Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, March 18, 1995, Image 133

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    John Daara 4030 w/Canopy, Snycro-
Rang*, 30 Hp, Nica
Ktium it' Wing Fold Disc 19” Good Uaod Spring Uoadod Flow
Bladoo, 9” Spacing, 10" Base With Coltora To (It Moat Plows Inc. IH,
JO 2010 Gas w/Loadsr, Tricycle
Faimall Cub w/HydrauKcs
Farmall H w/Loader
Yanmar 155 w/Mowor t Front Blade
IH 656 Qaa, Sharp, Crack Block
Ford 0000 dual Power, Nice, Crack
Ford 2910 Diesel w/Loader 36 HP
Ford 2810 MFWD w/772 Loader, Sharp -
Ford 2000 LOG, Gas, P.S., Turf Tires '
Ford NAA “Golden Jubilee” Nice Original
Case IH 5120 Maxum, Cab, Low Hours
IH 1086 Cab, Air, Excellent
IH 1466, Cab, Wts. 18x38
IH 1066, Cab, 2R, Radlals, Nice
IH 886 w/Canopy, Low Hours, Sharp
IH 666 Diesel, WF, 3 PL, Nice, 66 HP
IH 274 Diesel Offset w/Cult, Sharp
IH 656 Diesel, High Utility. 3 Pt. Nice
IH 424 Gas, 37 HP
JD 4230 Fender, QUAD
JD 4030, Canopy, Syncro, Nice
JD 2510 Gas, Tricycle, Sharp, 54 HP
JO 4320, Cab, 2R, 38”, 116 HP
JD 302 P, Cab, Syncro, IR, Wts., 70 HP
JO 4020 w/Cab 72 Model Syncro, Sharp
JD 4020, Cab 2R Synco
JD 2630 Hi-Lo, 2R, Ind., Sharp
JD 2150 Diesel, IR, 50 HP, Nice
JD 2150 w/Loader and Backhoe
JD 2030 Diesel IR6OHP
JO 3010 Gas WF
JD 900 HC offset w/cult. and side dresser
Case 4490,175 HP, 3 Pt.. PTO
Case 4890, 225 HP, 3 PL, PTO
Case 380 w/Loader, 40 HP Diesel, 3 PL, PTO
Case 630 gas, WF
AC 185 Diesel, Try
Allis WD 45 Gas, WF, Woods 6’ Mower
MF 255 Diesel w/Canopy, 52 HP
MFI3S Gas, 3 Pt. 35 HP
IMT 539 Diesel (same as MF 35)
White 2-155 Cab, Nice
Oliver 1655 Gas, WF, Nice
(2) Farmall C
Farmall 140 w/Cultivator 24 HP
Farmall 100 w/f.h. Sharp 24 HP
Satoh 550 Gas, Compact, 17 HP, Nice
Kubota 245 Offset w/Cultivator, very nice
Ford CL-20,25HP Gas, 46* Bucket
JO 6758, 44HP Diesel, 62* Bucket
Bobcat 743,36 HP Diesel, 54” Bucket
Adapter Plate from NH to Bobcat Attach,
1 Set 18.4x30 Clamp On T-Rail
2 Sets 16.9x34 Clamp On T-Rail
2 Sets 18.4x34 9 Bolt Center
5 Sets 18.4x38 9 Bolt Center
2 Sets 18.4x38 Clamp On T-Rail
1 Set 18x3810 Bolt Rims Only
Set of 4 • 18x38 Tires, Rims and Hubs for IH
1 Set 20.8x38 Clamp On
1 Set 20.8x3810 Bolt to Fit IH 5088
ft c ' %z,
1(72 John Door* 4020 Conaola,
Syncro, 2 Ramotaa, Factory Cab,
Waighta, Naw 10.4x34 Tlraa, Sharp
- >'.'
