Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, January 06, 1995, Image 88
MO-Uncastw Farming, Friday, January 6, 1995 Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M. of each week’s publication SAT. JAN 28-11 AM 2’/, story vinyl sided dwelling, real estate Clay Twp. At 600 Clearview Rd , Clay Twp, Lane Co Rt 322 W of Ephrata, turn N onto Clearview Rd in Village of Clay By Steve P Miller, Mary Ann Miller Horst Aucts SAT JAN 28 - IPM 2 tracts real estate, East Cocalico Twp. At 1296 & 1306 Red Run Rd., East Cocalico Twp , Lane. Co , Pa. By Lloyd S Brubacker & Ruth Ann Brubacker Horst aucts. SAT. JAN 28 - IPM 2'A story frame house w/bnek asphalt siding, VA story bank barn & frame work shop in 3 521 acres of land 330 Hilldale Rd , Mt Nebo, Martic Twp , Lane Co , Pa By Martic Twp Supervi sors Howard E Shaub, Inc, aucts TUES JAN 31 -10 AM Farm machinery & mules Take Rt 272 8 mi S of Lane, turn E on Pennsy Rd app 3 miles to sale on right Or take Rt. 222 N of Quarryville app. 3 miles, turn left at New Providence, Mam Street and right on Pennsy Rd. 3/4 mile to sale By Daniel R Esch Kreider, Kline & Good, aucts FEBRUARY WED. FEB 1 - 6:3OPM Real Estate, one acre plus In Leacock Twp. At 4034 Newport Pike, Rt. 772, two mile SE of Intercourse, Lane Co , Pa. For Norman & Suzanne Slater Steve, Steve, Jr, Petersheim, aucts. WED. FEB. 1 - 630 PM Wmross Trucks & Toys A&C Diffenbach Auction, Inc 100 W Jackson St, New Holland, Pa THURS FEB. 2 - Real Estate, Personal Property, IH Scout 4WD, Guns Five pointville Fire Co Hall, from Ephrata Rt 272 N. to Rt 897 Turn nght onto Rt 897 S to village of Fivepomtvil le to Fire Co Hall on right Brecknock Twp. Lane Co By Isaac G & Eleanor H. Good Kline, Kreider, Good, aucts FRI FEB 3- 10 AM Horse Sale. New Holland Sales Stables, Inc, 101 W Fulton St., New Holland FRI FEB 4-Mel'sStables at 834 Wallace Rd , New Holland. Pa From Rt 23 in New Holland, go S on Brimmer Ave , go 2 miles S on New Holland Rd to Hill Rd Turn left on Hill Rd Proceed 1 2 miles to sale on left From Rt 340 E of Intercourse take New Hol land Rd 2 5 miles to Hill Rd , right on Hill Rd to sale on left Mel Hoover, owner SAT FEB 4-BAM Sale for Kathryn Brown Antiques, tools, collectibles At Mill er's Auction Center, Bethel Auct Dwight D. Miller. SAT FEB 4- 10AM Equip ment Auction. 2 miles S of Nappanee Inc on SR 19, 1 mile W on Heptor Rd., then 1 mile W on CR 1200 N (Nappanu is about 30 ,miles Se of S Bend Inc.) James & Karen Weaver. Land Mark Auction SAT. FEB. 4 -11 AM 65+/- acre dairy farm located along Pleasant Valley Rd , Brecknock Twp , Lane Co , By Melvin 8 Sara Sander IDES FEB 7 - 9:3OAM Livestock and farm machin ery Located 'A mile S of Taylona off Hart Road By Amos S Stoltzfus Diffen bach Aucts FRI FEB 10 - 9AM Farm equip , tractors & farm sup plies A&C Diffenbach Auc tion, Inc 100 W Jackson St, New Holland, Pa ‘SAT FEB 11 - 9AM Real estate, household goods, antiques & coins. 