Oklahoma City Feeder Cattle OKLAHOMA CITY WEDNESDAY JANUARY 4, 1995 WEEKLY CATTLE SUMMARY Complied to two weeks ago: Feeder cattle and calves steady. Demand good for yearlings, very good for calves. Quality of light post holiday supply avenge to attrac tive. Weigh conditions gaunt to average and very auractive to buyers. Yearling flesh condition generally medium off wheat and much belter for buyers than expected. Weather cold with light snow on ground; enough snow to make roads slight ly hazardous. The regular Monday sale was not held due to holiday. Normal sale achc thtle resumes next week. Receipts this week 3,250; last week none; last year 3.417. Supply consisted of 67 percent year lings and few calves over 600 lbs.; 27 per cent calves under 600 lbs.; 6 percent cows md bulls. Prices follow with weighted average weight and price in parenthesis. Feeder Steers; Medium and Large I: 350-400 lbs. (377 lbs.) $lOO.OO-$ 104.50 ;$ 102.05); 450-500 lbs. (472 lbs.) V 88.50-595.50 ($93.34); 500-550 lbs. (520 lbs.) 585.00-592.50 ($91.20); 550-600 lbs. [574 lbs.) $81.50-$85.00 ($82.74); 500-700 lbs. (650 lbs.) $79.00-$82.25 [580.67); 700-800 lbs. (750 lbs.) V 75.25-578.75 ($77.20); 800-900 lbs. (850 lbs.) $75.25-$77.00 ($75.39); 900-950 lbs. Efficiency 1$ The Key to Profit} w* lest your toll and make recommendation* as to needed nutrient*, based on: • The capacity of your soil to produce • The genetic production potential of your crop. • The type of livestock you are feeding, • CSA Liquid Micro Nutrients • Organic Blends Manufacturers of Seven Lick Dutch Country Brand Fertilizers Symo-Llfe, Inc. rOl L/| 3507 US 62 Millersburg, Ohio 44654 POLE or STEEL a batter pole building concept BH YOU NEED A BUILDING! Come to Booth #596 & 597 Let’s talk about it! • 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE • FOUNDATION CREWS • ERECTION CREWS WE HAVE THE RIGHT BUILDING TO FIT YOUR NEEDS' I can't saa you at tha Farm l Show but I’d Ilka to know l mora about bulldlnga. I NAMI | ADDRESS. j CITY j ZIP j □ PIMM MtMl I nw Hlaraturt [916 lbs.) $73.25-$76.75 ($74.62); 350-1000 lbs. (974 lbs.) $70.00-$72.60 [571.94). Feeder Heifers: Medium and Large 1: few 350-400 lbs. (369 lbs.) $80.50- $87.00 [582.93); 400-450 lbs. (429 lbs.) VBO.OO-585.50 ($82.44); 450-500 lbs. (480 lbs.) $77.75-$81.50 ($79.48); 500-600 lbs. [550 lbs.) $72.50-$78.75 ($75.75); 500-700 lbs. (650 lbs.) $73.50-$75.00 [574.70); few 750-800 lbs. (776 lbs) V7ft7s-$73.75 ($72.02). Slaughter Cows: Outer, Boning and Breaking Utility average dressing V 37.00-$39.50; high dressing V 41.00-543.50; few very high dressing V 44.0- $45.00; low dressing V 34.50-$36.50. Canner $31.50-$32.50. Slaughter Bulls: Y.G. 1,1250-2250 lbs. average dressing $55.00-$57.00; individu al high dressing $59.00; low dressing V 52.50-553.25. Replacement Cows: Pretested for Bangs, pregnancy and age, Medium and Large 1, Average quality: Single head rales. 3-6 years old 800-1200 lbs. 4-6 months bred $573.00-$617.00, few high quality $645.00-$696.00, few Hereford V 448.00-$497,00. 8-9 yean old 850-1200 lbs. 4-7 months bred $533.00-$559.00, few lo quality 5436.00-5457.00. 9 yean old 850-950 lbs. 5-7 months bred V 417.00-5430.00. THIS REPORT COMPILED & PRE PARED BY THE OKLAHOMA CITY THE SYMO-LIFE IL FERTILITY PROGRAM Has More To Offer PHONE 717-432-9738 A. 717-432-8389 lnc. □ PtHH call ID* lor an appolntmant Produce More Nutrients Per Acre! • Produces a more nutritious feed stuff with a better nutrient balance for your livestock. • Realize a greater net return on your investment • Program can be integrated with your present dry or liquid fertilizer • Improved quantity yield/acre along with improved nutrient yield/acre. Telephone (216) 893-2732 Toll Free 1-800-544-7122 (In Ohio) Toll Free 1-800-368-6692 (Outside Ohio) Fax (216) 893-3317 %/sy varco - Pr uden metal building systems INDUSTRIAL / WAREHOUSE / RETAIL / INSTITUTIONAL BUILDINGS 1248 SOUTH MOUNTAIN RD., DU.LSBURG, PA 17019 LIVESTOCK & GRAIN MARKET NEWS BRANCH OF THE USDA’S AGRICULTURE MARKETING SER VICE. ROBERT MILES - TINA DOEB BLER COLBY TELEPHONE (405) 232-5425. National Egg Market ATLANTA, GA JANUARY 04, IMS NATIONAL EGG MARKET - AT A GLANCE: Price* were unchanged to lower in the Northern it and Midweit, unchanged else where. The market tone was to weak. Demand remained milted across the (till range, and was mostly fair. Supplies were at least adequate or available. Break ing stock supplies were adequate to hilly adequate, and the trade sentiment remained weak. Live ben offerings were fully adequ ate to ample for the light demand, and the trade sentiment was about steady. Shenandoah Valley Livestock Harrisonburg, Va. December 31, 199 S Report supplied by auction STEERS: M&L-l 300-500 LBS. 75.00-88.00, 500-700 LBS. 60.00-63.00; 700-1000 LBS. 62.00-65.00; HOLSTEIN 300-1000 LBS. 55.00-60.00. FEEDER BULLS: 300-500 LBS. 50.00-65.00; 500-700 LBS. 60.00-62.00; 700-800 LBS. 50.00-55.00. HEIFERS: M&L-l 300-500 LBS. 50.00-70.00, 500-700 LBS. 47.50-66.00; 700-1000 LBS. 48.00-59.00. STOCK COWS: BEEF 350.00-740.00; BABY CALVES 45.00-110.00. SLAUGHTER COWS: UTILITY AND COMMERCIAL 38.00-42.50; CANNER AND CUTTERS 1-3 30.00-37.50; SLAUGHTER BULLS 36.00-49.00. LAMBS; BLUE O CHOICE AND PRIME 71.00; RED O CHOICE 77.50; *********************** Announcing! THE FARM MEETING OF THE YEAR CHOOSE OISE OF 2 SPECIAL DATESI January 19th ■ lbwisburo, pa Country Cupboard Restaurant January 20th - mt joy. pa Country Table Restaurant 9:30 a.n. • 3:30 r.N. The Profit Potential In Analytical Farming Dr. Norman Jones. A&L Laboratories ; • Computerizing Your Operation Demonstration of Hardware & Sof Available for Sale or Lease New Corn and Soyb Varieties & Genetics , cticides - Lorsban Id Fertilizer for Pn blcides . - New Chemi Great Weed Contr d 8% Less Protein ie Milk Production t)r. James Ferguson, University of PA Veterinary School • True Solutions in & Farm Mew Video Release! Valuable Door Prizes > Free Hot Lunch • new Information • Exhibitors CALL TOLL FREE 1 >BOO-322-0060 FOR RESERVATIONS Due to limited seating, only two (2) registrations per farm PA Pesticide License Points will be awarded for attendance Sponsored by Qro-Mor Plant Food Company and their hew Division, liutrlent Solutions In Agriculture ******** * * ** ********** Lancaster Farming, Friday, January 6, 1995-Al5 FEEDER LAMBS CHOICE 96.50-99.00; SLAUGHTER EWES 25.00-50.00; HEAD EWES 46.00. HOGS: TOP HOGS 34.00. SOWS: 25.00. VEALS; CHOICE AND PRIME 85.00; GOOD 75.00. SLAUGHTER CALVES: 75.00. STEERS: TOO FEW TO QUOTE. HEIFERS: TOO FEW TO QUOTE. GOOD COWS: 36.00-43.00. CANNBRS AND CUTTERS: 25.00-36.00. BULLS: 42.00-51.25. VEALERS: 90-190 LBS. 99.00-220.00, 70-90 LBS. 50.00-99.00. HOGS: 30.00-39.00. SOWS: 21.00-26.50. FEEDER PIGS: 10.00-20.00 PER HEAD. j Program j Dewart Livestock Dewart, Pa. Monday, January 2, 1995 Report Supplied by PDA