IH 10M w/QT-1 Cab, 10x30 Radlals,
1000 PTO, 2 Valves, Vary Claan
nl Tractor
Glencoe 9T Soilsaver (Colter Chisel)
Hesston 9T Soilsaver can be 7T
JO 1710A11T Soilsaver (Diec Chisel)
JD lOTor 12T3 R. Chisel (Sharp)
Glencoe 9T Pull Chisel
Brillion 10T Pull Chisel
JD 1600 10T Pull Chisel
MF 10T, 12T 3 Pt. Chisel
IH 55 11T 3 Pt. Chisel
JD 1000 12’ Transport Field Cultivator
Glencoe 10' Field Cultivator
Brillion 11T 3 Pt. V-Ripper (Excellent)
(2) IH 45 18' Vibra Shank Field Cultivator
Brillion 14'Transport Spring Harrow
Brillion 17'Transport Danish Harrow (Exc.)
Oliver 14' Transport Spring Harrow
JD 12' 3 Pt. Danish Field Cultivator
AC 1200 20* 3 Pt. Hyd. Fold Field Cult.
Hiniker 1120 18' Flat fold Field Cult. (Exc.)
Bearcat 10' Roller Harrow
Chatanooga 8' Cultimulcher
Dunham 10' Roller Harrow
Kewanee 10' Roller Harrow
Dunham 12' Cultimulcher
Dunham 16' packer w/rear transport
(3) Brillion 10' Packer w/4" Axle
Brillion 16'Cultipacker, 4” Axle
Brillion 14' Packer w/End Transport
Dunham 14' Packer w/End Transport
Dunham 11' Packer w/End Transport
Brillion 12' Packer
JD 12' Packer
JD 48 w/5' and Valve, Fit 3020 Etc.
JD 145 w/5’ & Valve, Fit Utility
JD 146 w/6’ & Valve, Fit Utility
(2) JD 146 w l7’ & Valve, Fit Utility
JD 148 w/7’ & Joystick, fit 2840 etc.
JD 158 w/8' Fit 4020 etc.
JD 265 W/B' Fit 4430 etc.
Ford 7410 HD Loader to fit 7700 etc.
(2) IH 1000 to Fit Cub, A, 140, Etc.
(3) Woods Dual Loaders To Fit Most Any Tractor
IH 2250 w/7' & valve to fit 574 etc.
IH 2350 w/B’to fit 1086 etc.
New Woods 3180 15' Wing Mower
Woods MD 80” 3 pt. Mower
New Woods 59 For Super A, 140
New Woods L 59 for AC 'B'
New Woods 21414’ Mower/Shredder
Brillion 15' Stalk Shredder
Woods 0121 10' Offset Mower
Bush Hog 13’ Rotary Mower
King Kutter S' 3 Pt. Estate Mower
Bush Hog 31511’ Wing Mower
Woods 6' Cadet 3 Pt. Rotary
Woods 7' Cadet 3 Pt. Rotary
BEFCO 18' Wing Fold Estate Mower
JD 100 3 Pt HI ClMr ChlMl Plow Can
Ba i, 10 or 12T w/Qaugt Wlwala, V.Nlca
International (M w/Roll-Bar, Low
Houra, Sharp, W HP
IH 14*a Rad Cab w/Alr, ISx3S, 2 IH 450 3xlt Automatic Spring Raaat John Daara 7000 4R Complantar
Valves, 540 A 1000 PTO, Front w/Coltera and Qauga whaal, V. Good w/Dry Fattillzar and Monitor, 30"
Walghta, Quale Avallabla Cond. Rowa. No Til Coltara.
