I HYMAN I gUII’MI N I ISM 1 IMOKI , Ml). (410) 337-3570 I C .ill Alan Hvm.m <mv liim- -MECHANICS SPECIALS MANY OTHER FORKLIFTS IN T Lb H ffv“ry B ' Y H3R > SPECS L 9 000 Lb Komatsu, mg. 15M f gSSoS s—>l5 —>1 2.000 lb. Electric Walk Bahlnd | Forklifts S Lett $1,500 to $2,000 Ea. I \JF c .ltclrle Pallet Jacks <sootosastla. I 7,000 Lb. Clark 4WD, Gas $7,000 ★see below DESCRIPTION *12,000 lb. 4WD forklift. (0) Umo 453 Dolrlol FQRKU^,,,, .Yalos, solid Ora. LP6,3 A 4 stage Diesel $15,000 mads, on* hat ntw angina & bad Irana, *O,OOO lb. A/C Dual Pnaumatie, very good olhor bad angina A good Irana. both for $2,500 eond $5,000 4,000 lb. Babor, lowabla turf style Hit, needs little 10.000 lb. lirojan artieulating, 7’ forks, work $3,000 Cummlnt dlosol, very good eond .$15,000 10,000 lb. Hyator Kerry Krane, runt flood—.so,ooo 5.000 lb. Hyator, tldo shift solid tire, LPG, 5,000 Lb. CAT. solid tiro. LP6, S/S, vory good ..$5,000 1007,3-stage, excel, eond., low his $lO,OOO 5,0001 b. Clark pneumatic, runs graat (smokos) .$4,000 4.000 lb. Towmotor, solid tiro, LPG, P/S, light 5,000 Lb. Hyslor solid tiros LPG, 3 stags rattle A forks won't como down $1,200 vory good $4,500 3.000 lb. Hyslor pneumatic, LPG, runs 4,000 Lb. Baker electric, new battery $4,000 good $3,500 3,000 Lb. Raymond Roach Truck, Good Cond. .$3,000 2,500 Lb. Hyster 3 Wheel Pneumatic Gas, 5,000 Lb. Clark, Electric w/ehargar, Auto. P/S, Vory Good Cond $3,000 very good condition $3,000 3.000 Lb. A/C LPG Runs $OOO 10,000 Lb. Dual pneumatic, old but runs. .$l,OOO HERR & LEAMAN Used Farm Equipment Sales & Service S. of Lancaster along Rt. 222 4 JD 2550,15x38 tires, 2450 hrs. ‘ JD 4840, SGB, duals, weights JD 4440 Q.SGB, duals JO 2940 MFWD, 2 posts roll guard & canopy JD 4430 SGB, quad 1 owner, 2700 hrs. JD JD JO 3020 Di WF, power shift, 1000 hrs. on engine overhaul, real nice JD 830 D 2 cyl. JD 316 hydro lawn mower 1991 Case IH 7120,18.4-42 tires, 3 hyd, radar, 1500 hrs. w/factory warranty Case IH 7110 cab, air, 1500 hrs., 2WD Case IH 5140 Maxxum, PS, factory cab, air, 612 hrs w/factory warranty AC, HD 15 dozer w/671 Detroit diesel Stocking New Koyker Quick Attach Loaders For most JD & IH Farm Tractors, 40 HP To 180 HP. Melroe Bobcat 643 diesel IH 720 6x18" auto reset IH 720 6x16” auto reset IH 720 5x18” toggle trip plow, semi mount IH 480 wingfold 20'// disc IH 475 hyd. fold IS 1 // disc Kewanee rock flex wingfold disc, 21 Vi IH 60 stalk chopper Factory 3020 thru 4020 (1) ‘9O r.ai3BlWBleiciH steer IH 1850 loader off IH 574 Nl 324 2 RW w/12 roll husking bed, real good Dual wheels-34's and 38's Tractor Weights JD & IH IH dual PTO units Combines 1980 JD 6620, good 1 owner machine JD 6600 D w/air 1976 JD 4400 diesel, air IH 1440,1984 model, 2300 hrs. MF 850, hydro, 2100 hrs. MF 550 diesel hydro, 1 owner w/1069 original hrs., very nice Late MF 300 gas combine, w/air, and 3 RN and 13’ grain head, 1 owner, very nice Box 191 New Providence, PA 17560 (717) 786-1606 Kton-Prl. Sat. 8-12 QUALITY TRACTORS AND EQUtPMENTMEASONABLE PRICES/SERVICED A AVAILABLE WITH AlOO% WARRANTY ON ENGINE Am DRIVE TRAIN DELIVERY AVAILABLE Tractors >*» * Mine IH 3588 2+2, nice IH 5006 