Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, January 06, 1995, Image 251
— - ■ : Rotary Tillers Caldwell Tractor & Equipment, Inc. 480 U.S. Route 46 FalrtteW, N 4.07006 201-227-8772 Radio Tlactor Saiaa North White Horao PHw Hammonton, N.J. 08037 80M814141 Frank Rymon It Sona, Inc. RD 3.80x866 Washington. N.J. 07882 201-880-1464 Road Brothara PatOooat Bridge Road. Cotumbus, NJ. 08082 60a-287-»8« Any Way you Cut It. The Best Value Parallel Arm Rotary Cutter • 4 series - from 34" to 76" widths • Heavy duty box frame • Adjustable hitch clevises • Cast iron gearbox housing • Drive chain enclosed in oil bath Rear Blades • t? models In 6 series - from 48” to 120* widths •20hpto150hp • Heavy duty rolled moldboard • AM models feature adjustable angle; some have tilt and offset capabttitias • Heavy-duty A-frames Warren County Service Center 228 Acute 84 BWrtown, NJ. 908-362-6916 Land Pride’s new Paraitel Arm Hydraulic Rotary Cutter is an excellent addition to an ever-expanding line of cutters. Designed for pond and roadside embankments, ditches, fence rows and many other hard-to reach places, die Land Pride 5' Parallel Arm Cutter offers features to make these mowing conditions simple, as well as less time-consuming. Bangor implement 6 Riokavflla Bond ' Bangor. RMBQI3 215-588-5822 Bette Equipment **),«. 232 N*W HOp«, PA 18938 215-588-7501 C.B. HooberA Son, Inc. MalnStraat - lntaroouraa,PAl7634 7tr«7«eeB3i Cmnoneburg Supply AEquipmemCo _J»1,80*247 ' Comwwborg, ©MS3I7 412-743-2600 Deerfield Ag& Ituf Center, Inc. RR 2 Box 212 Wetaontown, PA 17777 717-636-3867 DeSen Equipment, Inc. 141 &M Ml*) St StuenMe, PA 18962 216-28741177 Dunkie 8 Qrieb, Inc. RR 2,B<w 14 Centra Hen, PA 18828 •14-364-1421 Eckroth Broe Farm Equipment Rd 2, 80X24A New WnfloW, PA 17960 717-943-9131 Hines Equipment RT. 220, Belwood, PA - 014-742-8171 Keller Brothers R 7 BOX 405 Lebanon, PA 17042 717-844-0601 1860 FruHvHte Pike Lancartar, PA 17601 717-548-2500 Lost Creek implement, Ine. Route 36, Box 123 Oakland Miß, PA 17076 717-483*2181 M.S.YferelyaSonß West Chester, FA 215-484-2880 Merehall ‘ Machinery, Inc. Route 642 Honetdale, PA 18431 717-729-7117 Nlearry Tractor Parts Co. Equipment Co. , 335 Central Roed RD 2, Rt 01,3 Milae S. BteomebUro, PA 17816 otUwport, Reading PA 717-7944)250 218426-2441 Norman D. Clerk ft Son, inc. Honey Grove, PA 717-7344662 p. Plkevllle Equipment Inc. RD I. Oyataretala Road Olay, PA 19547 214827-6277 SoHenfoerger’e Equipment, Inc. soauMSt. Evatatt, PA 15537 814-882-8880 Stottzfue Perm Service Cochfanville, PA 215-883-2407 Stouffer Bros Inc. 1066 Lincoln Way Waat Chambawbi«o.RA 17201 717-283-8424 Thomaa L. Dunlap Rt. 220, Main St. Exit Onwy Bhpf#, PA 17740 717-39*1391 THpfaH Equipment, Ine. ' 2368 Roto*rt Fulton Hwy. P#«Oh Bottom, PA 17503 717-994-377*