Can Ethical Behavior Compete With Prize Money? NEWARK, Del. An incident that occurred during state fair sea son has put the spotlight on the kind of behavior that gives com petition a bad name. At a junior livestock show in the midwest, the grand champion was tampered with to make it show better. The deception was uncovered by the meat inspector at the processing plant It didn’t happen in Dela ware, but according to Jay Sparks, state 4-H coordinator at the uni versity of Delaware, the potential for this kind of abuse exists no matter where you live. “Anyone who works with child ren 4-H leaders, teachers, coaches and parents has to be vigilant to make sure these unethi cal practices don’t occur.” says Sparks. “It’s up to us to instill in youngsters the importance of playing by the rules, and of being good losers as well as good win ners. Kids should be reminded to offer the winner a friendly hand shake to acknowledge the achievement.” Adults have a responsibility to encourage fair play among chil dren, Sparks adds: 'Too often deceptive practices at competi tions require the involvement and expertise of misguided adults. Make clear that a winning-at-all cost attitude hurts everyone and obscures the real reason for the competition fun and a great learning experience.” Her advice to leaders is to express directly that you expect ethical behavior and that recogni- DOE’S PRIDE" JfeN MILK • It's especially GENTLE on your skin •It's NATURAL and PURE • There’s NO allergy-producing fragrance, dye. color or preservative added SEND FOR FREE INFORMATION or CALL TOLL FREE NUMEER 1-800-542-7180 HOME SOAP WORKS P.O. Box 317, Millington, NJ 07946 (908) 604-2170 Hand-Built in Lancaster County, PA Sturdy steel construction, maple handle and base. Weights 8.5 lbs, 3 1/2"W x6l/2'Hx 24” L. Cracks the toughest nuts &is adjustable for nuts 1/2'to 2". Send check for s29.** (Portage Paid) directly to the manu- Cacturcr: Black Rock Repair, (58 Pumping Station Road, Kirkwood, PA 17536. Allow 2 to 3 weeks (or UPS delivery. COW MATTRESSES The Answer To Cow Contfort! • Fits Any Stall • Polyeatar Bag Filled With Rubber • Bag Sewn Every 4” To Prevent Shifting • Heavy Nylon Fabric Top Cover With 3 Year Warranty • Eaaier for cows to gat up & down • Reducea Bedding costs • Installation available I CALL FOR DETAILS 1 SAMUEL S. PETERSHEIM 117 Christiana Pike, Christiana, PA 17509 Answering Service 610-593-2242 tion comes in ways other than first place. “Recognition, not winning, is the key to giving a child the best experience,” Sparks maintains. “Whatever the outcome, young sters who try to the best of their ability and who complete the pro jects they start have achieved as much as the first-prize recipient.” Rewards come in many forms. N.Y. Cheese Promoted At New Jersey Show EDISON, N.J. Pounds and pounds of New York state cheese revealed to buyers, the secret that experts have know all along: New York state cheeses rival the best of Wisconsin, Vermont and Europe. In cooperation with New York State Cheese Manufacturer’s As sociation, ADADC displayed a variety of cheese delicacies in a tailgating atmosphere to the at tendees of the Easton Dairy Deli Out of 1,000 exhibitors at the Eastern Dairy Deli Asso ciation trade show, ADADC was one of three finalists In “Best Booth Presentation” and "Best Packaging” categor ies. I Make your investment count: I not just the blue ribbon and prize money that too many people have come to believe are the reasons for a project. Sparks notes. A warm smile, a pat on the back, a kind word of encouragement or a writ ten note expressing pride in the child’s accomplishments are the true rewards of competition. In Delaware, 4-H’ers ace encouraged in positive competi Association trade show in Edison, New Jersey. The theme, “From Tailgating to Elegant Entertaining with Cheese” was emphasized through special recipes prepared by a cul inary arts school professor. From fresh mozzarella, to miniature cal zones, to cheese and raspberry blintzes and an ethnic delight, tira misu, there was no mistaking the quality of New York State cheese. You’ll produce as much as 440 pounds of additional yield per acre with Promise alfalfa Over a three-year stand, this fine stemmed vanety can generate yields that could amount to more than 1,200 pounds of additional forage 0. Hoffman Seeds, Inc , Landisville, PA 17538 CmO Tofl FtmK I*oo-77*7929 Adding Value to your Seed Investment seen © 1994 Hoffman Seeds, Inc tion both on an individual basis and as teams. For example, in New Castle County horse clubs, the individual is challenged to reach structured levels of perfor mance for which youngsters set their own goals. In regional and state team bowl contests, teens are encouraged to use their collective knowledge and skills to compete. “Following the rules has its In tnal after tnal, Promise has lived up to its name, producing added tonnage over check vaneties, with many stands lasting into the fifth year. And Promise demonstrates high resistance to the Northeast’s most common alfalfa diseases With high yields, high disease resistance and the Hoffman name behind it, there aren’t any better choices That’s our Promise l Lancaster Farming, Friday, January 6,1995-821 own rewards. We have to teach children by defining what’s expected in competition and by being good role models ourselves,” Sparks says. “The best thing adults can do for youngsters is to encourage them to set goals, to complete projects, to aim for higher levels of competence and to strive for a personal best.”