Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, January 28, 1995, Image 25
PROGRAM (Continued from Pago A 24) The Lodge Pool is open until midnight Tuesday and Wednesday nights. Wednesday Mornings, February 1,1995 GENERAL VEGETABLES-Cinema Presiding: Nancy Bosold, Montgomery Co. Ext 9:00 What I’m Looking for When I Buy—panel— Robert Amsterdam, Raymond Cohen & Son, Biglen/llle, moderator Robert Von Lieu, Associat ed Wholesalers Inc., Robesonla, Nell Courtney, Buffalo Valley Produce Auction, Mifflinburg, Fred erick Funk, Funk's Farm Market, Mlllersvllle 10:00 Penna. Vegetable Marketing and Research Program Update —Chairman 10:15 Fertigation and True Solution Fertilizer*— Dr. Douglas Sanders, North Carolina State University 11:00 Sweet Com Varietiea— panel—Dr. Peter Ferrettl, Penn State Unlv. Moderator Robert Kotch, Rogers Seeds Tom Bagels, Asgrow Seeds Mark Kaminski, Stokes Seeds W. Atlee Burpee, Abbott and Cobb Seeds VALUE-ADDED VEGETABLES— Nigerian Room Presiding; James Welshans, Dauphin Co. Ext. 9:00 New Films to Increase Shelf-life of Cut Vegeta bles—Aaron Brody, Devon 9:30 Food Safety in the Pre-cut Industry —Stephanie Doores, Penn State Unlv. 10:00 Selling to the Restaurant Trade —Al Buehrer, Indian Rock Produce, Quakertown 10:30 What’s New in Prepared Salads— Wende Di Matteo, ASK Foods, Palmyra 11:10 State of the Pre-cut Industry— Edith Garrett, Nat'l. Assoc. Fresh Produce Processing, Alexan dria, Virginia TREE FRUlTS— Trinidad Room Presiding— Steven Balderston, Maryland Horticultural Society President 9:00 Present and Future Role of Weather in Orchard Decision Making— Dr. Joseph Russo, ZedX Inc., Boalsburg Automated Weather Instruments: How Reli able Are They? — Dr. James Travis, Penn State University A Grower’s Experience with Weather Monitor ing Equipment —At Caggiano, grower, Bridgeton, N.J. 10:25 Adapting Software Packages to Orchard Needs—Jake Esh, Esh Computer Systems 10:45 Evaluation of Pesticide Record'Keeping Sys tems—Jerome Frecon, Rutgers Cooperative Extension 11:15 Sooty Blotch and Flyspeck: What Can Be Done?— Dr. Turner Sutton, North Carolina State University 11:45 *IPM Programs for Peaches— Dr. Walker Miller, Clemson University (1 cat. 2) WOMEN’S AUXILIARY — Convention Center Lobby 8:45 Bus Trip to Chocolate World and Park City Center (cost $l5, lunch on your own) Wednesday Afternoon, February 1,1995 iREENHOUSE VEGETABLES-Cinema Presiding: Boyd Mertz—PVGA Secretary-Treasurer 1:30 Greenhouse Vegetable Production— Dr. Richard Snyder, Mississippi State Univ. 2:00 Producing Vegetable Transplants— David Miller, Miller Plant Farm, York. 2:30 ‘Tomato and Pepper Insect Control in the Greenhouse — Cathy Thomas, Dauphin County Extension (1 cat. 3) 3:10 Design and Management of Irrigation in the Greenhouse — Dr. Craig Storlie, Rutgers Research and Development Ctr. 3:50 Questions and Answers with Speakers 4:00 PVGA Annual Business Meeting ■Nigerian Room Presiding: Myrtle Hetherington, PVGA Director 1:30 *Pe»ts and Pollinator* in Cucurbits— Dr Shel- by Fleisher and Maryanne Frazier, Penn State University (1 cat. 3) 2:00 "Disease Control in Pumpkins— Dr. Alan Mac- Nab, Penn State University (1 cat. 3) 2:40 Growing Seedless Watermelon with Plastic and Fertigation— Dr. Edwin Kee, University of Delaware 3:20 "Weed Control in Cucurbits— Dr. Bradley Majek, Rutgers Research & Development Center 4:00 PVGA Annual Business Meeting— Cinema SMALL FRUIT— Cocoa Suites 2, 3 & 4 Presiding: Gregory Bums, Elk CountyrExt. 1:30 Everbearing Raspberries—What We Know, What We’re Testing—Dr. Barbara Goulart, Penn State University 2:00 Blueberry Cultlvars—What Grows Well Where? —Michael DeGrandchamp, DeGrand champ’s Nursery 2:40 Strawberry Cultlvars—What’s New? What’s Useful?