Jersey Shore Livestock Market, Inc. Auction every Thursday at 4:00 pjn. Jersey Shore, Pa. Report auppllad by Auction Th unday, February 2 RETURN TO FARM CALF 100.00-220.00. GOOD VEAL: 70.00-99.00. COMMON VEAL: 40.00-69.00. COMMON STEERS; 60.00-65.00. COMMERCIAL COWS: 40.00-4745. CANNERS-CUTTERS: 37.00-45.00. SHELLS: 30.00-36.00. SELECT HEIFERS: 64.00-68.00. COMMON HEIFERS: 54.00-63.00. GOOD FEEDERS: 60.00-76.00. COMMON FEEDERS: 40.00-59.00. BULLS; 49.00-50.00. HOGS: 34.00-43.00. Summary of 1994 Pa. Graded Feeder Cattle Sales Report Supplied By PDA There were eight special state graded Feeder Cattle sales hdd in Pennsylvania this year. There was a total of 3,182 head graded this year. Cattle were graded for frame size and muscle thickness using USDA feeder cattle grading standards. Graded cattle were grouped into uniform lots as to grade, breed, weight and sex. Personnel from the Pennsylvania Department of Livestock Division, graded the cattle. The special sales were sponsored' cither by the livestock market or the local Cattlemen's Association. Below are the results of the individuals sales all sales per hundredweight: Eighty-four Auction Sales, Eighty four, PA (Washington County) October 7, 1994 Total head (93 Steers - 375 head Medium A Large Frame No. 1350/(00 Ibe. (5.00-83.00, lot 435 lbs. 88.00 500/(00 lbs. (5.00-80.00, lot 57( lbs. 84.00 (00/725 lbs. (4.00-70.00 Heifers • 318 head Medium & Large Frame No. 1 300/400 lbs. 55.00-5840 400/500 lbs. 54.00-70.00, lot 445 lbs. 74.00 500/(00 lbs. S(.00-(8.50 few AMERICA’S ALFALFA MAKE A STAND... alfalfa varieties. New +Z varieties with high levels of seedling resistance produce powerful results for alfalfa growers including: thick and healthy stands, better winterhardiness, longer stand life, and higher yield potential. Tnftolor V* The Persistent Multileaf This top-performing variety features very dark green color and high multileaf quality. It has scored in the top 10 in university yield trials. This variety features high resistance to all 5 major alfalfa diseases, +Z seedling resistance to Phytophthora and Aphanomyces, and better winterhardines than other multileaf varieties. Fall dormancy rating: 3.4 +Z Variety I- ROHRL.R & BRO , INC. J Smokatown, PA 600/625 Ibi. 53.00-58,00, mall lot 610 Ibi. 66.00 Small Frame No. 1300/5251be. 41.50-51.00 Medium Frame No. 2 340/425 I be. 54.00-58.50. Pennsylvania Livestock Auction, Waynesburg, PA (Greene County) October 12, 1994 Total head 1061 Steers - 565 head 'Medium & Large Frame No. 1 300/400 lbs. 67.00-87.00 400/500 lbs. 73.00-78.50, lot 410 lbs. 82.00 500/600 lbs. 68.50-76.00, lot 503 lbs. 79 JO 600/740 lbs. 60.00-76J0 mostly 67J0-71.00 Small Frame No. 1 few 380/475 lbs. 50.00-64.00 Medium & Large Frame No. 2 few 300/360 lbs. 70.00- few 480/525 lbs. 58.00-65.00 Hrifers • 496 head Medium & Large Frame No. 1 300/400 lbs. 64.00-68J0 400/500 lbs. 57.00-70.00 500/600' lbs. 51.00- mostly 57.00-65J0 600/700 lb*. 55.00-55.00 Small Frame No. 1 360/620 lbs. 55.00-56.00 Medium & Large Frame No. 2 360/620 lbs. 51.00- Keister’s MMdleburg Livestock Auc tion, Mlddleburg, PA (Snyder County) October 14, 1994 Total head 294 Steers - 178 head Medium & Large Frame No. 1300/400 lbs. 75.00-93.00 few 400/500 lbs. 77.00-88.00 500/600 lbs. 73.00-87.00 mostly 78.00-80.00 600/700 lbs. 69.00-79.00 few 700/800 'lbs. 71.00- few 830/840 lbs. 64.00 Large Heifers •95 head Average weight 475 lbs. FrameNo.2 one 10t3(3 lbs. (4.00 one lot- ' Average Price $58.