'A mile S of Rt 23, turn off Rt 23 at west end of New Holland at Good's Furniture store on S. Shirk Rd By Dauphin Deposit Bank Robert E & Jeffrey R Martin, aucts SAT FEB 11 -10 AM In S Huntingdon Co 1 mile S of Saltillo, Pa or 7 miles N of Waterfall, Pa. along Rt 655. 6 Tractors, uni system and large line of machinery Mark Click, Auct Cufrman Dairy Farm, John and Gwen SAT. FEB 11-10 AM Farm equip. & vehicles. From Womelsdorf take 419 S. approx. 6.5 miles, from Schaefferstown 419 N approx 2.5 miles, sale along 419. By Milton Good. AUCTION HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS, APPLIANCES, OFFICE FURNITURE & HOUSEHOLD GOODS SATURDAY, JANUARY 14,1995 at 9:00 A.M. Auction to be held in Chanceford Community Center 7 miles southeast of Red Lion, off Rt. 74 turning at the Brogue Post Office or from Bel Alr-Jarrettsvllle, take Rt 165 thru Whlteford traffic signal onto Rt. 74 & continue to poet office, turn left & proceed 1 block to hall on left. HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS: Beautiful king size bedroom suite w/2 dressers & mirrors, chest of drawers, night stands & king size bedding; 2 oak dressers; Ig. oval oak free standing mirror; oak blan ket chest; Ig. oak & pine rockers; cherry dining table; set of 6 solid cherry dining chairs; 2 dr. buffet; cherry tea cart; oval oak mirror; 2 pc. L.R. suite; recliner. reclmer w/vibrator; odd dresses; dresser w/ mirror: coffee & lamp tables; comer end table; contour chair w/ vibrator, cedar chest; flower stands; cherry single bed; swivel char; wood directors chair; antique serv er; Singer sewing machine; 2 other sewing machines; 2 new hammocks; maple table w/ boards; 4 wooden tray tables; 4 wooden bar stools; wall shelving; book & magazine racks; etc. APPLIANCES: GE & Hotpoint air conditioners; Rainbow vacuum cleaner; propane heater; humidi fier; Ig. asst, of lamps & lights; Sony stereo & turnt able; Yamaha tuner; 2 Pioneer speakers; Yamaha stereo cassette player; Kodak 300 projector; light fixtures; spot & flood lights; sm. kitchen appliances; vegetable juicer; White Mountain & Proctor Silex ice cream makers; food processor; ceiling fans; food dehydrator; window fan units; insect control bug lights; bathroom vents; shower heads; roof vent kit; baby crib, carnage high chair; stroller; box es of toys; car seat; several sweepers; etc. OFFICE FURNITURE; Steel & wooden desks, computer cabinets; wood'shelves; metal chairs; draftsman light & magnifier; desk lights; lot of books; etc. HOUSEHOLD GOODS & MISC. ARTICLES: Large apple cider press, like new; stainless steel kettles, utensils, pails & hooks; 3 milker pails; milk cans; garbage cans; iron skillets; glassware; dish es; cookware; ironstone tea kettle; etc. MOTORCYCLE TOOLS, ETC: 1988 Honda 360 motorcycle, only 13,999 miles, no title Kenmore HD shop vacs 2 tool boxes chain saw; BBQ grill; gar den hoses; 5 propane tanks; copper tubing; tires; 2 gun racks; 2 trampolines; alfalfa & grass seed; 3 Coleman lanterns & many other items. AUCTIONEERS NOTE: It is Impossible to list all the Items In this fins auction. Many articles are like new. Don’t miss this unusual auction of good household articles. Large furniture to be offered at approx. 