1 1 - V . . - «. . r 1 »'•s'« S ' < t » * - 842-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, January 28, 1995 |t-»— i M n „n, John D. Stauffer i BjWM | 1484 Mountain Road, Manhelm, PA 17545 ___________ * QIK) 2 Fulltime Courteous Professional Auction Service I AliOTfnurrivp nmnmmii I Since 1976 DEALER IN ALL KINDS & J AUCTIONEER S DIRECTORY | Real p^onaiPra P e^''Zo S ;ock n,iques of livestock % 1 Phone 717-665-5099 Also Crippled & Down Cattle NOTICE | - ■ r } MARLIN S. IRWIN | Mabtwauctton service ) Q Quarryville, PA I fl PH: 717-786-3016 4 To assure that your Public Sale appears in the Public Sale Sec tion we must have your advertise ment by 5 P.M. Tuesday of each week’s publication. hFRX* LB HORNING “* Farm Agency, Inc. Courteous Real Estate Sendees Professional Auctioneers Slate Certified Appraisers Specializing in Farms and Land Alvin Homing, Broker Route 23, Morgantown, PA (610) 286-5183 r~ Action ) GLENN sTfRAME I LT VICTION B m CO. INC. Farm Equip., Dairy Dispersal Real Estate, Business Liquidations Household Goods, Construction Equip. Certified Personal Property Appraisals (610) 873- 0901 | COMPLETE PROFESSIONAL AUCTION SERVICE j REAL ESTATE - FARMS & RESIDENTIAL i J PERSONAL PROPERTY ANTIQUES ' i FARM STOCK SALES LIQUIDATIONS ) ! RANDAL V. KLINE LLOYD H. KREIDER ’ I AUCTIONEER-REALTOR AUCTIONEER 1 \ 717-733-1006 717-786-3394 J | ROY E. GOOD, JR. | ! AUCTIONEER J I 215-445-4309 I | NELSON L. EBERSOLE AND CO. A FUEU SERVICE AUCTIONEERS I REAL ESTATE - Farm sales, heavy equipment $ sales, business liquidations, sale preparation, A equipment cleaning, catalogue auction sales, Prolessional service - 4 auctioneers on stall S 30 WEST MAIN STREET, A ANNVILLE, PA 17003 S 717-867-4304 717-867-5221 « FAX 717- 867-5606 S AU-001307-L Auctioneer: SK Jr Petersheim: X V%/ COMPLETE AUCTION SERVICE Antiques Household Goods Farm Equipment Real Estate (610) 593-2828 C.W. SHIRK Licensed & Bonded Professional Auction Service * Dairy Dispersals * Real Estate * Farm Equip. & HH Goods Ephrata, PA 717-656-8793 Aaron E. Martin Richard L Stauffer (717)733-3511 (717)738-0296 Real Estate • Farm Equipment • Antiques • Household Goods It doesn't cost to use our Auction Berries It Pajri. CALL TODAY!) WHITFOEP^ SALES COMPANY]^ PO. Box 655 Eagle, PA 19480 (610) 458-5060 Complete Auction Service Real Estate, Antiques, Trucks, Trailers, Farm Machinery, Construction Equip, Livestock Certified Appraisers Mailing List Over 6,000 Customers Call After 6 PM - 7 Days A Week L. Robert Frame, Sr. & Sons NEWSALETIMESJ Located 8 Miles East Of Lisbon, Ohio Or One Mile West Of Rogers, Ohio On St. Rt. 154. FRIDAYS Produce, Egg, Miscellaneous Auction Starts At 6 P.M. Poultry Auctions Start At 6 P.M. Doors Open At 7:30 A.M. To Accept Consignments Open Air Market All Day And Evening Doors Open At 7:30 A.M. To Rent Market Spaces. Over 2.5 Miles Of Outside Concessionaries And 30,000 Sq. Ft. Under Roof. WEDNESDAYS Farm Machinery j Consignment Auction The IST WEDNESDAY EVENING OF EACH MONTH at 3 P.M. sharp. We are open the preceding Tuesday of each sale day to check in consignments from 8 A.M. to 8 P.M. Handling farm machinery, lawn and garden equipment, tools, fire wood, cut lumber and related miscellaneous items. Five auctioneers operating simultaneously Hay And Straw Grain ] EVERY WEDNESDAY { selling truck load lots by the bale or ton starting at 1 P.M. Barn Opens at 8 A.M. to Consign Jim and Ken Baer Auctioneers and Managers Phone (216) 227-3233 or (216) 227-3236 “Sates Every Week Since 1955” Dairy and Livestock Sales public Auction rM B,..m TUESDAY ’ FEBRUARY 21,1995 11:00 A.M. lOLSTEIN Mil DISPERSAL LOCATION: 32 Airport Rd., Bethel, Berks County, Pa. 113 GRADE HOLSTEINS 95 milk cows • 18 bred heifers Jan test • 8 milking over 100# - shipping 66#per cow per day * Featuring 22 KINGLEA LEADER daughter * . Owners n^ACHMAPI GLENN & JULIA HARNISH UJui.u.aiilJll, im- (717) 933-5771 1M Collst* kmm. AmvWs, PA 17003 SALE EVERY TUESDAY Graded Sale Ist Tuesday each month 2 P.M. Horse Auction 2nd Saturday each mpnfh | FAuiIER ■LIVESTOCK I EXCHANGE Marshall. Va. 703-364-1566 D & BREI