Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, January 06, 1995, Image 68

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    State Farm Show Features 5,500 Animals
HARRISBURG (Dauphin Co.)
More than 5,500 animals have
been entered for competition at the
79th Pennsylvania State Farm
Show, January 7-12 in Harrisburg.
Their owners will try to capture
their share of the record $228,981
available in premiums.
The Farm Show is a showcase
of Pennsylvania’s leading indus
try, agriculture, and a tribute to the
51,000 farm families who provide
essential food and fiber products
to our neighbors in Pennsylvania
and others around the world.
Poultry judging leads off the
agenda on Friday morning, prior
to the public opening of the Farm
Show, as 1,928 caged chickens
ducks, geese and bantams vie for
the attention of the judges. About
400 champions will then be placed
on display throughout the show
along the lower concourse of the
Large Arena.
Horses—open shows
Swine—open shows
Swine—junior market swine
Sheep—open shows
Sheep—junior shows
Sheep—junior market lambs
Sheep—carcass lambs
Beef—open shows
Beef —junior shows
Beef—junior market steers'
Dairy— cattle—open
Grand Total
gc igL.
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Open swine competition gets
started at 9 a.m. in the Small Arena
on Friday, with 195 gilts entered
in eight breeds. The supreme
champion will be named at 9:30
a.m. the following day. Many of
these gills will then be sold, start
ing on Saturday morning at 10
a.m. in the Small Arena, through
the Pennsylvania Cooperative
Swine Breeders Association.
Saturday is the day forjudging
of rabbits, which have become
very popular with hobbyists and
those looking for alternate food
choices. Clearly 700 rabbits have
been entered in this year’s show,
sanctioned by the American Rab
bit Breeders Association. The best
of breed, show, and variety rabbits
will then be placed on exhibit for
the remainder of the show, and
some rabbits will be sold at auc
tion at 5 p.m. in the Small Arena.
Horses take the eye of the
1995 SHOW 1994 SHOW
171 250
195 201
413 379
474 609
227 234
209 174
35 26
324 430
83 105
65 63
330 333
178 190
210 209
1928 1702
692 593
5,534 5,498
Penn Oil
98 Carpenter St.
Muncy, PA 17756
(717) 546-2258
( I, ') PENN
judges on Sunday at 8 a.m. in the
Large Arena with Clydesdales,
Percherons and Belgians, fol
lowed by the naming of the
Supreme Champion at 11:30.
Draft horse hitched competition
dominates the afternoon program
in the Large Arena with cart and
team classes. Horse pulling fans
should plan to attend the Farm
Show on Tuesday evening, with
the popular team competition get
ting under way at 4:30 p.m. Pony
pulling is scheduled for Wednes
day evening at 6:30, bringing the
week’s total number of horse
entries to 171.
Because of the enormous inter
est, the sheep show is now split by
meat breeds and wool breeds. The
judging of meat breeds will start on
Sunday at 9 a.m. in the Small Arena
and resume on Monday at 8 a.m. A
supreme champion will then be
selected from the seven breeds
before they depart and allow the
wool breeds to take over the west
barn. Wool breeds will be judged
on Wednesday in the Small Arena,
beginning at 5 p.m., and conclud
ing after 8 p.m. with their supreme
champion. Nearly 500 head entered
for the open sheep shows.
More than 300 head of beef cat
tle take to the show ring on Mon
day, starting at 8 a.m. in the Large
Arena. The selection of the beef
supreme champion from among the
five breeds is slated for 2:30 p.m.
Dairy Day is Tuesday and 330
cows are entered for open compe
tition among six breeds which gets
under way at 8 a.m. the Large
Arena. The selection of the
supreme champion dairy cow is
scheduled for 2:30 p.m. Junior
dairy exhibitors follow with their
178 entries at 3 p.m.
The Farm Show turns its atten
tion on 4-H and FFA exhibitors on
Tuesday and Wednesday, Youth
Day, as hundreds of club members
take to the showrings with their
breeding stock and market ani-
mals. More than 400 entries will
compete in junior market swine
classes, starting at 8:30 a.m. on
Tuesday in the Small Arena and
wrapping up with the champion
about 2:45 p.m. that afternoon.
Junior market lamb classes,
with 209 entries, start at 8 a.m. on
Wednesday in the Small Arena
and conclude with the naming of a
junior champion market lamb at
11 a.m. Junior beef breeding takes
place in the Large Arena, as 83
cows start before the judges at
8:30 a.m. Junior steer classes, with
65 entries starts at noon in the
Large Arena, with the naming of
the grand champion steer sched
uled for 3:15 p.m.
The annual Junior Livestock
Sale on Thursday salutes all the
young exhibitors and recognizes
their achievements in livestock
competition. Proceeds from the
auction go to the youngsters, with
a small percentage going to run the
Farm Show Scholarship Fund .