A3o*La roister Fernilng.Sittirdey, ■ Jemi«nrMrl99s DHIA The district meeting season for the Pennsylvania Dairy Herd Improvement Association is underway, with 10 remaining meetings scheduled from Jan. 30 through Feb. 3. The meetings are held every year around the state, corresponding to the 18 director districts, primari ly for directors of local DHIA committees/boards. They serve as an opportunity for directors and management to get together for discussion of issues and developments affecting DHIA members statewide. Elec tion of directors to the state board is also done at the meetings. Anyone interested in attending the meeting in their district may contact their county committee or local board. The meetings begin at 9:30 a.m., and end after lunch. District 1 Bonanza Restaurant Franklin District 2 Bonanza Restaurant Franklin District 3 Boss’s, Greensburg Districts Best Way Restaurant, Milesburg Feb 3, 1995 TUES., WED. & THURS., FEB. 7, 8 fc 9 LEBANON FAIR GROUNDS SEE FEB. 4 ISSUE - FOR DETAILS Cedar Crest Equipment ___ Two Convenient Locations fjiA. 608 Evergreen Rd. fml _Cp Lebanon, PA IIbUC 17042 JrVVV (717) 270-6600 * m m 1-800-646-6601 I we Welccme Tcu Daek to Cur | ANNUAL HULL AUCTION | j iATCCCAT, rCDCCACT 11, 1995 • Starting at 11:00 a.m. at the Lancaster Silo Farm j | Location: 2008 Horseshoe Road Lane, Lancaster, Pennsylvania 17601 | ! Take Route 30 south to Route 340, east 1/2 mile, at light take Horseshoe Road I | left, go 1/2 mile and watch for sign at end of driveway, right. 1 | THE SALE WILL BE HELD INSIDE-CONSIGNMENTS RECEIVED START- S ; ING AT 12 NOON ON FRIDAY. WE EXPECT APPROXIMATELY 100 | I HEAD OF BIG DRAFT MULES FROM 16 TO 18 HANDS. WE WORKED A : 5 l • LOT OF THESE MULES ON THE FARMS LAST SUMMER j EARLY CONSIGNERS INCLUDE: | | • Kemp & Reese, TN • 4 PR young, 17H, Broke • Gary Estis, IN | I * J , oh , n £ elso ’ ™, •3 PR tall fancy sorrels, 17H • Roy | 5 • Jack Strood, TN Epperson, NC • s• 3 PR fancy, young, 16.2 -17 H, Broke .2 PR Big heavy mules, worked in log I t on his farm • Mervm Hoover, KY woods, 16.3 H, out of Ml I s ' * r fx 7 *“■** -*--*■ '' ” '■^~-~- The 2C mule team we plan to hitch on February ICth. Sale mules will be hitched on Friday before the sale. If you are looking for a team of “broke mules” here is the place to come. Commission: 5% No sale charge: $2O per head There will be no commission on the top selling pair of mules. AUCTION BY DIFFENBACH’S AUCTION 225 L 393 4464 Paul S. Smucker I 2008 Pcrseshce Ecad, Lancaster, PA 17601 .! Phene (717) 299-3721 1 For Financing Call 291-1855 1 Call bofort ul» dote. A»k for Bill I There will be a 10% discount on all Lancaster Silo Parts : and machinery. Also on silo orders.” I Jan 31,1995 Jan 31, 1995 Jan 30, 1995 RD 2 Box 271 East Earl, PA 17519 (717) 354-0584 ’ J , r*2 1»5 Average Farm Feed Feb ?' 