Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, January 06, 1995, Image 91
IOMPLETE - SERVICE PUBLIC AUCTION SATURDAY JANUARY 14,1995 o 10:00 am SELLING BUILDING SUPPLIES FOR TEN PLUS BUILDING SUPPLY CENTER MINERSVILLE, PA DIRECTIONS: Travel South on Route 61 to Route 901. Travel into Town. At 4th Light Turn Right onto 3rd Street. Follow Signs. Approximately 3 Blocks- Turn Right. Signs Posted. BUILDING SUPPLIES Paneling: Windows, Anderson & Replacement, Screens Grills, Shutters; Vinyl Siding; Moulding: Pre-hung Interior Doors; Interior Flush Doors; Steel Doors; Aluminum Siding Accessories; Coil Stock; Hardware Items; Aluminum Rail; Caulking: Vent-A-Ridge;‘ Fiberglass Insulation; Storm Windows; Closet Bare; Olympic Stain; Nails and More... OWNER: Ten Plus 544-2646 If Inclement Weather Auction WHI Be Held Indoors KENNETH E. HASSINGER NEIL A. COURTNEY RR 02, Box 985 R.D.#180x239 McClure, PA 17841 Richfield, PA 17086 (717) 658-3536 (717) 539-8791 AU-001532-L AU-OOZ6SI-L Located along Pleasant Valley Rd., Brecknock Twp., Lancaster Co. from Rt. 625 at Bowmantville take Pleasant Valley Rd. west to property. The property will be offered In two parcels: PARCEL #1 consists of 2'U story stone farmhouse. Ist fir. has kitchen, dining room & living room. 2nd fir. has 4 bedrooms. Full basement, no bathroom or central heating. Stone & frame bank bam w/? sty. block dairy addition, 29 cow stalls, horse stable & open stables for heifers. Other outbuildings: 14'x14' heifer shed; 30'x48' frame tobacco shed; 32'x36' block shop & equip, shed; 12'xS2' stave silo; 10'x56’ poured cement silo. 50 acres of land - 27 tillable w/remainder being pasture & woodland. Terrain is level to gently sloping; 1700' of road frontage. Sewer trunk line crosses lower end of property. PARCEL #2 consists of 15 acres of open land, all tillable. Will be sold w/perc test & existing well; terrain is level to gently sloping; 1050' road frontage. ZONING: AG, Agriculture For info on crops, poeeeoslon of buildings or to inspect properly cad Homing Farm Agency, Inc, (610) 286-5183. TERMS: 10% day of tale; settlement on or before • March 22,1995. Buyer will be required to participate in a like kind - exchange. Terms and conditions by Atty. Ed Miller (717) 299-1100 The Sauders have bought a property and are moving to Missouri. TERMS BY: MELVIN & SARA SAUDER HORNING FARM AGENCY, INC. Alvin Homing AU-0433-L Elton Homing AU-0434-L P.O. Box 251, Morgantown ,(610)286-5183 Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M. of each week’s publication SAT MAR 18 - Fraley's Sale on our farm 3 miles E Annual Spring Farm Muncy, Pa By Fraley Machinery Consignment Auction Co. CLASSIC CAR AUCTION The decision has been made to offer the following automobiles at auction located 3 miles SE of Carrollton, Ohio on SR 43 to Canyon Road - then South 1 mile to our heated auction center. Sunday, Jan. 15, 1995 -1:00 PM (Open for Inspection 9:00 AM) 1973 Buiek Centurian Convertible, Restored, Leather Interior, 68K; 1973 Cadillac Eldorado Convertible, 58K; 1963 Cadillac, 2 Dr Hardtop, 59K, Always Garaged; 1966 Chevy Nova 4 Dr, 49K; 1966 Mercury Parklane, 4 Dr Hardtop, 59K; 1972 Chevrolet 1/2 T Pickup; 1973 Dodge Charger, 2 Dr Hardtop; 1966 Ford Fairlane, 2 Dr Hardtop; 1978 Lincoln Mark V, Diamond Jubilee, 21K; 1979 Lincoln Mark IV, 2 Dr Hardtop, Sun Roof, 35K; 1978 Lincoln Contipental, 4 Dr, 24K; 1984 Corvette. AUCTIONEER'S NOTE: Cars are very clean, most were collected over the years from the southern US and garaged. Bring your trailer - you will like the cars. TERMS: Cash, Cashier's. Checks or Company Checks WBank Letter to Gamer Auctioneers Guaranteeing funds up to set amount for Jan. 15, ~ Jft. GASS*LR ASSET RECOVERY SPECIALISTS SINCE ISSI Larry W.Gamar, AMI 215-627-5572 - Carrollton, Ohio “HORST AUCTION CENTER” PUBLIC SALE ANTIQUES, HENKEL-HARRIS FURNITURE, HOUSEHOLD GOODS & TOOLS WED., JAN. 11. 