830-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, January 28, 1995 inn, turn off Rt. 209 across from the Service Team Store onto Slrohl’s Valley Rd. to first farm. Carbon Co., Pa. For Rodney George. Ralph W. Zettle moyer Auction Co Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M. of each week’s publication SAT MAR 11 -10 30AM Between Lehighton & Kres- Farm equip, snowmobiles geville, just E of Forrest TRUCKS - TRACTORS CLEAN 6600 JD COMBINE AUCTION SALE Having discontinued their Grain Operation, Mr. & Mrs. Jay Esham will sell the following equipment at Public Auction on; SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1995 BEGINNING AT 11:00 AM NEW HOPE RD. - WILLARDS, MD DIRECTIONS - From Salisbury, MD take US RT SO East to Blinking Light in Willards. Turn Left, Go approx 300 yds to Blinking Light, Turn Right, Go 9/10 Mile and turn Left on New Hope Rd. Auction on Left Just Past Church. THIS IS VERY CLEAN EQUIPMENT 1987 Ford F7OO w/29,500 miles, 5x2 trans, PS, 16’ Metal Body w/5’ Wood Rails (can be made into a dump), new tires, MD Inspected, Super Clean; 1970 GMC 5500 w/65,000 actual miles, 16’ Russel Body (wood), 5 speed, MD Inspected; JD 6600 Combine w/2600 Hrs, 216 Fles Grain Table, 1978 Rotary Screen, Hydro, Header Height Control - very, very nice; JD 444 Corfi head, 4 row wide. Complete rebuild with new snapping rollers & chains within 500 acres. Hi-tin, No Rust; JD 2950, cab & air, 3600 hrs, dual remotes, 16.9x38, 16 speed Hi Lo - 1983; Allis Chalmers 7020, cab & air, 2672 hrs, new paint, complete new engine less than 500 hrs, dual remote, power shift, 20.8x38 - Sharp - 1981; Massey Ferguson 165 Gas Tractor, 3032 Hrs, Multi Power, Single Remote; Farmall Super A w/cultivator - real nice; Case International 496 Disc, Hydro Fold, 60 blade, 18’ 7 1/2” space - like new; Ferguson 12’ Chisel Plow wAmster bar; JD 7000 Conservation Planter, 4 row w/dry fertilizer & insecticide, monitor; New Idea 363 Tandem Manure Spreader; Agro Tec Sprayer w/John Blue Pump, 300 gal, electric solenoid on off; Ferguson 10’ Chisel Plow; Brillion 4 row S tine Cultivator w/rolling fenders; Johnson 300 Gal sprayer w/foam markers, 8 row; JD 14’ Rotary Cutter; Bush Hog side mount Ditch Bank Cutter w/hydro slide; Snap On 16.9x38 Duals; Snap On 20.8x38 duals; Hardee Saddle Tanks, complete; MT Mechanical Transplanter, 1 row w/water; 1500 gal poly tank; Chemical Indicator; Transfer Pump; Trenching Plow; VERY FEW SMALL ITEMS: LOADER ON GROUNDS DA Y OF SALE • INSPECTION - ALL ITEMS WILL BE ON LOCATION ONE WEEK PRIOR TO AUCTION For Additional Information Contact the Auctioneer at 410/546-2425 or 1-800/408-9384 TERMS - Cash or Good Check Day of Sale Mr. & Mrs. Jay Esham PETE*— y AUCTION RICHARDSON (^ALES P.O. Box 51, Willards, MD 21874 410/546-2425 Fax 410/835-8613 1-800-408-9384 PUBLIC AUCTION SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 18th AT 9:30 a.m. Location: Hellam, Pa. From York, Take Rt. 30 East to Hellam Exit. From Lancaster, Take Rt. 30 West to Hellam