Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, December 17, 1994, Image 90
Cl4-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, December 17, 1994 Pro-engineered steel buiid- Cramer's Discount Roof- - Kiln: dries up to 800 BF '"88 tor Agricultural. Com- Chain Link Fence, new. mg. lowest prices in 3 umt» r . up to 14* tong Be slightly imperfect, heavy states. See display ad sec- jo t9.3opm. wiN bufd from 9-gauge galvanized, tion 4. (717)567-6782. w wj |, desjfln 4 J:*VOO / * t ' FLOORING-New Win dried Large amount of new bath- WEAVER CONSTRLTC -5.*.?. «.i T&G. 2xB Y.P. Can deliver, room tile, various colors. TION, East Earl. PA. » Call NOAH SHIRK SAWMILL half price. Call Reuben 717-445-5165. 717/822-7820 7-Bam or 7,7.354.0192. (800)964-1550. ... . leave message. - • —— Railroad ties, prices vary ; ; —7T77; — Flooring, new wide plank. Log Homo Logs: now, 6x6, f roin $4,510. Delivery Resawn Long Leaf Yellow 74(3. timbers, see our dis- 6*B, white cedar, single or available. Lancaster Co. pine and resawn chestnut n| a v ad. 610/565-6038. double, tongue & groove, 717-898-7689. floonng; 35'x60' chestnut , inexpensive for self- —; barn; antique white pine "FREE" You remove. Cor- builders $2.75/LF. Slightly used miscella flooring 717/374-7122. rugated steel buildings, (7171354-3105 neous building material. block building. (3) cabins. ' . 610-385-4990. Chestnut Log Cabin, 2 Sto- Northampton Co.. PA METAL ROOFING aijd R „„ nes, Must be Dismantled, 6 10-253-2331 Siding. We'll beat any com- STEEL BUILDINGS, all Built in 1927. Moved to petitor’s regular panal price types and sizes. Call for Present Site in 1970 No GEBHART'S POLE you mention on orders over current "Specials’. Plumbing, No Furnace, In- BUILDINGS & 50 scuare. Call 410-667-6310. sulated Floor with Ducts to Let qud.ty value stend (717)354-2728. Used Gondola shelving, Bad - New all purpose steel excellent condition, also “"of U.n'SjS dential Put building &r "sale New (7171568-6350. ygJMg S WANTED: Log cabins, ___ barns, granaries, outbuild- BARNS * ARENAS * SHEDS * GARAGES ings, post & beam houses ro R e° o to 000^^00 * o** 0 ** BUY Terms nog. FULLY —'O—'"INSURED and REFER (T o *^*-* 0 *" I’ . ENCES (Will travel any —lll*M •f/lO ■** whore) 410/820-2191, c/l LLL c/ L/f 800/OLD-MULE after spm. 4#’ {Buildings 1 manufactured & erected by 2x10x12 *7.00 each U Building w/ H.B. SMITH CONSTRUCTION INC. Li .; 2xBxlo *4.50 each JfjJ«Coupon_ 223 Warner Road, Columbus, NJ 08022 2x6x10 *3.50 each (Lease Financing Available) Knotty Poplar Structural Steel or Complete Building Packages . Boards 609-267-5571 or FAX 609-267-8135! I S'S'SS PRIDE IN WORKMANSHIP - PRODUCT GUARANTEE • COURTEOUS SERVICE 1 M (717)733-9136 Complete Packages Available Call Now For Your Free Estimate Or Free Brochure I*Boo-544-9464 717-354-2613 METAL BUILDINGS Commercial • Industrial • Agricultural ***..<*»«•. Barns and Riding Arenas Storage Sports Complexes Warehouses / Office Buildings (610)690-2977 Call For Monthly Specials P & B CONSTRUCTION SMUCKER CONSTRUCTION | AGRICULTURAL - RESIDENTIAL f SPECIALIZING IN POLE BUILDINGS | DAN SMUCKER | 135 CHURCHTOWN ROAD 717-768-8603 t NARVON, PA 17565 $ ★ ALLWOOD STRUCTURES ★ POLE BUILDINGS <• ** hjv STANDARD BUILDINGS LOFT BUILDING 24x32x8 $ 4.800 24x40x8 $ 6,000 30x40x8 $ 7,500 32x64x10 $ll,BOO 40x80x12 $17,300 ERECTED PRICES (Includes slider and service door) We specialize in: Horse Barns, Riding Arenas, Garages, Machine Sheds or Custom Built To Your Specifications CALL FOR FREE ESTIMATE AND BROCHURE DON’T IGNORE IT ,RESTORE IT! Masomy/Rstoration specializing In restoring ' Id stone/brick houses and bams. Also Laying Eldorado Stone Jft.l P—♦—*•' r ALL STEEL \ \ BUILDINGS, i f SUPER SAVINGS \ i24X36,33x60,48X79? I and 70x150. ? \ FIRST COME, FIRST i { SERVED. ENDS } f> 12/30. ‘94’ FACTORY? CLEARANCE I Craft-Bilt ? Construction ? £ (717)665-4372jl Wanted To Buy Old loghouses, early lumber frame houses, summer kitchen for removal, old brick and stone houses for salvage. Wide attic flooring - wide thick grainery and roofer boards. Small early Timber frame outbldgs, Indian doors, comer cupboards, Chestnut & Yellow Pine logs. I pay the most and travel the farthest! (610) 857-1002 anytime 1 -800-247-0241 ATTENTION BUILDING OWNERS DON’T TEAR DOWN YOUR FAILING STRUCTURES. WE CAN REPAIR THEM. I®JtSi- WOODFORD BROS. INC. Ba> IM. Apulia Slatlon, N.w York 13020 Call 1-800-443-9933 WE 60 ANYWHERE) Roofing & Siding CbSinneldraiti Available in 12 Colors s "*I—tS<m 1 —tS<m O Best Color Retention in the Industry Full Line: Nails, Trim, Screws Delivery Available MARTIN S ROOFING & SIDING 258 Walnut Bottom Rd. Shippensburg, PA 17257 17171 532-3460 Roofing & Siding WMttUNG _ _ m Channeldram f Available In 12 Colors: 1W 7 Large Inventory /'//V In Stock: OBest Color Retention in the Industry Full Line: Nails, Trim, Screws, Soffit, Fascia, Plyco Doors & Windows, Side Ralls, Etc. Note: Same Day Delivery Or Pick Up Most Casesl A.B. MARTIN ROOFING 150 Slate Road, Ephrata, PA 17522 (717) 445-6885 (717) 354-5076 24x32x8 24x40x8 30x40x8 32x64x8 $ 9,550 $ll,lOO $13,800 $19,100