1995 AT 2 P.M. Sale to be held at the Horst Auction Center,, located at the comer of Rt. 022 & Durlach Rd. (approx 2Vi miles west of Ephrata), Ephrata, Lan caster County, PA. FURNITURE ANTIQUE WALNUT SLANT FRONT DESK; Yel low Min. Blanket Chest; Plank Bottom Chairs, Highchair; MAHOGANY: Dining Table & Chairs, Cof fee Table, Sofa Table, Leather Top Tables, Victorian Arm Rocker, Victorian Needlepoint Chairs, Curly Maple Chairs; FINE HENKEL-HARRIS WILD BLACK CHERRY DINING ROOM SUITE; PR. HENKEL-HARRIS WILD BLACK CHERRY COR NER CUPBOARDS; STATTON WILD CHERRY Wall Table; Nest Tables; Brass & Wood Mirror; Desk; Dropleaf Table; Cedar Chest; Living Room Suite, Church Bench; Antique Bench; Sizing Rack; Kirman Oriental Rug. APPLIANCES: Refrigerator; Freezer; Dehumid ifier, Cookware; Frying Pans; Sterling Silver; Brass Candlesticks, Bowls 4 Trays; Copper Bucket. CHINA & GLASSWARE Mocha Pitcher, Tankard 4 Mug; Stick Spatter Placesetting: Copper Lustre; Ironstone Historical Blue; Limoges; Set of Wedgwood China; Set of John son Bros. “Indies" China; Bennington: Tea Set; Paint Pot; Stoneware Crocks & Jugs; Pressed 4 Pattern Glass; Blown Bowls; Kerosene Lights; Apothecary Bottle. LINENS: FINE ANTIQUE SHOW TOWEL; Krebs Fraktur; Scissor Cutting; Fancywork; Basket; Wall paper Box; Postcards 4 Advertising Cards; German Book; Amish Bookplates; Lionel Catalogs, Prints; Sheraton Mirror; Decorated Slide Box. TOYS: Tonka Mixer, Pay Hauler; Clown Puppet; Wooden Blocks; Plasticville; BB Gun. TOOLS: SNOWBLOWER (like new); Riding Mower w/Rear Bagger; Snapper Mower, Chain Saw; Lawn Sweeper; Hand Saws; Hand Tools; Baskets; Antique Westfield Bike. No out of state checks unless accompanied by a current bank latter or prior arrangement with auc tion service. Horst T. Glenn (717) *5l-1331 ■ (717) 735-30 M Timothy G. F« » m WMtn Thomas A. -VOICES OF EXPERIENCE SAT. MAR. 18 - Mel's Stables, at 834 Wallace Rd., New Holland, Pa From Rt 23 in New Hol land, go S. on Brimmer Ave., go 2 miles S on New Holland Rd. to Hill Rd. Turn left on Hill Rd Proceed 1 2 miles to sale on left From Rt 340 E of Intercourse take New Holland Rd. 2 5 miles to Hill Rd„ right on Hill Rd. ot sale on left Mel Hoover, owner SAT. MAR. 18 - Antique & Collectible Auction Con signment Miller's Auct Ctr, Bethel, Pa Consign ment Items, call (717) 93JT5736 Dwight D Miller, auct. SAT MAR, 18 - Tractors farm equip. 12,000 bu bin & corn, tools from Lane Take Rt 283 W to Middletowrt-Hummelstown exit, turn right to 3206 Schoolhouse Rd Middle- PUBLIC AUCTION Two Plus Acres in Carnarvon Township Saturday, January 14^1995 1:00 PM All brick three bedroom house • two story barn 3 mile East of Blue Ball just off Rt 322 in Beartown, Lancaster Co., Pa. Nice location has a valley view, large swing set w/sandbox sells ! w/real estate. | Property has fenced in pasture lays on hill side overlooking valley in farming community. House has eat-in kitchen, living room, full bath, 2 bedrooms, additional bedroom in 2 bay garage area, large laundry, mud room, full basement, bedrooms have closets. Two story barn with box stalls, forebay lot of storage room on 2nd floor, app. l/4 woods - on site well - sewage, air compressor and large air tank sell with real