Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, January 06, 1995, Image 234
E3O-Lancaster Fanning, Friday, January 6, 1995 197 FFA’ers To Receive Keystone Degree At Farm Show 1 Mike Minnich Mike Minnich, 18, of Lilitz, is the son of Dave and Rachel Minnich, and has been a member of the Manheim FFA chapter for the past four years. Having earned his green hand and chapter degrees, his projects have involved work experience at a feed company for three years. He served as a delegate to the national FFA convention in Kansas City, and has been involved in committees with the goal of providing coats for kids, and children’s tents. He said he would like to drive truck as a career. Matt Moore Matt Moore, 17, son of Stephen and Carol Moore, of Fairfield, has been a member of the Mason-Dixon FFA chapter for three years, serving as its president for the past two years and sentinel before that. His FFA projects include working with a dairy herd, and he chairs the chapter’s leadership committee, while being a mem ber of its fruit, and public relations com mittees. He won a state gold medal in extemporaneous speaking and earned his chapter and greenhand degrees. He said he would like to be a trooper with the Pen nsylvania State Police. ' FISHER’S PAINTING & ' FISHER’S PAINT OUTLET STORE QUALITY PAINTS @ REASONABLE PRICES attaint ■ all types of INTERIOR & EXTERIOR up J PAINTING ■ SANDBLASTING ■ ROOF COATING ■ RESTORATION & WATERPROOFING ON STONE & BRICK BUILDINGS HOUSES - BARNS - FENCES - FACTORIES - ETC. Specialists In Sand Blasting/Spray Painting Farm Buildings, Feed Mills, Roofs, Tanks, Etc. With Aerial Equipment WE NOW REPAIR SPRAY GUNS AND PUMPS 4056 A Newport Rd., Kinzers, PA 17535 717-768-3239 On Rt. 772 Across From Pequea Valley School 'Brush, (Rs>CC Or Spray - We'CC (Do it ‘Either 'Way v Tor Jobs Large Oi Small ■ Our (Men Will Do It AIC > , r I , LANCO I I LI CONCRETE |L Ljff WALLS | Commercial«' Residential ~| WEDOSCS WORK ■ ALL TYPES OF POURED WALLS • Retaining Walls • Bunker Silos *Manure Pits (circular or rectangular) • Slatted Floor Deep Pits • Footers . Flatwork CONTACT: STEVE PETERSHEIM, JR. P.O. Box 256, Bird-In-Hand, PA 17505 717-291-4585 • (FAX) 717-291-4686 * | V * Dan Musser Dan Musser, 18 son of Dale am Dianne Musser, Spring Mills, sei ved as reporter fc the Penns Valle; FFA chapter am earned his greet hand, chapter am county degrees. Ft the past four years he has been involved in a work experience FFA project, and he has represented his chapter in various area and state contests. He served as chapter delegate to a national FFA convention, and said he plans a career in agricultural sales and service. Courtney Myers Courtney Myers, 18, is a four-year member of the Cloister FFA Chap- ter and has served as its president and reporter, while working on a bean patch project for four years, a home garden one year, and a cooperative with Agway for one year. The daughter of Zoland and Georgia Myers, of Arkon, Courtney has served on the state FFA Nomination Committee, as well as her chapter’s public relations and community service committees. She earned her star farmer degree in 1992 and received a DeKalb agricultural award, and a Foundation Award for special crop pro duction. She also competed nationally as a member of a FFA-Farm Business Manag ment team, and is currently attending busi ness management studies at Harrisburg Area Community College in Harrisburg. 7PERMAN MFG. CORP. 880 SERIES PORTABLE w BALE ELEVATOR CONVEYOR mmimmmmmm system ZIMMERMAN WAGON GEAR Rugged, Heavy Duty Models 6,8,10 • 12,14.5 Tandem * * I Virginia Nolt Virginia Nolt, 18, daughter of Leveme and Jolynn Nolt, of Reinholds, has served as president of the Cloister FFA for one year and as secretary for two years, also earning her greenhand, chapter and county (Red Rose) degrees. For her FFA projects, Virginia rasied and showed hogs for the past four years, in addition to working as a cashier at a home-hardware retail store. She has served as chair of the chapter’s cooperation and nominations committees and served on its leadership, public rela tions, and banquet committees. She also participated in the Ag in the Classroom programs for four years. In competition, she earned a gold medal at a state creed contst, and a silver medal at the national level for the agricultural sales contest. She also earned a proficiency award in extem poraneous speaking. Virignia said the intends to run for state office and then seek accreditation from either an agricultural college or technical school. Brandee Nelson Brandee Nelson, 17, daughter of Kim and Fred Nel- son, of Biglerville, has served as trea- surer and president of the Apple City FFA chapter. A member for the past four years. she earned her greenhand, chapter and county degrees and attended the 1993-94 national conven tion as a state delegate, and also earned awards for proficiency in sheep and swine production. A member of the chapter’s poinsetta sales, citrus sales, bulb sales, bowl-a-thon, petting zoo, FFA Week pig roast, K.I.L.E. lours, pie sale and sandwich sale committees, she has attended an AFY Leadership Conference, a business semi nar for teenagers, was a state trip winner (cooperative) Adams County Rep, and judged dairy cattle and livestock at the county level. She said she intends to run for state office and then pursue a college degree in agircultural education. This is A Rugged igh Speed Ear Corn, jlk Feeds, Small Grains, Manure or Bales 125 King Court/ Hollander Rd. New Holland, PA 17557 (717) 354-9611 Available In 5000 Thru 10,000 QVW. Other Models 3000 to 24,000 GVW Also Available A FULL LINE OF FANS Including Efficient Belt-Drive Exhaust Fans and Portable Circulating Fans Tim Negly Tim Negly, 18, son of Ron and Joyce Nelgy, of Shippensburg, has earned his green hand and chapter farmer degrees in his four years as a member of the Big Spring FFA chapter. A member of the chapter ag expo, tractor driving, and BOAC committees, he also participated in county and state record book contests, and in dairy judging at the Pa. All-American Dairy Show. His SAE project is working with a dairy herd. Valerie Nicholson Valerie Nichol son, 17, daughter of Ruth Ann and William Nicholson, of Blairsville, has served as vice pres ident and secretary for the Derry FFA chapter, where she has been a member for the past three years. A member of the chapter’s Christ mas sale, Valentine’s Day sale, Mother’s Day sale, citrus sale, candy sale, Christmas Dance, winter activity. Harvest Fair, get acquainted, and initiation committees, she has attended the UPJ Conference, the Penn State University fall leadership confer ence, student legislative leadership confer ence, and the national FFA convention. She also participated in the a local Railroad Days sale. She said she intends to pursue a college degree in floriculture. Melissa Nailor Melissa Nailor, 18, daughter of Donald and Susan Nailor, of New ville, has served as secretary and trea surer of the Big Spring FFA chap ter, and earned her star greenhand and star chapter farmer degrees. Also the reci pient of a proficiency award in beef pro- (Turn to Pago E 32) UTILITY TRAILERS FRT SERIES