Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, December 17, 1994, Image 45
Brubaker Farms (Continued from Page B 4) the farm. Many for love and because you think she’ll be a good mother of your children.” Growing up. the children were always given the freedom to do what they enjoyed doing. They learned to work and be responsible, but were never held back from school activities except { after Mike had gone out for two school sports and wanted to add a third, he was reminded that work on the farm needed to be done. “We were always paid some thing for chores around the farm even if it was only 25 cents an hour,” Tony said. The parents said they learned to give space to each child to be their own individual even if they did not always agree with the decisions made. Of his parents. Tony said, “They were not quick to say no even if they thought it was pointless. They were not authoritarian. We could make our own decisions —even if that sometimes meant carrying the biggest guilt trip in the world.” “They were great role models and still are,” he said. Marshall said that the closeness of family relationships is one of the reasons he is willing to commute YOUR POST FRAME RUILMNG HEADQUARTERS Wickes Lumber is the place to turn for ail your packaged building needs. We offer a wide selection of sizes and styles of buildings, perfect for a variety of needs. We also carry a complete assort ment of steel for siding and roofing, quality lumber, treated posts, heavy-duty hardware and all the extras. Add delivery and credit plus attentive, knowledgeable Matching Skylights Available Fi Pi Fc Wi >f Wickes Lumber Allentown, PA Ephrata, PA Exlon, PA Frederick, MO Groensburg, PA 631 State Road 82 Garden Spot Rd. 145 S. Whitford Rd. 5219 Urbana Pike Route 136 (215)967-3181 (717)733-6521 (215)363-9550 (301)662-4107 (412)527-3531 Harrisburg, PA Philiipsburg, NJ Reading, PA Succatunna NJ Swodesboro, NJ 451 Amp-wick Dr. 199 Strykers Rd. 2591 Centre Ave. 39 Route 10 Rt. 322 (717)564-4453 (908)859-3600 (215)921-0606 (201)584-6630 (609)467-0846 three and a half hours to the airline in New York. “I consider it to be a small sacri fice to be able to live here and raise four sons on the family farm. My idea of what I think of this bunch is the very best If my boys grow up like Tony and Mike, I’d be quite proud,” he said. I The Brubakers value Marshall’s * non-farming opinons when it com es to decision making. “He’s got a good business mind and he’s our tie to the outside world,” Luke said. “He reminds us that there is a shaking up in every industry not just in fanning.” Although the setup requires much less manual work, the Bru bakers said, “Just because it’s mote efficient doesn’t mean we aren’t working. It’s a lot more to manage and no room for error.” Each partner estimates that they work 10 to 12 hour days. “When you’re having fun, the time goes fast,” they each insist. Marshall said, “The tiling I admire about the family is that when it’s time to work, they work hard and get dirty, but thou they have a lot of fun and aren’t afraid to play hard too.” Mike said, “Farming is a good 1 way of life where you can be with Evaynme youu need! 2x4 Continuous salespeople and you've got it all! Computer Aided Customizing! Any of our package designs can be tailored to suit your needs with our Computer Aided Design capabilities. Ask a Wickes Lumber associate for details! r' Myths Persist About Poisonous Holiday Plants UNIVERSITY PARK, (Centre Co.) Some reports about poiso nous holiday plants are as mythi cal as tales of Santa, says a Penn .State horticulturist. “Certain holiday plants be- your family and if you manage well enough you have time to spend doing other things.” All play golf, tennis, and hunt Tony skis and plays basketball. Barb is on the church building committee and a member of Farm Women Society 27. “I’ve always loved agriculture,” said Luke, who was FFA president when he went to Donegal High School. He is chairman of the East Donegal Township Supervisors; chairman of the Poultry Meat Council, Pa. Poultry Meat Rep resentative, and on the government legislative committee for the American Farm Bureau, and a rep resentative for the Pennsylvania Poultry Federation. Mike is on the meat council for the Pa. Poultry Federation and on the ag committee of the Lancaster Chamber of Commerce. ivy-Duty Jmg Door racks & adware lieved to be fatal if eaten are rela tively harmless, while others are truly toxic,” says Dr. J. Robert Nuss, professor of ornamental horticulture in Penn State’s Col lege of Agricultural Sciences. “Since children and pets can’t make the distinction between what’s dangerous and what isn’t, it’s best to keep all plants out of their reach.” Many people persist in believ ing that the most popular Christ mas plant, the poinsettia, is extremely poisonous. “People who are allergic to the plant’s milky sap can develop a rash if it gets on their hands,” says Nuss. “But the poinsettia isn’t fatal if eaten. If children or pets eat any part of the plant, at worst they might experience some stomach discomfort.” About 20 years ago, two Ohio State researchers fed large quanti ties of poinsettia parts to rats, with no ill effects. In 1975, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Com mission exonerated the poinsettia of the false charge that it’s lethal if ingested. LANCO II I LI CONCRETE IVa nil WALLS :Agri£Ultural •Commer&lal«Risldentlal WE DO SCS WORK • ALL TYPES OF POURED WALLS • Retaining Walla • Bunker Slloa • Manure Pita (circular or rectangular) • Slatted Floor Deep Pits • Footers • Flaiwork CONTACT: STEVE PETERSHEIM, JR. P.O. Box 256, Bird-In-Hand, PA 17505 717-291-4585 • (FAX) 717-291-4686 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Dacambar 17, 1994-B5 The commission also refuted allegations that the berries of American mistletoe are fatal if eaten. “But that doesn’t mean mistletoe berries are edible,” says Nuss. “Mistletoe should be hung out of the reach of children and pets, and berries that drop should be removed from the floor immediately.” About 400 plant species in the United States are known to be poisonous, according to “Poiso nous Plants of the United States,” by Walter Conrad Muenscher. Among them are holly, ivy, Jerusalem cherry, laurel, rhodo dendron and yew all commonly used in holiday decorations. If a child or pet accidentally ingests these plants, consult a physician or veterinarian immedi ately. Do not induce vomiting without the advice of a doctor. If a plant containing corrosive juices has been eaten, vomiting can dam age the digestive tract. The Poison Information Center for central Pennsylvania can be reached by calling 1-800-521-6110.