estate, baseboard hot water heat, wood burner furnace. Shown by appt. call 717-354-6554 or 610-593-2828 Auct. Terms 10% down, final settlement by March 1,1995. Owners Isaac S. Nancy King Auctioneer y ItevS jr. Petershei m , c 610-593-AUCT LAU 001349 L _ PUBLIC AUCTION Thirty-Seven Holstein Heifers-DeLaval Milking System Hi Moisture Shelled Corn-Alfalfa Hay 2 Silo Unloaders-Girton Milk Tank Farm Machinery-2 Diesel Tractors Tuesday, January 17,1995 10:00 AM Auction held on the farm in Lancaster County, PA for; Elvin & Verna Fisher 1 mile West of Paradise. From Route 30 and Ronks Road intersection go South. Follow to Paradise Lane left, Ist farm. Allis Chalmers 180 diesel, wide front, hi-lo range, dual hyd. outlets, good rubber; Allis Chalmers 5040 diesel, wide front, 1500 orig. hours, bought new by the Fishers; 400 series A.C. loader. Farm Machinery A.C. 4 bottom 3 pt., 14” plow; John Deere 10 transport disc harrow; Pittsburgh 3 section spring tooth harrow; Brillion 9’ cultilpacker; New Holland 474 haybine; New Holland 310 baler with thrower; both bought new on this farm; International 35 hay rake, hyd. drive roller bar; Zimmerman 32’ elevator; 3-18’ bale wagons; 1 flat bed wagon; John Deere 4 row 494 A corn planter; New Holland 707 mounted 3 pt. forage harvester; 2 Husky, grain bin wagons; A.C. forage blower; New Idea manure spread er; model 362, hyd. tailgate, new 1990; wagon load small items. Bam - Milking Equipment- Unloaders DeLaval forty-five cow, 2” S.S. milk and vacuum line, complete system yells, receiver jar, mHk pump, waabpr, 4 DeLaval milker units, 3 h.p. DeLaval vacuum pump; 600 gallon Girtbn milk tank; double fan cooling compqweor, new '94; 40 gallon gas water barter; fresh cow bucket; B.S. twin tube; bam desk; 6 circulation fans; 38 cow trainers; cow clippers; gutter grates; two Jamesway silo unloaders, Volume 1-14', Volume 2-12’, good condition; 3 calf hutches; 2 metal feed bins, 3 and 6 ton; 3 feed carts. 37 Reg.-Grade Holstein Heifers 10 head Registered, all from 1 herd, due Jan.-Feb.; 27 head short bred and open; dam records to 28,000 M.; more information sale day. Feed Hi moisture shelled com in harvester - 2nd & 3rd cutting alfalfa. Auctioneer’s Note - Machinery shed kept, heifers in nice condition Lots of Homemade Food . a*** 0 * Auctioneer ItevSjr.Petersheim 610-593-AUCT AU 001349 L Lancaster Farming, Friday, January 6, 1995-843 town, Pa Auction by Art Lutz Aaron E Martin Auc tion Service SAT MAR 18 - Annual spring consignment sale Held at Juniata Markets, Juniata Co Farm Machin ery, Farm Related Items & Etc Consign now 717-527-2405 Long's Auc tion Service SAT. MAR. 18 - Farm Equip, tools and antiques 17224 Broadfordmg Road, Hagerstown, Md Mrs Nor man Eby Nevm Martin & Sons, Auct SAT MAR 18 - 9AM Kempton Community Cen ter Sale, Location Kemp ton, Pa Farm Equipment SAT MAR 18-9 AM Farm equip Located 1 mile S off Rt 30 between Gap and Kmzer on Brackville Rd , Lane Co Pa Terms by Jacob and Esther Kreider Tractors- Loader Robert E & Jeffrey R Mar tin, Randall L Ranck, aucts MON MAR 20 - Tractors, tamr equip, 169 N Grof fdale Rd , Leola Pa Con signment Auction by M M Weaver & Sons Aaron E Martin Auct Service TUES MAR 21 - 9AM Quilt, craft & buggies A&C Ditfenbach Auction, Inc 100 W Jackson St, New Holland, Pa WED MAR 22-9 AM Quilt & Craft A&C Diffenbach Auction, Inc 100 W Jack son St, New Holland, Pa SAT. MAR 25 - Pen Van (Yates Co.) NY Finger Lakes Growers and Pro ducers Consignment Auc tion of Vineyard Equip, Orchard Equip and gener al machinery Pirrung Auc ts , Inc 716-728-2520