1 P.M. Not responsible for sccidents Good food by Chsnceford Volunteers Preview showing Friday Evening 6:00 to 8:00 P.M. ff«Mu«r ni Auctioneers 1 Lie. NOS. 820 A S2l Kurt Centres, Dena Brenneman, Apprentice Auctioneers Lie. #330-L & 2172-L Gerald Hoover, aucts. SAT. FEB. 11-11 AM Penn Van,. New York. Aaron Weaver Farm Machinery Auction. Pirrung Aucts, Inc 716-728-2520 SAT. FEB. 11 -11 AM Lan caster Silo Farm, 2008 Horseshoe Rd., Paul Smucker 100 head of big draft mules from 2-7 yrs old. Diffenbach Auct TUES FEB. 14 - 930 AM Mules, heifers and farm machinery located 1 mile S. of Rt 222 from New Provi dence along Truce Rd. By Jonas Esch. Diffenbach Aucts. WED. FEB. 15 - 9AM Horse drawn farm machin ery. For John I & Fannie S. Beiler. Steve, Steve, Jr. Petersheim, aucts. FRI. FEB. 17 - 9AM In Mif- flin Co. midway between Reedsville and Belleville, Pa. turn W. off Rt. 655 onto Gamer Rd , VA miles to farm lane. Farm machinery, tools and household. Mrs. John T. (Mary) Kurtz. Mark RED LION, PA 741-44 M Glilck, auct. Campbell. By Fraley Auo tlon Co FRI. FEB. 17 - 10 AM _ Horse Sale. New Holland SAT. FEB. 18 - 9:3OAM Sales Stables, Inc., 101 W. Special Horse Sale. Belle- Fulton St.. New Holland. ville Livestock Market. Ini. SAT. FEB. 18 - 9:3OAM SAT. FEB. 18 - 9AM Campbell Complete Farm Horses & farm equip. S. of machinery and dairy cattle Strausburg on May Post dispersal. 3 miles NE of Offießd. to Shaubßd. right New Albany, Pa. (Bradford to Bunker Hill Rd. Straight Co.) H.E. & Florence toDeiterßd.tosaleonleft PUB LIC AUCTION OF FARM EQUIPMENT & ANTIQUES ESTATE OF MR. WILLIAM A. MAOARA SATURDAY, JANUARY 14,1995 TIME: 10:00 A.M. RICHWOOD, BARNSBORO RD RICHWOOD, NJ Off Rt. 322 “PEACH GRADER” 1968 Ford Tractor (Model 4400 Diesel), 1956 Ford model 600 tractor, 1952 Ford 8N tractor, Farmall AV Tractor w/touch control, 1951 Ford truck, Ampulco Hardie Sprayer. F.M.C. Bean Peach Grader - 1-24"x5’ Dump belt, 1- HL24I4C Brusher, Washer, 1-ST 2405 Sorting Table, 1-3 size Peach Sizer w/2 Side Belts, 1-RF-1614 w/Synthetic White Belt, 1-PTO Hookup, 2-Foot Operated Box filling Gates. (Used 12 Seasons). New Ideal manure Spreader, Ford Hay Baler, Ford Mower, E-Zee Flow Spreader, Offset Bush Hog, Century Sprayer, Side Delivery Rake, Turnip Washer, 3 pth Springtooth, 8 pth 2 bottom plow; 3 pth weeder, 3 pth scraper blade, pull behind 3 bottom plows cutharrow, 3 pth scoop, belt driven wood saw, McCormick Deering hay loader, farm trailer, above ground gas tank & pump, some hand tools, roller. Lg. 4 wheel wooden wagon, 4 wheel milk wagon w/shafts, antique sleigh, wooden wheel grain drill, horse drawn scratch harrow, horse drawn hay