Exit, turn South, Go 1/2 Mile to Red Light Rt. (462). Turn Left, Go To The Village Of Hellam. Turn Right On Broad St. At Hamilton Bank. Continue One Mile, Stay On Right. Watch For The Signs. WANTED; CONSIGNMENT ITEMS FOR MONTHLY PUBLIC SALES. Trucks, Equipment, Tools, Building Supplies, Truckload of Small Items, Etc. Sale to be held indoors with storage for items prior to the sale. DIVERSIFIED LIQUIDATORS Phone: (717) 755-7450 Fax: (717)757-3861 Auctioneer’s Note; No out of state checks unless known by auction WOLGEMUTH’S AUCTION SERVICE Agent For Owner Dennis #2357 Bob 717-665-6684 (717) 733-8192 John Hess App. SAT. MAR. 11 -11 AM 8 Tractors & modem farm machinery. Located; From Lane take Rt. 272 S. to Wakefield turn left on Rt. 272 S. across to Little Bri tain, continue S. on Rt. 272 for 3 miles turn left on Pine Grove Rd, then right on Lathan Rd. Edgar Latham, owner. Snyder’s Auction Service. SAT. MAR. 11 -11 AM Brant (Erie Co.) NY The estate of Marion Chlavetta Auction of Potato- Vegetable and Vineyard Equip. Pirrung Aucts., Inc. 716-728-2520. SAT. MAR. 11 - Modem Farm machinery, 3 tractor,s dairy equip, etc. on farm 3 miles E. of Mill Hall, Pa. Tony & Carline Graine. Fra ley Aucts. SAT. MAR. 11 - 9AM Farm machinery, household goods. A. Lincoln Keener located 1562 Maytown Rd., Elizabethtown, Pa. Lane. Co. Take Rt 743, midway between E-town and May town. Raymond Miller & Jim Hershey, aucts. SAT. MAR 11-10 AM Per sonal property, antiques, guns & real estate. Port Trevorton, Pa. For the estate of Quintin Scholl. Massinger & Courtney aucts. SAT. MAR. 11 & SAT. MAR. 18 - Tractors, farm equip, 12,000 bu. grain bln, shelled com, tools, sup plies. From Lane, take Rt. 283 W. to Middletown- Hummelstown exit turn right to 3206 Schoolhosue Fid., Middletown, Pa. Auc tion by Art Lutz. Aaron E. Martin Auct. Service MON. MAR. 13-12 Noon. Farm & Haying Equip Next to the Best Station Hotel (Slatlngton), Washington Twp Lehigh Co , Pa. Travel 178 E to Rt 22 E turn N. onto Rt. 309 to Schnecksville, bear right onto Rt. 873 for 3 miles through Neffs, turn left onto Best Station Rd., 2 miles to auction. By Alan Rex Ralph W Zettlemoyer Auc tion Co. TUES MAR. 14 - 9AM Farm machinery, house hold goods Loc Take Rt. 896 S. of Strasburg, Pa 2 mi, turn left on Paradise Lane to first farm right. By Robert L Shaubach Aucts Krelder, Kline & Good TUES MAR 14 - 9AM Farm equip and livestock. Located between New Hol land and Leola along Rt 23 Terms' John Click Robert E & Jeffrey R. Mar tin, Randall L Ranck, aucts TUES. MAR 14 - BPM Feeder Cattle Sales Carli sle Livestock Market, Inc, Exit 12 off 1-81 turn South - then left onto Alexander Spring Rd. 249-4511 WED. MAR. 15 & THURS. MAR. 16 - Large two Day Sale of Farm Equipment, Etc. Located 6 Miles South Of Chambersburg, Pa. One Mile East of Marion along Rt 914, ’/. East Off Rte. 81, Exit 4. Owners, Jerrold & Gloria Oaks. Manon Auc tion Service. JD 9400 COMBINE - LATE MODEL TRUCKS - TRACTORS - IMPLEMENTS AUCTION SALE Discontinuing their large Gram and