Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, February 04, 1995, Image 180
MO-Lmcwiw Faming, Saturday, Fobnwry 4, 1995 Best Buys in Used Equipment TRACTORS • Cm* IH M 5 •CsmlH 7120 MFD • CaM IH 7120 2WO • CsmlH 2096 • CaM 430 Mechanics Special • CaM MS •IH 1066 Mechanics Special •CaM 1370 • CaM 1690 •IH 656 Hydro •1H1486 • JD 2950 Tractor • Farmall 300 • Ford 8N • Hesston 6066 • Ml 486 Round Baler •NH 78 Baler • NH 282 Baler • NH 479 Hayblna • NH 1495 SR • Hesston 1014 a • Hesston 1090 Windrowar • HMSton 1091 Windrowar • Htaston 1150 Mowsr • Hssston 4600 Balsr OPEN HOUSE - Feb. 13 thru 18 - BIG SPECIALS USED TRACTORS DESCRIPTION TAG# 6610 w/Tiger Mower Cab Amer Ford 8000 Diesel Dual Power 2 Remotes Ford 4000 diesel row crop SOS Ford 7600 Dual Power 1 Remote Front & Rear We)ghtsB979 Ford Ford 8000 Dual Power 2 Remotes Ford9N Ford 5000 Diesel Dual Power 2 Remotes Ford TWIS 2wd Cab **Exc Cond** 1635 Ford 8N Ford 901 Gas Tricycle Ford 5000 Diesel Dual Power Ford 4000 Gas SOS Ford 7600 Bx 6 Trans w/ Dunham-Lehr Loader Ford 801 Diesel 5 Speed Ford 8N Rear Turf Tires Ford 4630 2WD AP Cab 16x8 2 remotes Fordson Major Diesel Ford 3930 2WD Bx 2 Ford 5030 2WD Ford 8240 SLE 4WD Cab, Exc. Ford9N Ford 6610 w/Tiger Boom Mower Ford 5030 2 Remotes IH 656 w/Wide Front T/A Ford NAA w/5’ Sickle Bar Mower Ford 3000 Gas 8 Speed 1969 Model Ford 8N Ford 4630 DP BP w/7209 Loader 8989 8981 8974 8973 8960 8933 8927 8898 8866 8833 8825 8622 8820 8212 7924 BALERS & RAKES & WAGONS 8996 Hyd. Swing Tandem Rake Hitch **Exc. Condition** NH 56 Hay Rake w/Rubbor Teeth Ground Drive 8944 8957 NH 256 Hay Rake w/Rubber Teeth Ground Drive NH 283 Baler W/Thrower "Nice** NH 630 Round Baler 8893 • IH 445 Square Baler • IH 1190 Mower Cond. • CaM Ini. 8330 Windrowar • Nl 51212 Ft Mower Conditioner • Deulz-Allie 10 Ft Oiec Mower • Vlcon 321 Oiec Mower •J 01219 Mower HARVESTING EQUIPMENT • Nl 741 Feeder Throat •Hesston 2000-100 Harvester • Nl 717 Combine •Nl 844 N • Nl 324 Shelter • Nl 727 Husking Bed • Nl 3231-Row Cornpicker •Nl 32512 Row Hueking Bed • Nl 743 Corn Head • 70S Uni System w/4 Row Corn Picker • Nl 709 (Parts) TILLAGE • Ford 5-Bottom Plow • Case 16" Reset Plow, ZIMMERMAN’S FARM SERVICE Va Mile West Off Rt. 501 On School Rd., Bethel, Pe. 717-933-4114 &)i£iez 5 Bottom • IH 550 5 Bottom Plow • IH 4 Bottom Rollover Plow • JD 6-18 Plow • Bush Hog 15 Ft Disk • Csm 7 Tooth ConMrtll •IH 720,18 5-Bottom Plow •IH Field Cultivator • IH 4 Row Cultivator •Taylor-Way 24 Cushion Disk • Cbm 15 Ft HMvy Disc (Nice) •JD 4x16 Trip Plow •JO 5x16 Trip Plow • IH 735 5-Bottom Varl Width Plow LOADERS • Cbm 1835 C •Casa 1645 Diesel • CaM 184 SB Dlcml • Csm WI4H (Nice) • Ford Loader • Kvarnaland Bala Wrapper • NH 24 Ft Elevator •NH 36 Ft Elevator CHARLES S. SNYDER, .