1995 Costs Whence Pi»h 1 ' 1 qos Com,No.2y-2.30bu.4.12cwL Feb 1 1995 Wheal, Na 2 ’ 361 bu ' 603 ’ CWL How Does Your Herd Compare? Moss’s Greensburg Happy Hollow Restaurant, Saxton Happy Hollow Restaurant, Saxton Bonanza, Wysox Bonanza, Wysox Bonanza, Wysox District 6 District 7 District 8 District 13 District 14 District 16 . i i ncifitT Oats, No. 2-1.54 bu. 4.79 cwi. STATE COLLEGE (Centre Co.) These data are Soybeans, No. 1-5.17 bu. 8.63 information pulled from Pennsylvania DHIA s mamframe computer cwL each week. It is a one-week summary .representing approximately one Com 5g ?g 294 cwL fourth of the herds on test, as they are tested mo " u ’ ly - . . Alfalfa Hay - 101.25 ton 5.06 These data are valuable from a business management standpoint and can be used for comparing your operations to the averages from about Mixed Hay . 93 qq ton 4.65 C wl one-fourth of the herds across the state. Timothy Hay - 98.75 ton 4.94 DHIA Averages for all herds processed between 1/07/95 and 1/14/95 cwt Number of Herds Processed 989 Number of Cows Processed 60,997 Number of Cows Per Herd 61.6 Milk Per Cow (Lbs) 18,743 %-Fat 3 ;69 Fat Per Cow (Lbs) 692 %-Prolein Protein Per Cow (Lbs) 601 Average Days in Milk Per Cow 318 ‘Value for CWT Milk(s) 13.19 ‘Value for CWT Grain(s) 8.24 ‘Value for CWT Hay(s) 4.25 ‘Value for CWT Silage(s) 1-56 ♦Value for Pasture Per Day(s) -27 ‘Value for Milk Per Cow Per Year(s) ‘Feed Consumed Per Cow Per Year(Lbs) ■ B&B SPRAY PAINTING SANDBLASTING SPRAY - ROLL - BRUSH Specializing In Buildings, . Feed Mills - Roofs - Tanks - Etc., Aerial Ladder Equip. Stone - Barn - Restoration 574 Gibbon’s Rd., Bird-In-Hand, Pa. Aniwerinf Service (717) 354-5561 " THERE’S MORE TO IT THAN JUST NPK” For over 47 years, farmers throughout the Mid-Atlantic Area from New York to Virginia have produced millions of dollars of crops using Lebanon Extra fertilizer. Lebanon Extra is an ammoniated, homogenous, granular NPK fertilizer. With the increased emphasis on using less and precise applications of plant food, Lebanon Extra provides the nutrient sources that you can depend on, and not just NPK but also secondary and six micro-nutrients. The nutrient integrity of Lebanon Extra is superior to bulk blend fertilizer products. When using row applications or banding accurate amounts of plant food it can be important to use a safe, quality, uniform grade product. If you are using a blend with MAP compare the value of Lebanon Extra. 2,472 EXTRA Granulated Starter Fertilizer LEBANON EXTRA PLANT FOOD Ammoniated Granular Fertilizer Homogenous Secondary and Micros Uniform Analysis Low Chlorine for Sensitive Crops Safer to use in row applications Economical to use on all Crops Get the Starter Effect by staying 2x2 Excellent for No-till Com For more information on Lebanon Extra Fertilizers Lebanon Chemical Corporation Baltimore, MD 800-343-9085 Barley. No. 3-1.82 bu. 3.90 CWt. A; Grain B: Hay C: Silage D; Day Pasture ♦Feed Cost Per Cow Per Year(s) A: Grain B: Hay C: Silage D; Pasture ♦Total Feed Cost Per Cow Per Year(s) ♦lncome Over Feed Costs Per Year(s) 1,546 ♦Grain to Milk Ratio 1:2.6 ♦Feed Cost Per CWT Milk(s) 4.94 Avg Level For 898 SCC Heids 328,762 ♦Member-generated figure* COW MATTRESSES The Answer To Cow Comfortl • Fit* Any Stall • Polyester Bag Filled With Rubber • Bag Sewn Every 4” To Prevent Shifting • Heavy Nylon Fabric Top Cover With 3 Year Warranty • Eaaler lor cows to get up & down • Reduces Bedding costs • Installation available CALL FOR DETAILS'! SAMUEL S. PETERSHEIM 117 Christiana Pike, Christiana, PA 17509- Answering Service 610-593-2242 6.988 2.095 15,424 68 575 89 242 18 926 . 'fa' ’•