Vegetable Operation, Lee & Jeff Townsend will sell the following farm equipment at Public Auction on. SAT, FEB. 11,1995 BEGINNING AT 10:00 AM GUNBY ROAD - SALISBURY, MD Directions; From North or South of Salisbury, MD - Taks US Rt 13 to Salisbury By-Past. Exit on US Rt SO Weat, go 1/2 mile to first light, Turn left on Tllghman Rd. Go to and, Turn Right, go approx 4/10 mile, turn left on Gunby Rd. Sale on Left From Baltimore Washington Area taka US Rt SO to Salisbury, Go past Burger King to 2nd Right on Philip Morris Drive turn right. Go to end turn left 200 yds, Right on Gunby Rd. Go 6/10 mile to Sale on Left THIS IS CLEAN- LOW HOUR EQUIPMENT JD 9400 Combine MFD, 5N630579, 1989, hydro, header height control, harvest track monitor, 1396 engine hrs, 1048 separator hrs, shed kept, exc cond, owner operated (Separator Unit will be sold without heads), JD 915 Flex Head, JD 444 w/Hi-Tin Corn Head - Oil Bath TRACTORS & FORKLIFT - John Deere 3155 Cab & Air MFD, 96HP, 1408 hrs, dual remotes, HD Lift, 18 4x38, 16 9x24, 5N700557 - 1990 - nice, John Deere 2555 w/Cab & Air, 16 Speed, 1008 hrs, 66HP, 1990, Dual Remotes, 18 4x38 w/JD 175 Loader, 2 yrs old, 8 way control in cab (Loader and Tractor to be Sold Separate & together), JD 2355, only 1082 hrs, 8 speed, 16 9x30 single remote, roll guard, 56HP, 1990, International 140 w/cultivators & double fertilizer attachment, 1977, TCM FG-15 Fork Lift, 3000 lb, 15' w/side shift, pneumatic tires; TRUCKS • 1990 Chevrolet Kodiak C-70 Series, 39,000 actual miles, 10 00x20, 5x2 trans. PS 366 eng w/18’ Supreme dry box w/roll up rear & side door, Silverado Cab, 28,000 lb GVW, MD Inspected; 1980 Ford C-800 Cab Over, 10 Wheeler, 429 Lima Engine Air Brakes, 5x2 trans w/Duralme 24’ Reefer Body w/KD-l-l Diesel Unit, 73,000 on truck, 5200 hrs on unit, 91" Inside width, 101" inside height, side & rear door, tag axle, MD Inspected, 1976 International 1610 B-Cargo w/345 Engine, 5x2 trans, 16’ Meadows 21 Ton Twin Cylinder Hoist, MD Inspected, 1978 International 1700 Conventional, 404 Engine, 16' Meadows Grin Body, 140,000 miles, MD Inspected, 1963 Ford 950 Super Duty, 36,000 actual miles, 534, V-8, 5 speed over drive, 10 00x20 Radials, Air Brakes, new 18' Meadows Gram Body, 30,000 GVW, PLANTERS & DISC - Taylor-Way 2V Hydro Fold Disc, 52 Blade w/level board; Case International 5200 drill, 3 pt 26 spout, double disc w/press wheels & Hydro markers, Case International 365 field cultivator, 18', like new, JD 7000 Planter, 6 row N w/Reg No-Till Coulters, insecticide; JD 7000 planter, 4 row wide, dry fertilizer, insecticide, 1977 International 140 w/cultivator & double fertilizer attachments, TCM FG-15 Fork Lift, 3000 lb, 15' w/side shift, Pneumatic tires, gas, very good, SPRAYERS - Hard! Air Blast Boom Sprayer w/10 Nozzle rebuilt pump, Hard! Air Blast 100 gal sprayer, real nice, Hardee 300 gal sprayer, 28' Booms, John Blue 300 gal w/Smgle Piston Pump, John Blue High Boy S-5000, Stainless Tank, 36’ Boom (does not run), John Blue 1000 gal Nurse Tank; New Idea 