Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, January 28, 1995, Image 98
C22-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, January 28, 1995 B HORSES & MULES y PERCHERONS 1 Pr. 7 & 8 year old black 4 k geldings with white star 16.3 & 17H. Good Broke, Safe for Children. To be sold at New Holland Sales Stables February 3rd. For more information Ralph M. Brubacker 749 Glenwood Drive Ephrata, PA 17522 lorrell Molly Mules, & 7 yr. olds, broke Gray Molly Mules old, 16.1 H, broke • 5 Saddlebred 2 yr. old geldings, big & fancy Several other young horses, several pair to choose from Bill & Judy Cochran 2664 Highway 81N, Jonesborough, TN 37659 (615) 348-8864 * (615) 348-7893 SWINE Bennecoff Hogs Hamp shires, Poland China, Berkshires, Boars and Gilts Service Age 610-285-6582, 610-285-6581 Chester White, Duroc and Spotted, boars and gilts for sale James Parlett, (717)862-3610 OSTRICHES 2 pair year lings, 1 pair 17 months 717/682-8548 Slaughters tanning info available % YORKSHIRE AND f HAMPSHIRE BOAR! ft Yorkshire and iy YorkXHamp Gilts, A Gilts $40.00 Over ■y Market Good 7 Selection, Lean, 7 Heavy Muscled, 2 We’ll deliver to you. ? GIVE VS A CALL! WILSON YORKSHIRES AND HAMPSHIRES R.D. 2 Box 210 Ntw Freedom, Pa. 17340 717-235-3478 MAPLE LEAF FARMS Registered Hampshire Boars, Open Gilts. Six months old Todd Cauff man, (717)444-3232 York Boars, $250 Bred Gilts, $l6O and up Com mercial Gilts $5O -$l5O Call Ken 717-637-0192 The Pig Of Tomorrow at Our Place Today! 40 Years t Landrace of Tested Yorkshires Genetics UKAU Large Whites SSFI Crossbreds rA R -A/f S BRED GILTS - OPEN GILTS - BOARS Write Or Phone For Your Needs. Certified Brucellosis and Pssudorsblss Free Herd Park Thomas - Mark Stehr (717)658-6544 (717)658-7007 Reno Thomas (717) 658-5821 RD #l, Box 2449, Beaverlown, PA 17813 HOG FARMERS: We offer the largest selection of performance tested and high health breeding stock available. Yorkshire • Hampshire • Duroc • Landrace • Hybrida THAMES SEND PENN Home Of “Stein" genetics from Censds's Lergest Registered end ft.O.P. Testing Operstion RAY BOLL OR RAY MEYER OFFICE 717-295-8791 • PA 800-732-0467 P. O. Box 4366, Lancaster, PA 17604 Ray 801 l Ray Mayar Residence 717-656-0613 • Residence 717-294-6910 JACK DONKEY 4 Years Old, Grey w/Cross on Back. $275 (717) 642-5285 u MULES Ut A for m SALE 1,2,3,4, year olds Broke and Unbroke 16 & 17 Hands from Vernon A. Cornell Ivan K. Stoltzfus 199 Shirktown Rd. Narvon, PA 17555 Ask for Ivan 717/445-5956 11*1 SHEEP & ■■ GOATS Not Enough Room in the Barn'’ Consider Shearing Now Before the Spring Rush' Pete Brummer Pro tessional Shearer (717)527-4081 Yorkshire and Hampshire boars and gilts from healthy and productive herd, Delivery available. Charles B and Mark W Hall. RD#l, Box 263, Ju lian, PA 16844. Centre County (814)355-1647 Superior, skid-free footing Fewer injuries Easier to doan. Available in 5/16", 3-ga. and 5-ga. n- 1 Only from Boss Hog. | Nt iv Mfpr/? nr /u--v~J 5/18" (.312) diameter ( ) Heaviest wire flooring made. Stronger, to last years longer. .243" diameter ■Hi Norttieait Agrl Systems. Inc msunhw 8® Bf fMwoMUQMD 3H MV IMA Wort Airport Rood (fwrnwty Long UmdoO mm iM I7MS 1-800*735-6341 IM m 1-800-673-2580 IIWM H.D.P.E. LINERS (High Density Polyethylene 60 Mil Thick) Special Deals On THE VACU-POMP * High Discharge Evacuation Pump ilWaW.w. * * Available With 20” and 21" Turbina * Balanced Turbin# Main Mounted On Taparad Baarlnga In Oil * work At mo r.p.m. WBBHHnRMRIMIR MANADA CONSTRUCTION CO. Larry R * Vaughn E Brubaker, Owners 151 Uackvilla Rd, Myerstown, Pa. 17057 Land ImprowmMl 717 83S MB3 or 933-4002 POULTRYi FOR PURE MUSCOVY DUCKLINGS THAT ARE NOT HYBRID AND HAVE THE FIRMEST MEAT, ASK FOR THE HOFFMAN MUSCOVY DUCK CALL FOR'OUR LOW PRICES. ALSO, FRENCH GUINEAS, EMBDEN GOSLINGS FREE CATALOG ON GOSLINGS. DUCKLINGS, CHICKS. TURKEYS, GUINEAS, BANTAMS, PHEASANTS, QUAIL, CHUKARS, SWANS. MEDI CATIONS, EQUIPMENT AND BOOKS. 717-365-3407 HOFFMAN HATCHERY BOX 129. 6RAIZ, PA 17030 * Mora Economical Than Concrata ★ Leak Detection System * 20-Year Material Guarantee ★ Undarlaymant Between Liner and Earth * S.C.S. Approved * Installed On-Site By Certified Installers