828-Lancuter Farming, Friday, January 6, 1995 Horse Shoeing Demonstration Set HARRISBURG (DAUPHIN CO.) A three-man team is scheduled to present a 90-minute demonstration on draft horse shoe ing at the Pennsylvania Farm Show on Wednesday, January 11. Mike Wharton of York County, along with Bob Davis and Stephen Keeney from North Carolina, make up the team. The trio will set up a forge, anvil and hand tools about 4:15 in the Large Arena. “Hand-made draft shoeing is just making a come back,” accord ing to Wharton, “and that’s what we’re trying to promote. We are also interested in promoting good shoeing technique, and possibly putting together a program for competition in the future Md. Vegetable Growers Meeting | COCKEYSVILLE, Md. The 22nd An nual Central Maryland Vegetable Growers Meeting will be held Friday, January 27, at Friendly Farm Restau rant, Foreston Road, Baltimore County Commercial exhibits have become a popular feature of this meeting, and at least 20 agribusi ness firms are expected to attend. The exhibit area will be open at 8:30 a.m. when coffee and donuts will be served. The program will be gin at 10 a.m. with a dis cussion on “Marketing Tips for Tailgaters,” by Tony Evans, Maryland Department of Agricul ture. Dr. Edward Beste, University of Maryland weed specialist, will fol low at 10:30 a.m., ad dressing “What’s New in Weed Control.” At 11 a.m., a guest speaker from Rutgers Research and Development Cen ter in New Jersey, Dr. Stephen Johnston will give an update on vege table disease problems. The final speaker in the morning at 11:30 a.m. will be Jerry Fisch er from the Central Maryland Beekeepers Association, whose top ic will be “Will We Have Enough Bees in 1995?” Lunch will be served at 12:15 p.m. featuring all-you-can-eat chicken and roast beef. Lunch eon tickets are $7 each and may be purchased from the Baltimore County Extension Of fice. (410) 666-1022. Following lunch. Dr. Franklin Schales, Uni versity of Maryland Ve getable Specialist, will discuss “Crowing Transplants in the Greenhouse.” James Linduska will follow at 2 p.m. with the topic “Coping With Insects in Our Major Crops.” The final speaker of the day will be Mary El len Setting. Maryland His team includes a fireman, striker, and floorman. The shoes arc actually made by the fireman, who turns the shoe and the striker who uses a 12-pound hammer. The floorman prepares the horse’s hoof and nails the shoe on. A draft horse shoe is substantially larger than that of an average horse, according to Wharton. It measures about 18 inches in length, from 3/8 to 1/2 inch thick and 1-1/4 inches wide. The team has received training from six-time world champion Grant Moon from the Isle of Man, British Isles in the Irish Sea. They placed third out of 15 teams at their first competition in Boston recently, which was based on time and quality of work. f gfc.C.BE7> FASTER- • • JJ Everyone’s singing the praises of the new Harmony 5 Milker Unit It’s no wonder the Harmony® Milker Unit is getting such rave reviews. The larger, 12 mm milk tube allows superior milk flow to the claw. Which means faster milkout for you, Its special, puncture-resistant liner design, along with an exceptionally stable vacuum, virtually eliminates teat wash. Which means your herd will be healthier. Its lightweight design can result in less slips and fall-offs. Which means it’s easier for you to use. The Grow (Continued from Pag# 826) and big equipment,” she says, “and there was just nothing out there. As farm areas are getting smaller over the years I feel it is important to show children where food really comes from,” she adds. “But, the tractors and large equip ment make the subject more inter esting for kids!” With support from her accoun tant husband, Bruce, Mrs. Schindler began making contacts. She found child narrators, Adam and Rachel Sincell through a con sultant, Glenn Tolbert. She found cooperation from John Deere (who helped her with the technical terms and supplied footage), Giant Foods Bakery (where footage was shot) and especially Donald Lippy and his family on the Lippy Broth ers Farms in Carroll and Baltimore counties, Maryland, where the See The NEW HARMONY* MILKER UNIT At The PA FARM SHOW Main Floor farm scenes were recorded. Mrs. Schindler hired free-lance photog raphers and the filming began in early April 1994. By November of 1994 the film ing was complete. Mrs. Schindler says she worked under the super vision of The American Farm Bureau and The National Corn Growers Association. She consult ed with Farm Safety 4 Just Kids throughout the filming to make sure the tape conformed to safety standards. “I think we made all the right contacts,” said Mrs. Schindler who says she did not allow chil dren to be filmed on farm equip ment or to do anything that might be construed as dangerous. “I wanted it to be done very profes sionally.” When Maryland Ag in the Classrooms viewed the tape they promptly ordered 100 copies for use in the classrooms. And its patented, top-unloading design not only transfers milk to the pipeline quicker, it does so while keeping milk proteins intact. Which means you can get better quality milk. With all these unique features working together, the Harmony Milker Unit can be instrumental to increasing your profits. So call 1-800-365-1883 or your nearest independent Alfa Laval Agri™ dealer to learn more. And who knows? You just might break into song. A Vermont fulfillment compa- ny is handling wholesale, retail, and packaging and is distributing her video with the help of a 1-800 number. Mrs. Schindler says they have already sold “hundreds” of copies of the video and she is pleased with how it is doing. “When I looked at a statement from Ver mont with the recent sales figures, I was surprised,” she says. “My whole goal was to educate city kids about farming,” she says, “But more orders are from rural areas than metropolitan areas!” “Our video is done entirely from a child’s point of view,” Mrs. Schindler says. But it is obvious to the viewer that the film, ‘Tractors, Combines and Things On The Grow” is not just for kids! To order the video, which is approxi mately 30 minutes in length, and retails at $19.95, interested per sons or businesses may call 1-800- 808-FARM. “Contact Your Local Independent Alfa Laval Agri Dealer '/f For More Information” J.B. Zimmerman & Sons, Inc. P.O. Box 337, Lancaster County Blue Ball. PA 17506 717-354-8030 Erb and Henry Equipment, Inc. 22-26 Henry Avenue New Berlinville, PA 19545 215-367-2169 Franklin Hess Ent., Inc. Rt. 2, Box 130 Orangeville, PA 17859 717-925-6939 Witmer Implement Service 1896 Bedford Rd. Shippensburg, PA 17257 717-532-6139 Potomac Valley Supply 11606 Greencastle Pike Hagerstown, MD 21740 301-223-6877 Bennett Machine Company 1601 So. Dupont Blvd. Milford, DE 19963 302-422-4837 Peoples Sales and Service Oakland Mills, PA 17076 717-463-2735 717-436-2735 H.B. Duvall, Inc. 901 E. Patrick St. Frederick, MD 21701 301-662-1125 Out Of State: 800-423-4032