— Dr. Gene Galletta, USDA Agricultural Research Service 3:15 Our Experiences with Strawberry Plastl culture—panel—Dr. Joseph Flola, Rutgers Fruit Research and Development Center, moderator Robert Rouse, University of Maryland, Sam Walk er, New Jersey, Tom Jarvis, grower, New Jersey TREE FRUlTS—Trinidad Room Presiding: William Tietjen, Rutgers Research and Development Center 1:45 ’Alternative Crops for Nematode Control— Dr. .Jonathan Haibrendt, Penn State Unlv. (1 cat. 2) 2:15 ’Brown Rot Control Strategies— Dr. Walker Miller, Clemson University (1 cat. 2) 2:55 - Stone Fruit Handling in California— Dr. Carlos Crisosto, University of California at Davis 3:35 Winter injury of Stone Fruits: Facts & Fallaci es— Dr, Ed Dumer, Rutgers Univ. 4:00 Peach and Nectarine Report— Jonathan Lott, Peach and Nectarine Research Board Wednesday Evening, February 1, 1995 TRAVELOGUE-Trinidad Room 8:00 Australian Adoption of IPM Practices—Dr. Ed Rajotte, Penn State University Fruit and Vegetable Production in Nova Scotia — Dr. George Greene, Penn State University Thursday Morning, February 2, 1995 Presiding: Daniel Schantz, PVGA Past President 9:00 Best Bedding Plant Varieties for 1995 Ted Eck, Fred Gloenecker Inc., Gibsonla 9:30 Think Before You Act—ls Year-Round Produc- tlon for You? —Jeffrey Segan, Segan’s Bloomin' Haus, Allentown 10:20 Use Aggressive Retailing— Tyler Richardson, Richardsons Market, Newark, Dela. 11 ;00 Commercial Integrated Production of Bedding and Potted Plants — Donald Layser, Layser’s Flowers, Myerstown SMALL FRUlTS— Nigerian Room Presiding —Antonia Bilik, Blair Co. Ext. 9:00 Maximizing Blueberry Shelflife — Dr. Eric Han son, Michigan State University 9:30 Small Coolers for Shelflife Extension of Small Fruits — Dr. Daniel Schofer, USDA Ag. Research Service 10:25 Nutrition in Small Fruit: General Concepts and Specific Problems— Dr. Eric Hanson, Michigan State University 11:15 A Friendly Fungus—Mycorrhizas in Blueber ries— Dr. Barbara Goulart, Penn State University iinema Lancaster Farming, Saturday, January 28, 1995-A25 ■Trinidad Room Presiding: Eric Oesteriing, Westmoreland County Extension 9:00 The Tree Fruit as an integrated Unit: implica tions for Management— Dr. David Eissenstat, Penn State University 9:30 Are Plastic Bulk Bins in the Future? — David Cox, Knouse Foods Co-operative, Peach Glen 10:10 New Stone Fruit Cultivate from Breeding Pro grams—Dr. Joseph Goffreda, Rutgers Research and Development Center 10:40 High Quality Production of Stone Fruit— Dr. Carlos Crisosto, University of California at Davis 11:20 The Results of a Worker Safety Compliance Check: What Did I Learn? — David Bingaman, Penna. Dept, of Ag., moderator, Dwight Mickey, grower, Chambersburg, Scott Slaybaugh, grower, Biglerville, Scott Brown, grower, Loganville WOMEN’S AUXILIARY — Cocoa Suites 2 & 3 11:30 Vintage Fashion Show and Luncheon —Mira Graves, consultant for Sevarges & Co. (cost $l6) LUNCH IN LOWER LOBBY EXHIBITORS LEAVE AT 2:00 P.M. Thursday Morning, February 2,1995 (continued) MARKETING SHORT COURSE-Cocoa Suites 2 & 3 (limited registration, additional $l5 for the day) Presiding: Barron Hetherington, PVGA Director 9:00 Overview—“l99s, Your Best Marketing Season Tet,”—Jeffrey Patton, Lehigh County Extension 9; 10 What 1,214 Pennsylvanians Told Us About Pro duce — Dr. Joan Thomson, Penn State University 9:45 Perfectly Easy Marketing—“ How to Write a Marketing Plan in Little Time with Big Results,” — Adrienne Zoble, Adrienne Zoble Associates, Somerville, NJ 11:15 Regulation Update,...“Where Adding Value Also Adds Responsibilities,” Charles Radio, Penna. Department of Agriculture Thursday Afternoon, February 2, 1995 CETING SHORT COURSE Cocoa Suites 2 & 3 (limited registration additional $l5 for the day) Presiding; John Stark, Penna. Dept, of Ag. Update from PDA —John Stark, Penna. Dept, of Agriculture Ad-Share—Analysis of Ads from the Audience —panel —John Stark, Penna. Dept, of Ag.—moderator, Adrienne Zoble, Adrienne Zoble Associates, Somerville, NJ, Rudy Grob, Funks Farm Market, Millersville, Donna Miller, D-Square Design, Lemoyne Breathing New Life into Pennsylvania’s Farm ers’ Markets —panel —John Stark, Penna. Dept, of Ag.—moderator, Jonathan Johnson, Center for Rural Penna. David Denton, Huntingdon Farmers’ Market, Houston, Martin Wise, Harrisburg Area Comm. College Low-Cost Software for Computerized Book keeping—Dr. Larry Jenkins, Penn State Univ. REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED FOR EACH PERSON REGISTRATION FEES ALLOW ONE TO ATTEND BOTH THE FRUIT AND VEGETABLE SESSIONS AND ENTER THE EXHIBIT AREAS. Wives will be required to pay the registration fees unless they register with the Wom en s Auxiliary. Employees Of PVGA members as well as members’ family will be admitted at the member’s rates. Students and children 16 and under are admitted free. An additional fee of $15.00 will be charged to attend the Mar keting Short Course. If at all possible, please PRE-REG ISTER. 1:00 1:10 2:10 3:20 (Turn to Pag* A3ll