teder, iron beam plow, lg. split oak basket, milk cans, oak bureau/mirror, lg. country cupboard, stain glass windows, chicken crates, many other items. Auctioneer’s Note: All equipment shed kept. Owner or seller not responsible for loss or injury related to sale. Out-of-state buyers paying by check must have a bank latter of credit. Something here for everyone. Dlrectlona; Off Commotion Barry Bridge take 322 Beat to Richwood, turn at Poet Office on Barnaboro Rd, off Walt Whitman take 42 South to Rt. 55 get off on 322 Weat, go to 2nd red light, turn right. (Watch for algna). RALPH D. HUGHES - AUCTIONEER 1-609-589-6454 Service Since 1966 Term*: Ca«h or Good Check Reet Room * Food Available FORKLIFTS, WOOD & METAL WORKING EQUIP. AUCTION TO BE HELD ON FRIDAY, JANUARY 13,1995 AT THE MONTHLY FARM EQUIPMENT AUCTION FOR A. & C. DIFFENBACH AUCTION 100 W. JACKSON ST, BOX 186 NEW HOLLAND. PA 17557 AUCTION OF THESE ITEMS BEGINS AT 10:00 A.M. PARTIAL LISTING: FORKLIFTS: HYSTER 8000 LB-2 STAGE-FREE LIFT-SIDE SHIFT PERKINS, DIESEL-PNEUMATIC TIRES, NISSON 6000 LB.-3 STAGE-FREE LIFT-PROPANE-PNEUMATIC TIRES, T E M 4000 LB-2 STAGE-SEE THRU LIFT-PROPANE PNEUMATIC TRS, HYSTER 10,000 LB-2 STAGE-SIDE SHIFT PROPANE-SOLID TIRES, CLARK 6000-2 STAGE SIDE SHIFT-PROPANE-SOLID TIRES, CLARK 4500 LB-3 STAGE-SIDE SHIFT-PROPANE-SOLID TIRES, BAKER 5500 LB-3 STAGE-SIDE SHIFT-ELECTRIC-SOLID TIRES, YALE 2500 LB-2 STAGE-ELECTRIC-SOLID TIRES, YALE 2000 LB-2000 LB-2 STAGE-PROPANE-SOLID TIRES, CLARK 4000 LB-2 STAGE-SIDE SHIFT-PROPANE-SOLID TIRES. BIG JOE PALLET JACK-ELECTRIC, CLARK PALLET JACK-ELECTRIC, 2 MANUAL PALLET JACKS WOOD A METAL WORKING EQUIP. PEL IRON WORKER W/LOTS OF PUNCHES, PARTS SHEARS ANGLE, ROD, FLATS, SQUARE TUBING GOOD COND, KONOIA POWERMILL MILLING MACHINE W/POWER FEED-LIKE NEW, HAUSFIELD BENDER W/LOTS OF BENDING DIES & PINS; 20" HEAVY BANDSAW, HEAVY DRILL PRESS W/VISE-3/4’ CHUCK; BUFFALO #lB DRILL PRESS-FLOOR MODEL W/3/4" CHUCK; NEW MODEL 17-900 16" DELTA DRILL PRESS FLOOR MODEL, RIDGID POWER DRIVE THREADER, TORCH OUTFIT; 19 DRAWER SNAP-ON TOOL BOX, 6 CYL. IVECO DIESEL-NEEDS REPAIRS, 10" DEWALT RADIAL ARMS SAW, 10 FT HAND BRAKE; 10" MITRE SIDING CUTTER, 4 HILTI AIR NAILERS, SCREW GUARD, AIR VACUUM CLEANER-LIKE NEW, AIR CYLINDERS AND CONTROLS, WELDING TABLE & LOTS OF MISC ITEMS FOUND IN MACHINE SHOP, OFFICE EQUIP-NICE DESKS, FILING CAB, & CHAIRS SALE FOR: STOLTZFUS HARDWARE A. & C. DIFFENBACH AUCTION INC. 100 W, Jackson St,. New Holland, PA Phone: (717)355-7253 Alan Diffenbach Auct. - AU2258-L or 222 South of Lane, to Walnut Run Rd. Left Ist rd. right Deiter Rd. Sale on right. Benuel S. Fisher, owner. Mel Hoover, aqct. SAT. FEB. 18 -9.30 AM livestock and farm equip, located 1 mile W. of Rt. 41 from Octorora School. By Joe Esh. Diffenbach Aucts. SAT. FEB. 18 - 10:30AM Farm machinery. Loc: From Lane, take Rt. 222 S. past Willow Valley Restaur ant, turn left at traffic light so. app. 2 miles, turn E. on Rt. 