(0 Medium & Large 533 lbs. 54.00 few (00/700 lbs. Frame No. 1 300/400 lbs. (1.00-((.00 53.00- few 700/900 lbs. 52.00-57.00 400/500 lbs. 55.00-(5.00 500/700 lbs. Heifers -90 head Medium & Urge 54.00-(2.00, lot 5040 Small Frame No. 1 Frame No. 1 375/500 lbs. 59.00-(7.00 3(0/500 lbs. 52.00-(0.00 Medium Frame 500/(00 lbs. mostly (2.00-(3.00 few n O . 2 360/(50 lbs. 48.00-(2.00. (00/750 lbs. 43.00-58.00 Large Frame No. 2 lot 5(5 lbs. 45.00 Bulls • 26 head Medium & Urge Frame No. 1 400/500 lbs. 71.00-77.00. Indiana Farmer’s Livestock Market, Homer City, PA (Indiana County) October 15, 1994 Total head 389 Average Weight Average Price 188 Steers 563 lbs. 66J54 1(3 Heifers 540 lbs. 54.(9 38 Bulls 447 lbs. 4843. Central, PA Feeder Calf and Yearly Sale, Belleville Livestock Auction Spon sored by: The Central PA Livestock Co op (Mifflin County) October 21, 1994 Supply Very Limited. Sow 20 Lbs. per acre. Innovator-^ This high-quality variety was NIRS selected for high stem protein and total protein. It outyielded 80 other Alfalfa varieties in university yield trials, and offers high digestibility to produce more milk and meat per day. It features high resistence to 4 major alfalfa diseases, +Z seedling resistance to Phytophthora and Aphanomyces, and excellent winter survival. Pall dormancy rating; 3.0 Supply Very Limited. Sow 20 Lbs. per acre. AMERICAS PHONE 717-299-2571 Total head 287 Steen ■ 136 head Average weight 569 Ibe. Average price $67.0 Medium ft Large Frame No. 1 330/360 Ibe. 68.00-70.00 450/500 lb*. 67.00-81.00 500/600 iba. 66.00- few 600/640 Ibe. 66.00-76.00 4 hd. 615 Ibe. 86.00 few 770/800 Ibe. 65.00- Medium ft Large Frame No. 2 one lot 442 Ibe. 59 .50 500/600 Ibe. 52.00- 830/885 Ibe. 48.00-52.50 Bulls • 31 head Average weight 515 Ibe. Average Price $60.14 Medium Frame No. 1 few 320/460 Iba. 66.00-74.00 530/640 lbs. 63.00-66.00 lot 744 lbs. 50.00 Large Frame No. 2 lot 406 Ibt. 50.50 Heifers -120 head Average weight 529 lbs. Average Price $46.08 Medium Frame No. 1 340/380 lbs. 43.00-44.50 ■*' 400/470 lbs. 44.50-60.00 550/600 lbs. 45.00-59.00 Medium ft Large Frame No. 1 640/775 Ibe. 42.00-44.00, lot 625 lbs. 49 JO-Medlum ft Large Frame No, 2 few 360/420 lbs. 40.00 few 670/680 lbs. 31.50-33.00. Westmoreland Co. Cattlemen’s Assoc. Feeder Calf Sale, Grecnsburg, PA (Westmoreland County) October 27, 1994 Total head 177 Steers • 82 head Average weight 511 lbs. Average price $6739 Medium ft Large Frame No. 1385/500 Ibe. 65.00-81.00, lot 441 lbs. 88.00 500/600 lbs. 60.00-73.00 600/760 lbs. 60.00-66.00 Small Frame No. 1 300/480 lbs. 55.00-59.00 Bedford County Cattlemen’s Assn. Feeder Cattle Sate, Bedford, PA (Bed ford County) October 22, 1994 Total head 144 Steen - 87 head Average weight 552 Ibc. Average price $71.00 Medium t Large Frame No. 1 300/400 Ibe. 70.00-78.00 400/500 Ibc. 72.00-78.00 500/600 lbs. 68.00- 600/700 Ibc. 61.00-82.00 meetly 67.00-73.00 few 700/800 Ibc. 71.00- Medium Frame No. 2 few 450/500 lbs. 70.00 few 600/715 lbs. 55.00- Large Frame No. 2 lot 735/775 lbs. 53.00 Bulls ■ 4 head Medium & Large Frame No. 1 400/650 lbs. 59.00-64.00 an l ' Lancaator Fuming, Saturday, Fabruary 4, 1995-A2l Heifers •S 3 head Average weight47B lbs. Average Price $6330 Medium ft Large Frame No. 1 300/400 Ibe. 63.00-70.00 400/600 lbs. 57.00-69.00 Medium ft Large Frame No. 2 400/525 lbs. 50.00-59.00. South Central PA Cattlemen’s Assn. Feeder Calf Sale Wcikert’s Buying Sta tion, Thomasville, PA (York County) October 28, 1994 Total head 137 Steers • 67 head Medium ft Large Frame No. 1 320/340 lbs. 73.00-78.00 390/500 Lancaster Crops Day Set LANCASTER (Lancaster Co.) The 34th Annual