016-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, March 18. 1995 Why Wait? Purchase The Equipment You Need NOW! Excellent Financing Available juality Gchl In Stock At Binkley & Hurst Bros. “ Let's Get Toj CEHL Box Spreader* Even when it's empty... it's lost. Law praWa daaipn maana DawUa Calvaoiwd steal iMn •asy loading by atud loader are cartesian raaiatanl lor long Me front and load* or barn daaoar Ona-pwaa aaantaaa conalrurtan worn cateb material or leak CM-Tull Ftowtof pnarai N OtUanal Miaallc a«aji apron bam beating to tw floor raatsm front of fhabaaiarpadalaa aHowmf manure to slid* out with to aacur* aiappy toad* andl Map ktda raawtanoa Leas apron pul haapad maMnal aut at t»a >aaiar maana laaa wear and taar an unt yaw ra taady lo apraad * drives and apron chains Ona avadaM MMr pan radwoaa »P (pace construction wen t (ton in tha yard v roadway whiK under heavy loadi anhreng N apraad dariwMn OicMattng landam whaafa alow faster ground speeds whilt prowl mg greater dotation They re sir dard on tha 32$ bushel an. 425 bushel models and optional on the 250 bushel modal ElUi'iliMt, T*kli apfan chains witi an avataga tanarfa svangth ol aua» 23 500 pounds kaap lha taggas) loads manng Binkley & Hurst Bros., Inc. Is THE NEW 300 SERIES GEHL Your Place To Buy One Good LINE OF QUALITY Spreader For A Two-Spreader Farm SCAVANGER SPREADERS lid To Stable Manure Hauling A Pleasure ,el’s Need A Skid Loader? Binkley Hurst Bros. Has Just What You Need! 4625 47 hp diesel, 1,350 lb. SAE operating capacity _ .... , in Stock, Ready For Delivery ( ’ rcal Scrvice a b.l.ly! A New Geld Model 5L4625 47 HP Kubota Powered Diesel Need Parts, Call Binkley & Hurst Bros. Today TORQUE AMPLIFIER Part # Application ENGINE OVERHAUL KITS » Apphci A 182169 Case 504 BDT Eng BMO6O |H DT436 Eng Less Rod Befcr I Rings 892058 IH DT4I4 Eng Less Bear. S Rings FIELD CULTIVATOR PARTS BINKLEY & HURST BROS., INC. 133 Rothsville Station Rd., Lititz, PA 17543 (*l*% 1-800-487-2978 Located 1/2 Mile North of Rothsvllle / X / / Ua<U T / Va? Fax 717-626-0996 ' 19>M CASH CORPORATION CASE HI IH r, r('()isU'rrr) trad' ni.trk of f; Corporation Binkley & Hurst Bros. Has A Quality Gehl Spreader In Stock And Ready For Use Now At Economical Pricing! j .. aupi Financing Available 1944039C2 3 Yr. Warranty OEM Many IH Trac # > 892059 IH 0436 Enj Less Rod Bear. A Rings Twelve •lire wide ene*plece better paddles are symmetneafty positioned far bread umterm spread! PaddM are fabricated from lough 1/d* thick high srength steel Soft an replace merit Spa are avertable la extend peddle hie Constant velocity pte lor eonii nuous smooth chatter tree power transfer when spreading on turns and reduced sbess on M enare drive (me jS ALL KINDS OF lE-LIQUID, SEMI •EN PACKED, EVEN FROZEN The Most Popular Spreader On The Market Today! Towaway Deal! ik CASE CJkSEIh We Stock Or Have Access To Many Obsolete And Hard To Find Parts! We Ship An; here Call Today " 1 itrr Work Model 425 and 280 In Stock ft Other Slaes Available 33.5 HP Diesel, Approx. Only 70” Cage Height. Self Leveling Loader, Block Heater, Foot Throttle and Hand Throttle. Compact Big Capacity See Binkley A Hunt Bros. Soon! Most Mix-All owners will Model MXI2B And Model MXI7O In fact, you'd probably have a hard time convincing Gehl Mix- All® owners to even look at anything else And why should they 7 The Mix-All's big 21 -inch wide hammermill features 66 rever sible thin hammers that cut, rather than pound the feed to deliv er a more consistent grind and ensure uniform mixing for a bet ter feed conversion rate Gehls self-contained hydraulic system is designed in, not added on It provides the precision of infinitely variable in-feed attachment control to match tractor power for greater grinding capacity Plus you get fast, smooth, trouble-free unloading with greater reliability And a wide variety of options and attachments lets you cus tomize your Mix-All to fit any operation SEAT ASSEMBLY Part No. Application D 124516 Seat Assembly 1845,18458, 1835,18358 891304 Multi Purpose Seat Aasm. 891305 Multi Purpose Seat Assembly 1989977C1 (For Mech. Suep.) Seat/Leae Suap. IH 06,56,66 ZSA6I73 Compl Mech. Seal IH & Case 400711R2 Bottom Cushion IH Trac 387174R92 Wrap Around Cuah IH Trac. 131245A1 Command Air seat Assembly CHECK WITH US FOR ALL YOUR HARROW REBUILDING PARTS! jether Now! tg 3725 X 35 HP Gas 950 Lb. IU 1 SAE Operating Capacity V# In 23 HP Diesel W 900 Lb. SAE J Operating / H Ml Capacity L I 0 In Stock At Binkley & Hurst ' Quality New Gehl Hay Tools (1) MC2245 Center Pivot Swing Frame Mower Conditioner, 12' Cut (2) MC2175 9 Foot Mower Conditioner With Ticor Rolls and Hyd. Hitch Swing (3) Gehl BU 970 Forage Bokes (4) Gehl CBIO6S Forage Harvester with Metal Alert (5) HA 1210 7 Foot Hay Pickup (6) TR3O3S 2 Row Narrow Com Head (7) FBISBO 1000 RPM Hi-Capacity Forage Blower (8) Gehl DMI62 3 a 6 Disc Mower (9) FBIS4O Blower S4O PTO (10) MXI2S Grinder Mixer (11) MS3O9 V Spreader (12) MS 312 V Spreader (13) Gehl SL4I62S Diesel Skid Loader (14) Gehl 5L3825 Diesel 33 HP Skid Loader (15) Gehl 322 V Spreader (16) R 81470 Round Baler (17) G 1268 12 Ton Tandem Running Gear (18) MS2SO Box Type Manure Spreader, Low Price (19) MS42S Box Type Manure Spreader, 425 Bushel (20) C 8865 Forage Harvester ™c. - 133 Rothsvllle Station Ref. faogi i^^ri Lltllz, PA 17543 SQI j^il (717) 626-4705 enparni Plan! 1-800-487-2978 Fax 717-626-0996 O Case IH MAGNA POWER" 1 BATTERIES can take a pounding - season after season. These heavy-duty batteries are built they operate on steep grades without electrolyte leakage. Off-Road Batteries Car/Truck Batteries
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