Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, January 28, 1995, Image 31
Thursday Afternoon, February 2, 1995 (continued) lING PLANTS-Cinema Presiding: Alan Michael, Dauphin County Ext. Growing Bedding Plants— Dr. Robert Langhans, Cornell University Greenhouse Heating and Ventilation— Dr. Peter Fynn, Ohio State University The Effects of Venting and DIF vs. Growth Chem icals—Dr. Jay Holcomb, Penn State University Water Nutrient Delivery—Ebb and Flow— Dr. Peter Fynn, Ohio State University ■L FRUlTS—Nigerian Room ling: Thomas Murphy, Lycoming Co. Ext. Bird Control In Small Fruits: Our Exper iences—panel—Timothy Nourse, Nourse Farms, Inc., Massachusetts, Robert Trax, Trax Farms, Finleyville Ronald Beinlick, Triples Farm, Monon gahela ‘Managing Blueberry Diseases: A View from Michigan — Dr. Donald Ramsdale, Michigan State University (1 cat. 2) Making Money? Small Fruit Economic Reality- Dr. Jayson Harper, Penn State University ‘Blueberry Viruses: Symptoms and Manage ment —Dr. Donald Ramsdale, Michigan State Uni- r No-Till 1 Performance Won’t harm earth worms that aid in residue y management and no—till programs Fits reduced tillage insect spectrum * I \ \ \ \ \ \ \ J* / %. Rootworm and Cutworm Control C onsistentK rated supeuoi to Counter and Lorsban Also comiols wirewoims and white giubs look it soui options tioni evers intjlc And sou 11 cjuitklv see whit makes FORC E inseetieide the ill-iound choice loi insect eontiol Compaied to ( ountei and Lorsban the unit|iie psiethroid ehenustrs ot FORC B tits the was sou linn in the OIK to yet ill the tuts about I ORCE. including the new di\ foinuilmon and em-to-handle plastic big call us todiv Once sou e\ploie all >Olll options, \ou 11 come right iround to hOKC E ALL-TERRAIN BANDERS Available To Force Users PROGRAM (Continued from Pago A2S) n= Environmental Impact A Safe to birds and bene ficial earthworms The new pyrethroid formulation means 1/10 active ingredient will provide superior performance CONTACT YOUR LOCAL ZENECA AG PRODUCTS DEALERS versify (1 cat. 2) : RUITS —Trinidad Room Presiding; Lewis Barnard, SNAP Exec Committee Tips for Storage Operators — Dr. Laura Lehman- Salada, Penn State University Grower innovations and Usage of Machinery panel—Dr. Rob Crassweller, Penn State Universi ty, moderator 1:30 2:00 Root Pruning: Evan Milbum, grower, Maryland Portable Wind Machines —Mark Apple, grower, Richfield Bin Carriers in Small Plantings —Nell Sterner, grower, Aspers Herbicide Mower Combination —Clarence Went zier, Muncy Rope Thinner for Peaches— Michael Curcio, grower, New Jersey BONDED BABYSITTING IS AVAILABLE Tuesday through Thursday, 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM, at no cost in the Cocoa Suites. To register for the Women’s Auxiliary Programs, call PVGA at 717-473-8468 for the special registration form or send $5 pre-registration fee plus $l5 for the bus tour and/or $l6 for the fashion show/luncheon along with your name and address to Doris Trax, 700 Sugar Camp Rd. Finleyville, PA 15332. i M V> v 4 r - ; *f Herbicide Compatibility Keeps rescue herbicide options A open because it won t interact with Accent or Ueacon <4 1 'o*r 't " Force llu Riyxiihibk CJioiu ), t>nfelsw:i nrtnWgttSMfmny, 'Jtrfuaiy'2B;’ 1985*31 Grain Marketing Meetings Set NEWARK, Del. —The University of Delaware and Delaware State University Coop erative Extension are sponsoring grain market ing meetings in Kent and New Castle counties. These meetings will be held twice each day, from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. in the Kent County exten sion office, Route 13, Dover, and from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. in the UD Fischer Greenhouse Laborato ry on South College Avenue in Newark. Following is a schedule of dates and topics: • Feb. I—understanding1—understanding and using basis in grain marketing. • Feb. 15 —cash marketing, including spot prices, deferred delivery, deferred payment, basis contract, no price established or storage contract, and minimum price contract. • March 2 —the use of futures (hedging) to forward-price grain or soybeans. • March 15 —grain merchants panel discus sion, developing a marketing plan, and using on farm storage. Farmland Sells For $736,700 LITITZ (Lancaster Co.) More than 120 people gathered last week during a sale of two parcels of the Walter Carpenter Farm in War wick Township, totalling a little more than 97 acres, which brought a total of $736,700. The auction, conducted by E.M. Murry Asso ciates, Lititz, included 89.57 acres of farmland and a 7.3-acre parcel, both of which front East Woods Drive. A farm house, bam, and outbuild ings were included in the sale. The 89.57-acre tract was sold for $545,000 to Wayne Seachrist, Pierson Road, Lititz, accord ing to a spokesman for E.M. Murry Associates. The other tract totalling 7.5 acres was sold to John Hartz, Woods Rd., Lititz, f0r5191,700. The tract of land was advertised as having develop ment possibilities. Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M. of each week’s publication JANUARY antiques & collectible SAT. JAN. 28 -10 AM 'terns. Held at Redding Dushore, Sullivan Co Pa Auction Service, located at 114 Main St.. Dushore, taking Rt. 34.'/. mile Nof Penn, at the site of Sullivan Gettysburg, bear nght at Y Inn near Fitzpatrick & Lam- ( at car wash ) & continue 2 bert Ford Dealership -100 miles on Table Rock Road ft off Rt. 220 at the red light t 0 auction site - c David in Dushore. Howard W. Redding, auct Visscher, auct. SAT. FEB , 4 . g ; 4SAM SAT. FEB. 4 - 9AM very Repossession Sale. 175 nice furniture, old toys, Repo's & Off lease vehi glassware, Ig. amt. nice old cles. Keystone Public Auto pttery items nice lot small Exchange. PUBUC BANKRUPTCY AUCTION 5 pick-up trucks, 1 stake body truck, 1 van, 2 automobiles FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 17,1995 11:00 AM At the premises located in the borough of Columbia, Lancaster County, Pa. at 231 South Locust St. Includes the following units 1981 Mercedes 280 E 4 dr Gas mdl., 1991 Chev. pickup V 8 AT, 1991 Chev Van 20 with ladder rack, 1989 Chev pickup V 8 AT 1500 Series, 1988 Chev pickup 2500 Series, V 8 AT, 1989 Chev pickup V 8 AT, 1988 Chev pickup V 8 AT, 1980 Chev mdl 70 VB, ssp. 2sp. stake body truck, 1988 Chev. Corsica 4dr. AT. Please Note! THERE ARE NO SMALL - ITEMS, TRUCKS & CARS ONLY. BE PROMPT. TERMS-CASH, CERTIFIED CHECK, BANK MONEY ORDER, OR OTHER MEANS SATISFACTORY TO THE TRUSTEE, ALL FUNDS PAYABLE TO BARRY A SOLODKY ESQ. TRUSTEE. Auction by order of Barry A Solodky Esq. trustee in Bankruptcy In RE: JLC Construction Inc. Case #94-21897 &sM. fyuiUj jUvxidtcd LICENSE NO. 648-L / 23N.W«t*rSL (717) 6264175 or (717) 626*2636 LKte, Psnnsylvsnit 17543 FAX (717) 627-6757 APPRAISERS «nd ADVISORS