244 Tandem Axle Manure Spreader, WAGONS - JD 4 Wheel w/High Flotation Tires, 18' Steel Body, Intern 12' all steel wagon, Case 12' Wagon, 4 Wheel Wagon, 12’, Miller Big 40 Portable Welder, 400 amp w/163 Continental Engine; PLOWS - Massey Ferguson 6x16 on land 880, MF 88 Plows, 5x16, MF Semi-mount, 4x14, MF semi-mount, 5x14; Ferguson 12' Chisel Plow, Pittsburg 44 Blade Disc, JD 15' Frail Mower, recently rebuilt, Brlillon 4 row S-tme Cultivator, Massey 4 row Independent Cultivator, 2 Ferguson 2 row cultivators, Bush Hog 6’ Rotary cutter, Brlillon 6 row S-Tme Cultivator, 1976 Dodge 4 Wheel Drive Pick up w/snow plow package; Meyers front mount snow plow package for JD 40 series, M&W snap on 18 4x38 duals, JD Quick Hitch for 3155 & 4040, MF 510 (parts only, no engine), MF 43 Gram Drill, 22 spout, single disc, bicep & dual bulk tanks w/meters; 550 gal fuel tank, 110 gal Pick up Tank, Webster Spinner; VEGETABLE & IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT - Perkins 6 cyl Diesel Power Unit wA/elvet Drive; Approx 160 pcs of 4" & 5" Wade Pane & Wasco Pipe, some with Snmger Risers & Couplings: Hemzman 600’ soft Hose; Kennco Water Wheel, 24” - 32” & 48” w/lank, Holland 2 row transplanter, 4 Row Transplanter Tool Bar w/Gauge wheels; 1 row Holland transplanter on tool bar w/extra unit, Approx 600 plastic 5/8 hampers, Misc Vegetable Boxes & Watermelon Skids; Baskets & Lids; Roll Lift 5000 Pallet Jack, Crown Pallet Lift (new); Golden Belt Stapler FC-95, Foot Stamper Stapler; Roller Tracking 30’ w/90 degree corners; Complete Packing Line me 12' dump line, 2x3 washing unit, grade table, 20’x24”; LOADER WILL BE ON GROUNDS DAY OF SALE & MONDAY AFTER SALE TO BE HELD RAIN OR SHINE - IN THE EVENT OF SNOW OR ICY ROADS AUCTION SHALL BE HELD ON MONDAY, FEBRUARY 13,1995 TERMS; Cash or Good Check Day of Sale pete*— j AUCTION RICHARDSON V V/fPS P.O. BOX 51, Willards, MD21874 410/546-2425 Fax 410/835-8613 1-800-408-9384 WED. MAR. 15-9 AM Trac tors, farm machinery, swab wagons, milking equip, butcher equip. & farm related items. Kevin M. Wickard, Rick Foreman, aucts.' For W. Earl wood Estate. 541 E. Old York Rd., Boiling Springs, Pa. 17007. Lee Townsend Jeff Townsend „ 4th Annual Whitley Co. i TRACTOR AUCTION i Whitley County 4-H Fairgrounds i Columbia City, IN \ 9:00a.m. Friday, March 24 9:00a.m. \ : Toys, Parts, Machinery & Parts Tractors - i Saturday, March 25,1995 : 9:30 A.M. E.S.T Antique Tractors 9:30 A.M. ; : Expecting 200 tractors again of all makes & : : condition from parts tractors to restored. Will ; > also have lots of parts & machinery. For a > : complete sale bill or to consign, give us a call : I Ph. 219-723-4378. j ; Not responsible for No-Show items day of the \ \ auction. Any announcements made day of '• : the auction take precedence over any and all ■ ; printed matter. Not responsible for accidents. ; r AUCTION KING SERVICEasxsszH * DONALD R. KING g / AUCTIONEER P.O.Box 522 : Whitley, IN 46787 i iQb Phone (219) 723*4378 : IN Lie. SAUOBSQOSai COMBINE - TRACTORS - STEIGER SWING IRRIGATION SYSTEM Having Discontinued their Grain Operation, Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Lowe will sell the following equipment at Public Auction on: SAT., FEB. 18,1995 BEGINNING AT 11:00 AM HEARN’S CROSS RD (RT 70) - LAUREL, DELAWARE (Follow Auction Signs) Directions; From North take US RT 13 South thru Laurel, DE. Approx 1 mile South of RT 24, turn left (Beat) on RT 70. Go 3.5 mllea to Auction on Left. From South, take US RT 13 North thru Delmar, DE. Go approx 6 mllea, turn Right on RT 70. Go 3.5 Mllea. Sale shall be held Rain or Shine. In the JD 7720 Combine MFD, 4334 Hrs, Hydro (1983) Header Height Control, Rasp Bars before 93 harvest, 30.5x32 - Separator unit shall be sold by itself; JD 220 Flex Head (1979); JD 643 Corn Head, Low-Tin, JD 25 Header Cart, Steiger Bearcat KM-225 w/L-10 Cummings Engine, 203 HP, 2092 Hrs w/8-18 4x38, 20 speed, 3 point hitch, triple remote, 1984, JD 4440, cab & air, Quad, 6554 Hrs, 130 HP, 1979, Dual Remotes, 20 Bx3B, New 14 9x24 fronts, JD 4030, Quad Range, Dual Remotes, 6661 Hrs, 80 HP, 1977, JD 158 Loader w/84” Bucket Loader and 4030 (to be offered separate and together); Grouser 352 Blade, fits Steiger; IRRIGATION - Oeutz Air Diesel 6 cyl Power Unit w/Berkley Centnfical Pump, Electric Prime, 862370, Lockwood 5 tower low pressure irrigation system w/pivot, disassembled in 5 sections, approx 180' each, new is 1987-used only 3 seasons, Valley 2 Tower Towable Irrigation system, 185' towers w/70' boom; Lockwood 5 tower irrigation system w/185’ span & 75' corner section, Valley 1 Section, 180’; TRUCKS - 1977 Ford F-700 w/16’ Meadows Dump Body, 75,000 miles, 5x2 trans, PS, 10.00x20; 1976 Chevrolet C-65 w/16' Meadows Dump, 100,000 miles, 10 00x20, 5x2 trans, PS, JD 7100 Soybean Special Planter, 14 row w/lift assist, new coulters and disc openers, International 5100 Gram Drill, 21 spout, double disc openers, press wheels, Unverferth Cultl-Planter Cultivator on lift, JD 7000 Planter, 6 row w/dry fertilizer & insecticide, monitor, reg - no-till, KMC 1 row Ripper Bedder Planter w/fertilizer & insecticide; New Leader L-7010 Manure Spreader, 15” PTO Double Spinner; International 496 Disc 72 Blade, 7- 1/2" space, International 15' Frail Mower, Less than 500 ac since rebuilt; Demco 500 gal sprayer w/centnfical pump; Brilllon 16' Crows foot Packer w/hydro lift wheels; JD 1110 Disc, 15', 9” space; International 700 plow, 7x16 manual trip; Intern 13' Chisel Plow, 3 bar; M&W 20.8x38 Snap on duals; WAGONS - JD 720 4 Wheel Wagon. 16' Salt Floor. Oak Bedders; JD 740 4 Wheel Wagon, 20’ Body, Fir Bed, Salt Treat Cross Members; Saddle for 148 Loader: NO SMALL ITEMS For information call Auctioneer ■ (410) 546-2425 or 1-800/408-9384 INSPECTION - THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 16 & FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 17 (9:00 AM TO 3:00 PM) TERMS: Caah or Good Check Day of Sale Mr. & Mrs. Lowe RKHABDSOH P.O. Box 51, Willards, MD21874 410/546-2425 Fax 410/835-8613 1-800-408-9384