Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, December 17, 1994, Image 56

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    Bi6-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, December 17, 1994
m Happenings
Eager Beaver 4-H
The following Eager Beaver
4-H Dairy Club members had the
following placings at the 1994
Beaver Fair Dairy Show;
Milking Shorthorn
Spring calf: 1 (youth and open) John
Troxell Jr.
Spring yearling: 1 (youth and open)
John Troxell Jr.
Grand Champion: 1 (youth and open)
John Troxell Jr.
Reaarva Grand Champion: 1 (youth)
John Troxell Jr.
Brown Swiaa
Spring call: 1 (youth and open) Jed
Mary Aurand, daughter of Harry and Loretta Aurand, Mid
dleburg, was the winner of the John S. Shirey Sr. Memorial
Award at the 1994 Beaver Fair Dairy Show. This award goes
to the grand champion youth Holstein. Mary is a member of
the Eager Beaver 4-H Dairy Club.
(717) 665-6775
1242 Breneman Road
PH: (717) 665-4372
Winter yearling: 1 (youth and open)
Jdd Risser
Winter calf: 1. (youth and open) Jessica
Winter yearling: 2. (youth and open)
Jed Risser.
Junior Champion: (youth and open)
Jessica Risser.
Reserve Junior Champion: (youth and
open) Jed Risser
Grand Champion: (youth) Jessica Riss
Reserve Grand Champion: (youth) Jed
Spring yearling; 1 (youth and open)
Samantha Troxell.
Medfor'd, NJ
Junior 3 y«r-old: 2. (youth and open)
Samantha Troxell.
S-ysarold: 2. (youth and open) Saman
tha Troxell.
Spring calf: 4. (youth) 7. (open) Lad
Fall calf: 3. (youth) S. (open) Amanda
Summer Yearling: 1. (youth and open)
Ronnie Hauck.
Summer Yearling: 4. (youth and open)
Steve Opdyke.
Winter Yearling: 1. (youth) 2. (open)
Christopher Aurand.
Fall Yearling: 2. (youth) 3. (open) Amos
Junior 2 year old: 1. (youth) 2. (open)
Rose Carper.
Summer Yearling: 2. (youth) 3. (open)
Lori Carper.
3-year old: 1. (youth and open) Lori
5 -year-old: 1. (youth and open) Lori
Spring Yearling: 2. (youth) 3. (open)
Daniel Rennlnger.
Senior 2 year oid: 1. (youth and open)
Mary Aurand.
Senior Champion: (youth) Mary
Reserve Senior Champion: (youth) Lori
Reserve Grand Champion: (open)
Maty Aurand.
Grand Champion: (youth) Mary Aurand.
The following Eager Beaver
4-H Dairy club members received
Fitting and Showmanship awards.
Junior Showmanship: 3. Mary Aurand;
4. Amanda Shaffer; 5. Jessica Risser.
Senior Showmanship: 3. Lori Carper.
Junior Fitting: 1. Jessica Risser; 2. Jed
Risser; 5. Amanda Shaffer.
Sanlor Fitting: 1. Lori Carper; 5. Steve
4-H Missions
in Space Mini-Camp
Adams County 4-H teens and
leaders participated in a three-day
4-H- Missions in Space Mini-
Camp at the Huntsville, Ala.
Rocket and Space Center.
The Mini-Space Camp intro
duced the participants to science
and technology related to the
space program. The program
included the following training
Installed By: T ite Farm Automation
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easier and more efficient. Bou-Matic had the system we
wanted, at the right price. Our local dealer had the
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Our cows adapted easily to the parlor. We were amazed
at how nicely our Ist calf heifers moved in and out of
the parlor.” Glenn Daugherty & Family
Greencastle, PA
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Oxtord, PA Hanprctnwn iwin Greenville, PA Carlisle, PA Towanda PA
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sessions: crew systems a discus
sion on food packaging and
human waste issues in the space
environment; simulation orienta
tion - the use of a gyro axis chair,
the five degrees of freedom, a 1/6
gravity chair, and a space maneu
ver unit; launch mission simula
tion - the simulated launch and
mission of a space shuttle; space
suits - a close-up look at the 12
layer space suits; and aerodynam
ics - a discussion on what makes
planes fly and the difference of
flying in space versus the atmos
The program also included
three IMAX movies: “Blue Plan
et”, “Speed”, and “The Dream Is
Alive.” The group also visited the
Marshall Space Flight Center and
saw exhibits on the Space Station,
Neutral Buoyancy test unit, and
the many other test facilities at the
Those participating from Adams
County were Richard Rudolph,
Hanover; Nicholas Rudolph,
Hanover; Jennifer Coleman,
Hanover; and Keith Livelsberger,
Gettysburg. Chaperone partici
pants were: Patrick Rudolph,
Hanover and Jared Tyson, Adams
County 4-H Agent, 4-H members
and leaders from five states partic
ipated in the 4-H Missions in
Space Mini-Camp.
Flying Fingers 4-H
The Flying Fingers 4-H Club
held its annual banquet and elec
tion of club officers on Nov. 3.
The results are as follows: Presi
dent, Tanya Zelger; vice presi
dent, Natasha Zelger; treasurer,
Rebecca Cornman; secretary,
Beth Lux; assistant secretary, Jill
...Through Quality Service
And Dependable Equipment
Fraker; social chairperson, Megan
Geruntho and Aaron Cornman;
county council representatives,
Rebecca Cornman and Natasha
Zelger; and alternate Colleen
4-H pins and certificates were
presented to members and county
awards were announced; Out
standing 4-H girl, Tanya Zelger; I
Dare You, Peggy Myers; Out
standing secretary runner-up,
Rebecca Cornman; Blue form
awards: Citizenship Emily Fisher,
Natasha Zelger; clothing; Rebecca
Cornman, Emily Fisher, Jill Frak
er, dairy: Aaron Cornman; fashion
revue Sandra Anderson and Tanya
Zelger; food and nutrition Steve
Fisher and Natasha Zelger; home
environment Rebecca Cornman;
photography Tanya Zelger; safety
Peggy Myers and Aaron Corn
man; sheep Sandra Anderson; and
vet science Peggy Myers.
The Flying Fingers 4-H Club
won the Cumberland County Club
of the Year Award.
Huntingdon County 4-H Plat
Books Available
Huntingdon County 4-H clubs
have sponsored a new edition of
the County Plat Map directory.
This book contains detailed
maps of property ownership and
boundaries within Huntingdon
County. Books are on sale now at
$lB each are available at the coun
ty extension office, the county
treasurer’s office, Tyco Farm
Store, Tyrone Milling, Belleville
Agway, Mount Union Radio
Shack, and the Valley Log.
For more information, call the
Huntingdon County Extension
Office at (814) 643-1660.