741, go through Lampe ter square '/< mile turn So. on Bridge Rd. to second farm right. By Darrel & Glenda Martin. Kreider, Kline & Good Aucts. MON. FEB. 20 - 10:30AM (Blizzard Date Feb. 22). Shrewsbury (York Co.) Pa. Thompson Farms Auction of Tractors, Trucks, Irriga tion and Potato Farming Equip. Pirrung Aucts., Inc. 716-728-2520. THURS. FEB. 21 - 9AM Located in Mifflin Co. turn FARM EQUIPMENT: JD 8300 Drill 21x7; Brillion 14' Packer; Oliver 14' Disc; NH 30 Blower; IH 80 Cultivator; New Inland DA-92 8' Snow Blower; 10' Brillion Seeder; NH 357 Grinder Mixer; IH 710 4 bt Plow; Lely Spreader; Imp. 6x Danish Tine Cult; IH 56 2 R & 4 R Planters; IH Vlbra Shank 3 pt Harrow; Noble 4R & 6R Danish Tine Cultivators; NH 402 Crimper; NH 455 Mower; NH 450 Mower; NH 451 Mower; JD AW 10' Disc; JD 1240 Plateless Planter; EQUIPMENT SOLD DAILY ALL ADVERTISED ITEMS SUBJECT TO PRIOR SALE RECEIVING DAYS - MONDAY THRU THURSDAY, JANUARY 9 THRU JANUARY 12 - 7 AM TO 5 PM NO SMALL ITEMS RECEIVED ON FRIDAY SALE ORDER 9:00 AM-SALE STARTS 9:30 AM - LARGE EQUIPMENT 12 NOON • FARM TRACTORS i 12 NOON - LAWN A GARDEN EQUIPMENT I 1:00 PM-SHRUBBERY | 2:00 PM - LAWN FURNITURE ALSO SELLING FOR STOLTZFUS HARDWARE ABSOLUTE AUCTION AT 10:00 A.M. SEE COMPLETE LISTING i A. &C. DIFFENBACH AUCTION INC. f 100 W. Jackson St., Box 186 | New Holland, PA 17557 Ph0ne:(717)355-7253 I Fax: #717-355-9547 Alan Diffenbach Auct. - AU2258-L ft* mm" 1 'wmmmimatri Good’s Auction 111 Ni irth Manle Ave., Lui la, L'A : I I I I PUBLIC SALE OF Building Material and Lumber Only WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 1 AT 9 A.M. First Wednesday of month February through November on building material and lumber only - no tools - no hardware - on first Wednesday of month. Building material only. Tool and hardware mowers - shop equipment and farm equipment - third Wednesday of month February through November. All small tools and hardware to be sold off trucks (No Junk) (No Tires) ALL SALES STARTING AT 9 A.M. HAY AND STRAW SALES EVERY WED. AT 10 A.M. Terms - CASH • NO OUT OF STATE CHECKS • NO CHECKS FROM OUT OF TOWN A.H.000014-L PHONE (717) 656-9558 S. off Rt 322 at Mulroy, Pa, on Back Mt. Rd., 214 miles to Woodland, '/< mile W. to farm lane. Horses, heifers, farm machinery, house hold. John E. & Mattie Hos tetler, Mark Click, auct. THURS. FEB. 21 - 9AM Horse drawn farm machin ery, 75 head hi grade hols teins, 4 head mules, milk ing equip. Held on the farm in Witmer Lane, Co., Pa. Steve. Steve, Jr. Peter sheim, aucts. WED. FEB 22 - 9AM Full line horse farm machinery, 8 work hgorses, produce, etc. 8 miles S. of Williams port, Pa. near Rt 15 blinker light. Jonas & Salone Fisher, owners. By Fraley Auction Co. WED. FEB. 22 -11 AM 65 acre farm. Located along Pleasant Valley Rd., Breck nock Twp., Lane. Co. From Rt. 625 at Bowmansville take Pleasant Valley Rd. west to property. By Melvin & Sara Sauder Horning Farm Agency, Inc 1 I i I I I t