factory cab, air, duals 6'wetghts w/up-dates IH 3088 w/factory cab, air, 2600 hrs. IH 3088 POPS, 1960 original hrs., 1 owner, very nice - 1979 IH 1486, Cab, Air, 2460 Original Hrs., Very nice IH 1486,79 model, red power, cab, air IH 1086 cab, air, 2400 original hrs., extra sharp IH 1066 Factory cab, air, 1979 model IH 986 factory cab, air, 36* racNals, nice IH 886, factory cab, air, 1 owner, nice IH 784 diesel, very nice, 1611 hrs. IH 684 w/2250 loader IH 1586 cab, air, new TA & engine, nice IH 1066 red cab w/air, very nice, 1 owner w/3200 original hrs. IH 1066 year-a-round cab, very nice H 1066 cab, air, new TA, nice IH 966 fender tractor WF 3 pt., 300 hrs. on engine, clutch & T/A, very nice IH 966w/cab&air w/rebuilt engine Case skid steer IH 340 gas, 2 pt hitch, NF Case 4890,20.8x38 duals, 3pt PTO Case 2090 Power shift, cab, air, very nice White w/air, 1 owner, 1950 hrs., nice Oliver TTOgasJfF Ford 86QyQower, roll bar AC 6080 fender tractor Heads MF1163 6RN com head MFII444RW Case IHIO2O flex head, 15’, Nice 1H8434RN, Good IH 820,13’ flex, very nice IH 810 rigid head, nice condition JD 643 10-tin oil bath (2) JD 643 hi-tin, 6 RN, nice JO 443 com head, very good JD 444 hi-tin JD 215 flex head JD 213 flex, black reel JD 13’rigid head PAX 717-786-4773 p bh CLIP AND SAVBhb mb h BELARUS MERRY*** CHRISTMAS COUPON SPECIAL | UP TO $l,OOO OFF | I We’ve got an early Christmas gift for you. One that lets you wrap up big savings on a Belar us tractor's already low price. Just bring this coupon in for up to a thousand dollar savings on I our line of 36 to 33S HP two and four wheel drive Belarus tractors. Simply ask your dealer to J submit an end-user certificate to qualify for reimbursement. MODEL HE 310 36 400’s 57 500'S 65 570* 65 600's 67 BOO'S 81 805* 81 900’s 100 1770 180 7100 M 335 I Belarus Tractors In Stock Model 310, 36 HP $9,995°° Model 420, 57 HP $14,200°° Model 572, 65 HP $16,600°° Model 825, 81 HP slB,Boo°° Model 925,100 HP $22,700°° * Asslfmd coupon velue for model* 570 end 109 with standard hydraulic* I* $3OO. Model* 570 end $O5 with Hu*co ■ hydraulic* will hive *n «*riyd coupon v«lae of $290. Coupon valoc valid only between October 19.199* end December ■ I 30.1994. Only one coupon per tractor purchased. I ■h mam mam mCUP AND SAVE" ■■■ ■■* maM “PRE-SEASON REPAIR DISCOUNTS” Schedule Your Repairs In Our Shop Before Feb. 15, 1994 and receive a 10% Discount on AGCO, BADGER & NEW HOLLAND PARTS. 10% OFF Labor on Repairs Done On Other Makes Of Tractors or Farm Equipment Repairs Must Total At Least $5OO And Are Payable Upon Completion. Free Trucking within a 25 Mile Radius We Will Be Closed Monday, Dec. 26th To Give Our Employees An Extra Day Of Christmas Vacation, For emergency Parts or Service on Dec. 26th Before 2:30 PM For Parts Call 838-4068 and For Service Call 867-2493 or 933-8714 "Seasons Greetings from Everyone at BUM” QUALITY USED EQUIPMENT FOR SALE • JD 950 Tractor • David Brown 885 Tractor • Deutz Allis 6260 Tractor • NH 355 Grinder Mixer • NH 790 Forage Harvester • NH 8 Forage Wagon • NH 411 Discbine • NH 38 Flail Chopper • NH 162 Hay Tedder • (3) NH 489 Haybines Lancaster Farming, