INCOME TO YOUR FARM CONTACT FARMER BOY AG... Your Professional Company IK" * - 1 *!»., BREEDING & GESTATION FARROWING NURSERY FINISHING * PA'S OLDEST & MOST EXPERIENCED STOVE & POULTRY BUILDING & EQUIPMENT COMPANY A Revolutionary Approach To Pressure Washing Cut ymir cleaning time In half with the famous DIRT It's World Patented Design, which fea- IWillvay I*" tures a rotating turbine, delivers the MHIFW IVLLEH impact of a O' nozzle with a 25' fan. \ SSSSSSSS NOZZLES This incredible performance will increase sxact your efficiency while outtlng your cleaning time In helf—sav j9HHHHFfatterh inctuou money through reduced labor and material costs. «» (Mr wea where you will realize tremendous savings is with your nimuß MM&triMJH -y— l <#tefnkawt.Tldfi>nly wHI you use less chemical, but you wHI signif iwae. wm no ffnaEMCV icantly reduce your disposal costs proving that the Dirt Killer loss of pressure ■ Nozzles are environmentally friendly, as well as powerful. BRASS CASINO. NEW! BOSS HOG FLOORING HEAVIEST WIRE FLOORING MADE Use Flourescent Lighting For Energy Savings ’sssssr PH|UPS -...n, .. ,h... lamps ». ¥“,!T ENERGY EFFICIENCY!*!*!** 1 "^ •commit uvkigc over th. Ill* ol the kulk. Cfcicc Iht I AND LONGER LIFE InhM mvmUrnSTla poW keek. which will kcfenc In W Bu ** " l - lrC laaa than alx monlha, tha Ineraaaad alactrlcal I”** lank U|la CMUcdoo lamps i»> aaanomy make auah hulba tha moat logical way to »ara Ta oparaia itiwh ai wtny tow war by light..." MICHAEL JDm PHD AninW idanoa Unhwaiy M Cannaaicu REPLACEMENT ptavUla* aifoificaot savings cn BALLAST aosrgy, —i—mbm awl isplacs- U-TUIE asset CoopaiadiooHinafyincan CsassM lamps. lanbUgltCoUac ~*«■lampssavsapto76pawanton JKrJrZm J M sasrgy. Tl» ILS23, for axampl.. willsavaSC7*ovarthalifeofsscb S lamp. Wtal's own, tbass ansrgy savings *• isnyawils* by sav ■r 10,000 km. !«* Light CoUac- ss^r-W-ts v It’S Time To Charge Your *;* % Bulb 0 PAR HEAT LAMP sawnqs » m, Faaturaa/Banaflta OVER LIFE «« \ * 176 W SLS 23 WATT « . 30% Watlaga RadueUon. Savings Of EARTH LIGHT 20 llßHjfe; Ovar $37 Par Lamp Ovar Tha Lit* Oi V a. m WATT Tha Lamp ■ Enargy Saving • Long Uta ••s * -- HMpt PoateyftSwliie Building 8c Equipment Center >' ?v ADD V ' SMOOTHER SMOOTHER LOOK FOR THE BUMP lETTER FOOTING EASIER CLEANING ON THE BOTTOM NOW AVAILABLE IN 3-INCH OPENING This 2-i bulldlni ttage facility features a 50’x215’ brooder building and a 50’x 520’ g I designed for 8,000 Toms. n<yi»- t p# f l&'i from go— IITMUSTH AM)J ■MWM.ITY / 2200 HEAD FINISHER 1 ispf**p up | :{ Bott Hog's patented "Double Smooth* design plus the strsngth and durability of its txdusivt 5/18* dlamstsr wlra maka this your bast flooring buy! Insist on Boss Hog, tha wlra with tha bump on the bottom. From the nation's largest manufacturer of animal flooring. 04 06 01 iO 12 14 16 Co*i per KWh '*'*■& <,*• y"s* '■&■. , y-.-'-' ■. , . * „ ± ' /{__ >y '* *s, <. j K ' , |^B^f ! ' ': JEkM V *wjri% 'mm - W» n||oMu When It says BIG HUSKY Kill HlimlKT Its gotta mean quality ■■ ■ . Two large 11« 20 nomad • Irrproved UV eteWlty over corrpalMon dtlnkan DOI V 'Ow dapandaWa Deltln vaKw and float • Easy daan out with ruL 1 • TWO YEAR GUARANTEE nomad drain plug WATFRFR • STAIMJEM STEEL CHEW GUARDS • Walanr to Ighlwaighl but • Optional hoktown brackati 16% thicker and 20% haavlar • Optional has lor winter than companion • Large anap down \r Cover • Special graved aide tor haalar cord protection AH-4M W -6L • ■ Galon caDbrWlon ntoldad Into aldawal 1000 watt IfWJt heater PC9wf •ssar ear aeeir lor nearvolr I IJ IPICIFICATIONa -j, 838. r •SSS «aU amat 250 watt wf-« Mew. inn t mww jr { hotter vC ■■■ 1 for trough AGRICULTURAL WINCHES For chicken housing and other agricultural uses AdjuotaUo min: 1:104 1:111,1:200 Dolton 7 GW Tadnlol OpMOctUom: Ad|uoWH« Mot: Minimum Roan Mudnum Row Mn. Opm< Pnoowoo! Mu Opor. Prtttuipti CoonodionK UmoiulonK WrighC Bp4cKlosUwi> i W.Mk »l#kl tsr MifHßt ■ Maximum Flow: MO OPH 2400 OPH Min. Opar. Praaauraa: 2 PSI 2 PSI Onnrfltinn Max. Opar. Praaauraa: M PSI 110 PSI INCW ueneration Opar. Tamparaturo: ,20* F 120* F 111 GPM and Connaetlona: K ll NPT IV4 " PVC 40 GPM Models Dim,n,lon,: ftS? Zr" «- ? > Walflhta: 4.4 Ibe. 9 Iba. • Lancaster Fai irowout 1:100, 1:1V, 1400 13 om 400 cm 7 PSI k ? n 7t • Owmleal AddMvaa... Into Llmtock Haight 11* and Poultry Drinking Watar or Into Mill Irrigating Syatama. Si- ,r "«v. janui • Custom Design • Assistance In Financing • Assistance In Securing Building Permits • Assistance In Nutrient Management Planning tm*. TANDEM PRODUCTS, INC. LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT UK Henderfbot/NS For Small Animals Up To 100 Lko. ' TondaflostiNS (Nuraoryt a . KKltcllylHVlMtllwMin 7 (Mill nurseries and «i 14 4 -uL \ accommodate pigi 141 to <OO im iQi I VvJ. Tondartool/TeS « Mao used tor I rYT\ many Mt>or sma* antnai aaakcawna sue* as zoos dag karmaia «k a - - environment Those aamfm a *»“■■■— and coaly bruises «ar*s*er>» >aM*ny Type fnvfrerwwnf and other aicomtomng When nsiMtod m the Mar a'eWeme if* greatly •Ofttofcraagaraaoia rMuci# TendartooVNS I 'arrowing craw TandertoeWS gauge upended metal nas great your newborn p<gWU hoto opennga mat measure with a soft warm sodding-type /« .v. achnlcal 1995-D1 Aecurataly Motor... Antibiotics • Coceldlootota • Drugs • Disinfectants • Sulfas • Vaccines • Wormaro • Vitamins • Fertilizers
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