Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, February 18, 1995, Image 29

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    Fences, Pastures,
With Sheep
LANCASTER (Lancaster Co.)
The Lancaster County Sheep
and Wool Growers Association
and Penn State Cooperative
Extension present “Fences, Pas
tures, and Profits,” a grazing man
agement meeting featuring guest
speaker Peter LeVan, livestock
herd manager at Penn State.
LeVan will relate his more than
IS years of experience as manager
of the University’s Haller
Research Farm regarding grazing
studies with beef and sheep. Top
ics to be covered are intensive
grazing management, fence sys
tems and electric chargers, pasture
establishment and maintenance,
companion grazing, and economi
cal forage utilization.
This meeting is scheduled for
7:30 p.m. on Monday. Feb. 20, at
the Lancaster Farm and Home
A brief meeting of the associa
tion will precede the meeting
highlighting upcoming education
al events, including the sheep
shearing school scheduled for
April 7-8. For more information,
contact Chester D. Hughes, exten
sion agent-livestock, (717)
Mahoning Outdoor Furnaces
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Cal 1-MMHhIEST hr UtoaMtat hmnyhaali My HiN lapnwmal AaacMsa, DMA Ssnta CM* OrM Rad. IWMrrify Pn*. W MW
Whereas, dairymen do not memorize state coded ear tag numbers and
cannot see diem unless the animal is tied;
Whereas, many dairymen use large visible ID numbered ear tags to
identify their new bom calves;
Whereas, individual cow pages would be more useful if the visible ID
of the calf were included in the Cow Progeny Summary;
Therefore, be it resolved that PA DHIA reports include: calf visible ID
on applications for identification and registration; calf visible ID in sum
mary of cows progeny on Individual Cow Pages; and calf visible ID on
Heifer Management Bam Sheet starting the first month after they ate
The new Innovative Programs were discussed and they are listed be
Innovative Electronic APCS Quarterly Sampling: Herds must
have approved electronic meins and data storage. Milk weights are col
lected monthly from the producer’s computer. Every third month the
field technician weighs and samples one milking. Data can be uploaded
directly from the producer’s computer or by Dairy Plan.
Herd Manager Basic: The technician weighs and samples all milking
every other month. Alternate months the dairy farmer records his own
weights and (optionally) takes a sample.
Innovative Electronic Monthly DHI-APCS: Herds must have ap-
60-day waiver of payment
1-year reduced payment
Jody Underwood
WaUcersville, MD
(301) 808-0005
Liu Francisco-Sonnen
Richland, PA
(717) 866-0217
(Continued from Page AM)
Resolutions from District 11 and 12
Paul Shipper
Newark, DE
(302) 456-1931
1995 Lancaster County
Poultry Progress Day
March 2,1995,8:30 am to 3:30 pm
Farm and Hama Canter, Lancaster, PA
Sponsored by: :
Penn State Cooperative Extension &
Lancaster County Poultry Association
8:30 am
Coffee and Donuts and Visit
9:30 am
Ventilation Tips; Video Tape,
Arbor Acres
9:45 am
Protecting Broiler Health:
Dr. Patty Dunn, Penn State
10:30 am
Ascites: Causes, Cures and
Dr. Guy Barbato, Penn State
New Management Ideas for Broiler*
Dr. Mike Hutet, Penn State
Thomas Pantano, Pennfield Farms
Hank Correll, College Hill Poultry
Lunch and Visit Exhibits
Lunch Tickets available
until 11:00 am for
$6.00 per person
For more information call John Schwartz, Ph.D.
County Extension Director 717-394-6851 - Mike Harrold
TPb bbtdvbf Ihb of dibbbdbt ups bbtptbbf bd
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proved electronic meters and data storage. (These herds must be able to
list each cow’s milk weights for the day). The technician weighs and
samples one milking each test day and collects the other milk weights for
that test day from the producer’s computer.
Innovative Alternate Month Sampling DHI-APCS: The technician
weighs all milking for each sample day. Every other month, the techni
cian samples one milking. Alternate months, the technician does not take
samples and the components are spanned.
Head Manager Electronic IX: This is the same as herd manager
electronic except the herd uploads and processes only one time a month
rather than two.
Innovative Electronic Alternate Month DHI-APCS: Herds must
have approved electronic meters and data storage. The technician weighs
and samples one milking only on alternate test days, and collects the
other milk weights for that test day from the producer's computer. The
producer furnishes a printout of milk weights only for all milking on the
alternate test day when samples are not taken.
Innovative Monthly Sampling DHI-APCS (Non-Electronic): The
producer weighs the first milking for a 2X herd, or the first and second
milking for a 3X herd using his own DHIA-approved weighing devices
of PA DHIA’s. These milk weights are supplied to the field technician.
The field technician weighs and samples the last milking. Each herd
must be reviewed by the director of field services before being enrolled
on this program.
Innovative DHIR-APT: Weights and samples are taken at only one
milking each test (for herds milking twice a day) or weights are taken at
two milkings and a sample is taken at one milking (for herds milking 3X
a day). There is no operational timer at the farm.
Innovative Monthly Sampling and Weighing DHI 3X A/P: The
technician samples and weighs one milking in a 24-hour period.
Innovative Advance Notice Testing: A dairyman may request to test
on a given date or day of the week every month. Each herd must be re
viewed by the director of field services on an ongoning basis.
Before you sign up for an Innovative Program:
1. All Innovative Programs must be approved in advance by the direc
tor of field operations. Dean Amick.
2. If you are on DHIR, check with your breed association for approval.
3. If you are on a young sire sampling program, get the approval of the
bull stud involved.
The PA DHIA Board and employees want to thank the members and
delegates for coming ou» to the district meetings and for the suggestions
and support
Affiliated With
Pennsylvania State Poultry Federation
1:30 pm
Reassessment and Act 319: Implications
for Farmers
Dr. John Schwartz, Lancaster
County Cooperative Extension
2:00 pm
Future of the Poultry Industry in
Lancaster County
Barry Shaw, Wenger Feeds
Paul Hann, Purina Mills
Frank Baber, DeKab Poultry Research
2:30 pm
Making Decisions on Flock Health
Dr. Sherrill Davison, University of
Pennsylvania, moderator
Nelson Groff, Heritage Poultry
Management Service
Rick Meek, Wenger Feeds
Phil Nuss, Esbenshade Mills
3:00 pm
Fly Control: Lessons Learned,
Strategies to Try
Dr. Charles Pitts, Penn State
3;30 pm