«■>. RR3, BOX 109 1 MILE EAST OF RT. 309 ON RT 443 V TAM AQUA, PA 18252 PHONE: 717-386-5945 w MON. THRU FRI. 8:0p A.M. TO 5:00 P.M. FAX 717-386-4080 SAT. 8:00 AM TO 12:00 !W HOLLAND HOG* H&S B’xlB’ Hay Body W/Running Gear NH 316 Baler W/75 Kicker NH 254 3PT Tedder Ford 530 Baler W/Thrower NH32O Baler W/Kicker Deutz-Fahr KH3OO 2 Star Tedder Fahr FH4O Hay Tedder 4 Star Pull Type NH 256 Hay Rake Ferguson 3Pt Hay Rake IH 35 Rake W/Rubber Teeth MF2S 3pt. Hay Rake PTO Drive IH 35 Rake W/Rubber Teeth NH 275 Baler W/Thrower “Nice** Ford 532 Baler W/Thrower 8813 8749 8744 8743 8711 8707 8704 8691 8648 8594 8560 8556 8533 7579 COMBINE New Holland 974 N 6 Row Com Head NH 20’ Grain Head F/TRBS New Holland 962W4 4 Row Wide Com Head F/TR7O Ford 620 Gas Combine w/13' Head New Holland 962W4 4 Row Wide Com Head New Holland 924 4 Row Com Head Ford 19-42 4 Row Narrow Corn Head Ford 17-18313’ Grain Head Ford 17-18415’ Grain Head 7925 7873 7776 7772 7771 7632 4832 4831 4696 HAYBINES NH 489 Haybine NH 477 Haybine NH 1495 Sp Haybine Diesel-Hydro NH 469 Haybine JD 1209 Haybine NH 489 Haybine NH 1495 Sp Haybine Gas Stick NH 489 Haybine NH 489 Haybine NH 477 haybine NH 469 Haybine NH 1496 T Sp Haybine Diesel • Hub 48 Ft Elevator • Gahl M Blower •IH 600 Blower •IH 56 Blower • 5 Used Bedding Choppers •1H1250 Grlndar/Mlxer • Automatic Roller Mill •Nl 213 Spreader • Nl 218 SprMder •HM1674 Spreader • Gshl 250 SprMder • 500 Gal. Century Sprayer • WMverline 430 •IH 5100 Drill •JDKBB 13x7 Drill •JD 8300 Drill— Soybean Special •JO 8350 Drill 21x7 • Miller SprMder • Gehl 16 Ft Forage Wagon • Mayor 16 Ft Wagon Like New • 18 Ft. 2 Axle Trailer • 24 Ft, 3 Axle Trailer • 300 Gallon Sprayer • Portable Feed Mixer • Rubber Tire Scraper Onmm: - \J MF 35 Gas/Loader. •. j*' ► tf" ■ .c- ... i V V.. w.. Kubota 87200/Woods M0wer...55,900 Ford 340 Industrial Loader Tractor Diesel, 3 pt. in dep. PTO 1,800 Hrs i m t % I MF 2300,2400 hours. Famuli SupOt3pt. Hitch SMSO Oliver 1855, New Rubber $4,900 Case 1030, Sharp $4400 JD 3140 (same as 2940) 4x4 w/cab.sl24oo Font 2000 gas, PS $2495 Ford 000 w/snow plow $2,993 Foidson Major, 50hp, new tires $2,900 Ini. 836 w/cab. Sharp! $7,900 MFI7SD, Sharp $4,900 Kioti L 82614 4x4 $5,900 JD4OIOD, W.F.. $4,900 MF3S w/loader. CaseB3oG. .... Ford l7lomVLoader. w/12' Head NH 479 Haybine NH 499 Haybine Pivot Tongue Nl 290 9* Haybine NH 90S SP Haybine 3 Wheel Wisconsin Engine NH 489 Haybine COMPACT DIESELS Ford 1520 w/Loader Ford 1910 4WD w/ROPS, exc. cond. Satoh Gas w/Master 60’ Deck JD 850 4WD w/Loader 8677 8626 8616 8380 8159 8975 8921 8909 8378 8390 Ford 1320 4WD w/Loader ***Exc, Condition*** Ford 1100 Diesel 4WD Ag-Tires