Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, January 06, 1995, Image 226
E22-Lancaster Farming, Friday, January 6, 1995 197 FFA’ers To Receive Degree (Continued from Page E2O) Jamie Harpster Four-year State College Little Lions FFA member Jamie Harpster in tends to “work with my father on our dairy cow farm, hopefully tak ing it over some day.” Jamie’s pa rents are Tom and Nancy Harpster, Pennsylvania Furnace, Centre County. Jamie has completed dairy goats, SAE on-farm, and other project experience. In addition, Jamie has served as chapter reporter and was honored with several awards, including public speaking, dairy production, diversified livestock production, and specialty animal produc tion. Jamie received the Chapter degree and a bronze in state record keeping. NO PAYMENTS, NO INTEREST FOR SIX MONTHS! TROY-BILT DISPLAY AT PA FARM SHOW JANUARY 7-12 (LAWN & GARDEN AREA SECOND FLOOR) •The APR based on your state of residence is as follows AK 18% on first $1 000 ol balance 792%0n excess AR 792% At CT PL LA MA ME MN MC NO PA ftl WA andWl-18% KS 18 96% on first 11 000 of balance 14 4% on excess NE 18 96% on first 1500 of balance 18% on excess SC - 16 92% TX -17 64% WV - 18% on first 1750 of balance 12% on excess DC and all other states —lB 96% Minimum finance charge is 150 for each billing cycle in which a finance charge is payable (except for residents of AR CT DC HI ID KY LA MD NE NM NC ND OR and Rl) OfFER GOOD WHILE SUPPLIES I AST FINAL OFFER DEADLINE FEBKUARF Jti IWi fT, HOLLINGER’S / Lawn & Garden Equipment ■—« HERSHEY EPHRATA U 1515 E. Chocolate Ave 4126 Oregon Pike ftiS| 533-4060 859-5545 Mon. thru Frl. 8-5:30 Sat. 8-12 Financing Available “We’ve Got The Power.” VISIT OUR Lowell A. Harris Jr. Citrus sales, ban quet, fair, public relations, leader ship, program of activities, and in volvement in other committees were some of activities Lowell Harris part icipated in during his three years with Central Columbia FFA. Lowell, 18, son of Peter and Fran Drumin, Mifflinville, Col umbia County, has served as chapter trea surer and delegate. He received his Green hand and Chapter Farmer degrees. Lowell indicated he plans to attend college to study autobody technology. Travis Hartranft ‘‘Farming’’ forms the plans for two-year Manheim FFA member Tra vis Hartranft. Tra vis, 17, son of Rick and Marilyn Hartranft, Man heim, Lancaster County, is vice president of his You've always wanted a new Morton Building. Here's vour chance! Take advantage ol our unequalled 20- year warranty against red rust, our protective wainscot siding, our Energy Performer insulation package -- and lor a limited time, reduced prices lime tor building, but il you can wait until winter tor your Morton Building to be constructed, you will receive substantial discounts trom our busy season pnees W 2 Q 95 chapter. He woiks for a plumbing and heating contractor and is also working on a local dairy farm. He received the silver medal on the ag mechanics team in Kansas City and has received his Greenhand and Chapter degrees. Aimee Hauck College is in the plans for four-year Central Columbia FFA member Aimee Hauck. Aimee, 17, daugh ter of Brenda and Donald Hauck, Orangeville, Co lumbia County, served as chapter secretary, vice president, and student adviser. She served on various commit tees, including citrus sales, banquet, prog ram of activities, project PALS, fair, publ ic speaking, and demonstration team. She attended various conferences and prog rams, including the National FFA Band, leadership conferences, meats judging, soil judging, parliamentary procedure, summer convention, and Mid-Winter Con vention. She has received the chapter scho larship award and the Greenhand degree. Matthew J. Hay Matthew Hay plans to enroll in college to become a physical therapist. Matthew, 17, son of Mr. and Mrs. Vaugh Hay, Gar rett, Somerset County, has served as Mey ersdale Area FFA historian and reporter and as county chaplain. Matthew has served on the parent banquet, FFA sweetheart, scrapbook, and flower bulb committees. He received the GreenhauJ and Chapter degrees. Summer months are the most popular 3368 York Rd. P.O. Box 126, Gettysburg, PA 17325 Phlllipsburg, NJ 08865 717/624-3331 908/454-7600 Call your local sales office listed below A representative will be happy to visit you to discuss your building plans When you re ready, he'll order your building tor construction alter January 1 You II get the building you've always wanted backed with the strongest wnlten warranty in the business, and save money 1 Over 2(X),000 customers have found a Morton Building to be a sound investment Discover the Motion Buildings difference today' Local Representatives Justin Hedrick Justin Hedrick, 18, son of Dennis and Geraldine Hed rick, Delta, York County, plans to obtain a degree in electrical engineer ing. Justin, four year Kennard-Dale FFA member, has served as chapter president and chaplain and as county vice president and chaplain. In addition, Justin has participated in various contests, including parliamentary procedure, land judging, livestock judging, and project books for swine finishing, work experi ence, and capon production. He has obtained the Greenhand, White Rose, and Chapter degrees, and the Star Farmer and Dekalb awards. Joleen Herbert Hans Herr Chap ter President Jol» Herbert plans study for an asst iates degree in aj business at Pei State. Joleen, 1 daughter of LuA. Newswanger, Tei Hill, Lancas County, has shown sheep for the past two years. She served on the leadership and fruit sales committees. Joleen has attended a number of confer ences, including the Eastern Region Lead ership Conference, Made For Excellence Conference, State Legislative Leadership Conference, and the Red Rose County Leadership Conference. She received a bronze medal as a member of the national livestock team contest in 1993. (Turn to Page E 23) 800447-7436 # MORTON . BUILDINGS SEE US AT THE PA FARM SHOW BOOTH #612