Lancaster County Crops and Soils Day will be held on Tuesday, February, 7, at the Lancaster County Farm and Home Center. All interested persons are invit ed to attend. The program will open at 8:30 a.m. with time for coffee and donuts and visiting the numerous exhibitors. This year’s program will deal with topics associated with forage crop production, including Selection of Small Grain Varieties and Small Grain Crop Management by Dr. Elwood Hat ley, Penn State Agronomy Depart ment; Intensive Management of Pastures by Dr. Steve Ford, Penn State Agricultural Economics Department; Alternative Field Crops for Pennsylvania and Buy ing vs. Renting Land by Dr. Jayson Harper, Penn State Agri Winter Conference Set LEWISBURY (Northumber land Co.) The Northumberland County Conservation District an nounces the annual winter agricul tural conference for 1995 is set for Monday, Feb. 13. The conference, cosponsored by the Northumberland County Conservation District and Penn The conference is expected to State Cooperative Extension Ser- fun from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. and will vice, will be held at the Otterbein include a baked ham dinner. Tick- United Methodist Church hall in et prices are $5.50 which includes Sunbury. dinner, plus'coffee, and dqnuts in Topics planned to be discussed the morning, during the conference are manure For more information or to application systems, weed control make a reservation, call the con in field crops. Farm Bill updates, servation district office at (717) narrow row com spacing to im- 988-4224. You Are Invited to Attend J America*: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Customer Appreciation Day!! Friday, February 10,1995 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. At the Hoffman Building, Quanyville, PA * Featuring: 3 Guest speakers * from area ag-related businesses * speaking about varied topics ★ Lunch will be provided . J Fiease R.S, V.P. by Friday , February 3 if to John CoUn or the RFD office ★ rT- JL CALL TiT.7ae.i3o4 ( R JV * i-aoo-262-7331 \ ★ TODAY! SAM to 3PM MTO F * ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ I II t“i» »• r "I‘ r 7».■ 1 lb*. 63.00-68.00, lot 469 lb*. 73.00 500/600 lb*. 64.00-73.00 600/130 Um. 65.00-69.00 Bull* - 3 head Large Frame No. 1650/810 lb*. 52.00-6430 Hdfen • 67 head Medium Frame I & 2 375/400 I be. 55.00-59.00, lot 379 Ibe. 6730 Medium & Large Frame No. 1 400/500 Ibe. 62.50-7030 500/600 Ibe. 59.00-6130, lot 513 Ibe. 7030 600/750 lbs. 6030-64.00 Medium Frame No. 2 lot 298 Ibe 64.00. cultural Economics Department; and Controlling Weeds in Forage and Grain Crops a video by Dr. William Curran, Penn State Agronomy Department. At noon a reduced-price lunch will be available followed by time to visit with Agribusiness repre sentatives. After lunch, Kathy Baxter, director, Lancaster County FSA Office, will discuss the New Federal Crop Insurance program. Soybean Silage and Small Grain Silage will be discussed by Dr. Elwood Hatley. Dr. Steve Ford will expand his morning discus sion on intensive management of pastures. The program will con clude with a discussion of the Worker Protection Standard Requirements for Pesticide Users by Bob Anderson, extension agent. Portions of the program will qualify for pesticide credit update training. prove yields, an update on the Chesapeake Bay program in Northumberland County, and inte grated weed management. Agricultural suppliers will be present and have displays around the room.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers