Farmlnfl, Saturday, Dwwnber 17,1994 Benedict Crowned KANSAS CITY, Mo.—Nicole Benedict, Mason City, 111., was crowned the National Polled Here ford Queen during the American Polled Hereford Association’s (APHA) 72nd National Conven tion, Show and Sale on Nov. 4 in Kansas City, Mo. Jennifer North, Sperry, Okla„ was the contest’s first runner-up and second run ner-up was Shannon Boozman, Rogers, Ark. Beth Oilman, Mt. Horeb, Wis., and Julie Kiko, Mag nolia, Ohio, shared the Miss Con geniality award. National Polled Hereford Queen Nicole Benedict On the same cold February night that 19-year-old Nicole Benedict was born, one of her family’s Polled Hereford cows gave birth to twins. That omen proved to be true, and the breed has been a part of Benedict’s life ever since. A fourth-generation Polled Hereford breeder, Benedict helps operate Benedict Herefords with her family, mom and dad, Larry and Judie; brother, Chad; and sister, Kimberly. She has served as an officer and director in the Illinois Junior Polled Hereford Association (PHA), as well as r m FISHER’S PAINTING & FISHER’S PAINT OUTLET STORE QUALITY PAINTS @ REASONABLE PRICES ■ all types of interior & exterior Up PAINTING " ■ SANDBLASTING ■ ROOF COATING ■ RESTORATION & WATERPROOFING ON STONE & BRICK BUILDINGS HOUSES - BARNS - FENCES - FACTORIES - ETC. Specialists In Sand Blastlng/Spray Painting Farm Buildings, Feed Mills, Roofs, Tanks, Etc. With Aerial Equipment | WE NOW REPAIR SPRA Y GUNS AND PUMPS ~1 4056 A Newport Rd., Kinzers, PA 17535 717-768*3239 . On Rt. 772 Across From Pequea Valley School 'Bmsfr, Or Spray ■ 'WtU 'Do It 'Either 'Way TPiaaaram ?2imubimb. f\j PAUL B. AUTOMATIC HEAD GATE FINISHED WITH BAKED ON TOP GRADE POLYESTER TGIC POWDER COATING FABRICATION. PAUL B. Call or Wrlta For „ H 2V r * _ . 295 Woodeornar Rd. Additional Information Mon l Frl - Utltz, PA 17543 And Your Naaraal Daalar „ 71°® 1 MM * w »*« of Ephrata • Sat 7 to 11 717-738-7365 32«BBflgMB. state Polled Hereford queen and princess. She participated in the 20th Junior National and was a member of the 22nd Junior National’s winning senior team marketing team. Now a sopho more at Monmouth College, Benedict is studying communica tions with a minor in Spanish with the goal of promoting the beef industry as a public relations pro fessional. She belongs to the Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority and the women’s track and field team, and registers on the Dean’s list. First Runner-Up Jennifer North “Mom, Dad, I want a calf.” With those words, Jennifer North began in the Polled Hereford busi ness six years ago. Since then, North’s herd has grown to 10 cow calf pairs and her enthusiasm for the breed and beef cattle industry has infused her goals. A junior at Oklahoma State University, North is pursuing degrees in both animal science and agricultural education and plans to teach high school agricultural education after gradu ation. An enthusiastic Oklahoma Junior PHA member. North has served as the state’s Polled Here- FEATURING: • Full roof cover for outdoor protection • Heavy duty latch for positive locking • Double linkage for extra stability • Control handle operated from either side • Fast, easy adjustments to match animal size and neck size from 5” to 7” • Handle to manually operate for slow or homed cattle ZIMMERMAN, INC. National Polled Hereford Queen ford queen. She competed in the 19th Junior National’s National Illustrated Speech Contest and was a member of the champion senior beef bowl team at the 21st Junior National. North is the 20- year-old daughter of Henry and Pat North and has one sister, Jolene. Second Runner-Up Shannon Boozman Shannon Boozman says she has come a long way from being a city kid offended by the cattle bam perfume. From her list of accom plishments, she’s right. Educating the public about Polled Herefords and the beef industry is her focus; to do that she has become involved in the Arkansas Junior PHA, served as an officer, competed at the past five Junior Nationals and represented breeders as the state’s Polled Hereford queen. Compet ing in speech contests, helping organize state-wide Polled Here ford events and exhibiting her cat tle have also helped her educate herself about the breed. Boozman, 17, is a senior at Rogers High School. She is the daughter of John and Cathy Boozman and has two sisters. ICE CREAM FREEZER NAME: ADDRESS: TOWN: TATE: . Miss Congeniality Beth Oilman Beth Oilman was bora into the cattle business, and that lifelong involvement has not only helped pay for her college education, but fueled her desire to continue involvement with Polled Here fords. Oilman has served as a director and officer of the organi zation, participated in the 1993 PRIDE Congress and represented Wisconsin breeders as their state Polled Hereford queen and princess. She competed in her first Junior National in 1988 and her involvement on winning team marketing, judging, state exhibit, scrapbook and sweepstakes teams have highlighted the seven attend ed by Oltman since then. A fresh man in architecture at the Univer sity of Wisconsin Madison, Olt man is the 18-year-old daughter of John and Chris Oltman. Hershey Invites Quilt And Chocolate Lovers HERSHEY (Dauphin Co.) On the fourth dayof Christmas, take your true love to the Hershey Muse um for Chocolate Challenge. This event is part of the Museum’s post Christmas week activities, Decem ber 26 through December 30. On Tuesday and Thursday horn 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m., continuous ly, chocolate lovers can participate in the Museum’s Chocolate Chal lenge. Activities include a taste test. a model production line, and a Her shey exhibit scavenger hunt. There will also be an opportunity to make a take-home rubbing of chocolate The Original Old Fashioned 6 Qt. Hand LANCASTER FARMING Lancaster Farming Miss Congeniality Julie Kiko From the time she could walk, Julie Kiko has been in the barn helping with her family* s Polled Hereford herd. Her lifelong com mitment to the breed is evident by her enthusiastic involvement in the Buckeye Junior PHA, tenure as the state’s princess and queen, participation in the 22nd Junior National and 4-H achievements. Kiko’s goals include working on a Polled Hereford operation and one day developing her own herd. The ■ 18-year-old daughter of Eugene and Louise Kiko, she has one brother and one sister. After grad uating from Sandy Valley High School this spring, Kiko plans to attend the Agriculture Technical Institute in Wooster, Ohio, to fur ther her education in beef breed ing. molds and advertisements. Monday, Wednesday, and Fri day from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m., continuously, there will be quilt themed gallery activities. Partici pants will be able to experiment with designing their own quilt pat terns using a variety of moveable brightly-colored wooden shapes. Part of the activities session will include an opportunity to create a take-home quilt square. All events are free with museum admission: adults $4, youth (ages 3-15) $1.75. For information call (717)534-3432. DEPOSIT THIS COUPON AT PA FARM SHOW BOOTH #274 ZIP:
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