JD 7000 4 Row 30” Complantar
w/lnaactialda It Dry Fait, In Good
Millar IV offset disk, 3 Bar frama,
tandam flotation tlraa, trash repaint,
good condition, others also
-i? r\|
IH 720 7xlB Auto Reset, On Land
IH 710 6xlB Trip Bottom, On Land
(2) IH 720 4xlB Auto Reset
IH 710 4x16 Auto Reset
IH 730 4X Vari-Width Toggle Trip
IH 710 3x16 Auto Reset
(3) IH 450 3x16 3 Pt. Auto Reset
IH 314 3x16 3 Pt. Rollover
IH 2X and 3X Fast Hitch Plows
White 548 6x16 Auto Reset
White 348 3xlB Pt. Auto Reset
Oliver 546 6x16 Auto Reset
MF 570 4x Rollover plow
JD 4600 4 or sxlB on Land Rollover
JD 2800 7X Vari-Width Auto Reset
JD 2700 7X Toggle Trip, On Land
(3) Ford 2X 3 Pt. Plows
(4) 1 Bottom 3 Pt. Plows
JD 672 Rake w/Dolly (Excellent)
NH 256 Rake - Like New
NH 56 Rake
Pequea 5x20 Bale Feeder
Pequea 760 Rake Inverter
Pequea 710 PJO Tedder
JD 1320 8' Disc Mower Conditioner
NH 488 Haybine 9', Like New
(2) JD 1219 Haybines (1 Almost New)
JD 346 Baler w/Ejector
JD 336 Baler w/Ejector
NH 316 Baler w/thrower, excellent
NH Super 68 Baler
JD 350 7’ 3 Pt. Sickle Mower
IH 1300 9' 3 Pt. Sickle Mower
(2) Oliver 351 T 3 Pi Sickle Mower
Ford 501 6' 3 Pt. Sickle Mower
Buffalo Valley 36' Elevator
(2) NH 24' Corn & Hay Elevators
(4) Farmco 18x6 Steel Hay Wagons
Tye No Till 13' Pasture Pleaser
IH 51016x7 SD w/Grass & Fed.
JD Van Brunt 15x7 SD w/Grass & Fert.
JD Vanferunt 17x7 SD w/Grass & Fert.
JD 7000 4x36 w/Dry Fert.
JD 7000 4x30 w/Dry Fert. & No Til
JD 7000 6x30 Plate Planter
JD 7000 4x36 Max Emerge Planter
(2) Ford 309 2 Row 3 Pt. planter
Oliver 2 Row 3 Pt. Planter
Allis Chalmers 2 Row 3 Pt. No Til Planter
IH 2R Fast Hitch Planter
(2) IH 56 2 Row Corriplanters
Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, March 18, 1995-021
* * /
Krause 19' Wing Fold, Nice
White 271 16’ Rockflex Wing Disc
JD 11014' Disc
Bush Hog 12' Cutting Disc
Several 3 Pt. Hitch Discs- Call
(2) IH 500 14' Cutting Disc
(2) IH 37 B'Wheel Disc
IH 35010’Wheel Disc
Krause 14 9 '/s’ Offset, Sharp
Miller 36ar 11'Offset
White 281 12’Offset, Sharp
JD 225 87>’ Offset, Sharp
Case IH 47518’ Hyd. Fold Wing Disc
NH 90 3 Pt. Bale Handler
NH 354 Grinder Mixer
(2) Gehl 95 Grinder Mixers
(4) Gravity Bin Wagons
6' and 8' Fast Hitch Blades
Bush Hog RTS 62 3 Pt. Rotary Tiller,
New 52", 63" and 72’ 3 Pt. Rototillers
Westfield 4xll and 6x16 Uty. Augers
Shaver Post Driver
(3) 10’ Lime Drill, NH and Nl
New and Used Post Hole Diggers
Oliver 2 R Potato Digger
Westgo Hydraulic Rock Picker
Kory 6T and 8T Wagon Gears
(2) Brilllon Packer/Seeders
Side Dresser Attach, for Cub and Super A
8' Flexible Chain Harrow
(3) 8T Used Wagon Gears
Several Used Tractor Cabs
WIC 2700 Tandem Axle Tank Spreader w/8
Pt. Injectors
Woods Rear Blades for up to 150 HP
NH 514 Spreader w/Tallgate, Top Beater
JD 450 Hydra Push Spreader (Exc.)
Nl 18 Ground Drive Spreader (Exc.) .
Tailgate for NH 514 Spreader
New Wooda/Dual 315 Loader w/IH
10M Braokats On Stock. Many Other
Brackata Available.
IH 45 Vlbra Chlaal IS’ Field
Cultivators, Can Easily Ba 12,13 Or
14* Also