating, 7’ fork*, Cummins diesel, very good cond $15,000 5.000 lb. Hyster, side shift solid lire, LP6, 1907,3-stage, excel, cond., low his $lO,OOO 4.000 lb. Towmotor, solid tire, LPG, P/S, light rattle 4 forks won’t come down .$1,200 2.500 Lb. Hyster 3 Wheel Pneumatic Gas, ' Auto, P/S, Very Good Cond 43,000 Over & Field Ready By Experienced Mech JD3RN Corn Head w/New Belts, Knives Reworked JD2RN Com Head, New Style Green Head w/SUp Clutch JD2RW Corn Head for Parts or Mech. Special! JD343 Snapper Head - Excellent Condtlon JD Adapter Plate to Put Snapper Head on Forage Harv.... JD 5 1 /2 Ft. Hay Pickup Head - Early style ....$9OO $1,300 ....$650 $3,300 $2,100 $1,900 .$1,600 $3,100 TILLAGE JD 235 Dura-Cushion Center Fold Disk Harrow - 15 Ft. 8 In JD 875 4-Row Cultivator w/All Extras Available! This Unit Like Brand New!!! Used Only 1 Hour $4,600 IH 56 2 Row corn planter w/dry fertllltzer $7BO JD 7000 4R Wide or Narrow Conservation Pit w/Dry Fert. Monitor and Extras. Good Clean Pit. Made Field Ready Call for details JD 8250 Grain Drill - 18x7 10’ w/Fert., Grass Seed Att’h & Hyd Cylinder MISC. NH 520 Manure Spreader w/Hyd. Endgate, 4 Years Old, Excellent Condition! Couldn’t Ask For A Nicer One JD 13 Ft. Quick Tach Grain Head w/Lovc Cutterbar Meyers 8 Ft. Snow Blade to MTD on Tractor w/Trlp Springs NH TRBS Combine In Excellent Condition - Low Hours - Shed Kept! w/13 Ft Grain Head & 4RW Com Head. Also has adapter Plate New to Put JD Heads On I 8,000 lb. Pneumatic Forklift, “■ LPG, 6’ Forks, Side Shift irva i -MECHANICS SPECIALS MANY OTHER FORKLIFTS IN YARD - CALL FOR SPECS Also A Dealer For Sunflower Tillage Equipment And H&8 Equipment KBITBR’B FARM MACHINERY Halifax, PA 17032 (25 miles North of HBG) 717-362-9096 TRACTORS IH 656 diesel. 65 H.P., WF. TA. 3 pt. big rubber HAY EQUIP. NH 269 baler w/thrower. real nice NH 30' & 36‘ elevator IH grass head for 720 or 830 chopper NH 276 Baler w/58 Thrower, nice IH 1190 Hayblne NH 479 Hayblne NH 495 Hayblne, Good Rolls JD #3O Bale Thrower, complete MI3C, IH 510, 3x16" seml-mounted plow, nice Ford 10' wheel disc JD 8' wheel disc Portable air compressor w/6 cyl. gas engine Durham 12’ roller harrow 7' snow bucket off of JD loader 8’ dozer blade for Big Horse power tractor NI loader & blade for Farmall H or M IH 1150 grinder mixer, nice 7,000 Lb. Clark 4WD, Gas $7,000 3.000 Lb. A/C LPG Runs $BOO 10.000 lb. Hyster Kirry Krans, runs good $6,000 5.000 Lb. CAT, solid tiro, LPG, S/S, very g00d.55,000 5.000 Lb. Hyster solid tiros LPG, 3 stags wiry good $4,500 4.000 Lb. Baksr electric, new battery .$4,000 3.000 Lb. Raymond Reach Thick, Good Cond 5.000 Lb. Claifc, Electric w/chaiger, very good condition 6.000 Lb. Yale, solid, 22’ lift Electric Pallet Jacks $3,000 .53,000 46,000 $5OO to $BOO Ea. Call for Details 54,780 52,800 s4oo ... Call for Price s72B s6Bo $6,400 $3,900 $3,600 Call $1,600 Call for details