INDUSTRIAL & SKID LOADERS Clark fork lift 90001 b NH LSSS Skid Loader Boom Hyd. Kubota Engine Ford 555 TLB Cab 2WD Ford SSSA 2WD. POPS, TLB NH L 35 Skid Loader Wise Engine Ford 5558 2WD w/Cab TLB Ford 5558 TLB 2/WD w/cab NH LSSS Skid Loader JD 675 Skid Loader w/Yanmar Engine MISCELLANEOUS JD 3 pt rear blade 9' Mackissic 25 gal trailer sprayer 3 pt Bush Hog 3 pt log splitter Vatk V plow F/grader Care-Tree 501 NH Tree Digger 3" 8988 8987 8978 8969 8956 8953 8838 8837 8595 8968 8964 8919 8905 8892 spade Ford 54" Dozer Blade F/IM2OO Ford 3 pt Box Scrapers w/Scarifiers Grady Pull Type 8’ Lime Spreader Ford 903 Post Hole Digger Howard EMO-60 62” Rotovator Ford 3 pt 52” Tiller Sweepster PHFA Broom 3 pt 6’ PTO Westfield Auger 6”xl6’ w/Eleo Motor Co-Op Lime or Fertilizer Agric AFMJ-65 3 pt 65” Tiller AG Tech 686 Preseeder TANEYTOWN FARM EQUIPMENT Route 832 -1 mile east of Taneytown, MD 410-751-1500 Bush Hog* King Kutter $3,900 JD 301 A Gas 3 pt. PTO. $6,900 MF26S/New Bush Hog Loader MF 35, new tires $3,9(1 IH4S4BD UA Holland transplanter. $2! NH 455 mower $9! NH 256 Rake, like new $2,1! JD 400 grinder mixer' $1,95 Case IH 8340 haybine $3,99 JD 670 nkBI SI,6C Pittsburg 12'Trsnapotl Disc .. .$1,2(1 NH 850 RtODßaler s2^l Shaver dnveis:HDB .$1,095 HDIO .$1,69 10' Bush Hog® mowers $3,69 2BSt off list on all Bush Hog® loaders Call For Prici ■IHiH ■■■ .$3,900 .$2400 .$5,900 ..$B4OO INC. I\EWHOLLAN) ST/HL PPIBi i * * - '■>& 4 , \ WINTER SPECIAL 3 pt. rotary mowers 5’... $395 6'...5595 Holland 3 Row Transplanter ARPS Backhoe w/Sub Frame F/1220 Maskin Fabraiken Gem Elec Pressure Washer on Wheels Ford 906 Post Hole Digger Manson 200 Gal Pull type Sprayer w/Alum Boom Herd 750 3 pt Seeder w/lid & agitator 40' Bale Elevator tube type Century 300 Gal sprayer w/Boom & Trailer IH 50 Pull Type Shredder Ford 702 A Dozer Blade 6’ Century 300 Gal sprayer w/26' Boom FE Meyers Air Blast sprayer Meyers 8' Front Mid Snowplow Exc Army Jeep w/Sprayer Ball Hitch Trailer 2-Single Axle 5’9” by. 8604 8602 8596 8588 8579 8572 8565 8554 8514 8508 8498 8489 8485 8470 8406 IV w/Ramp Ford 105A3pt60” Oliver-Iron-Age 300 Gallon Sprayer & Boom 8352 8321 3 pt Saw Buck Ford Loader F/4000 SU 68" Bucket Bradco Dozer Blade T F/2120 Ford 702 A Dozer Blade F/1210 Ford 905 3 pt Post Hole Digger w/12” Auger Loader Bucket F/TLB C Series 1.3 Yds 8319 8308 8260 8170 7490 5452 4264 Cab F/1210 Soft Side PHO3 6” Auger F/Post Hole Digger PHO2 12” Auger F/Post Hole Digger BKOOII Ford 60” bucket F/7108 loader BKO9 72 HD Bucket BKO7 30" Bucket F/6558 Or 5558 BKO4 Wheel Loader Bucket DOOM IH Set of IH Axle Duals 6873 Ford 710 Left hand Leaf Loader 6870 Ford 710 Left hand Leaf Loader 6862 Ford 710 Left hand Leaf Loader $4,900 .$7,500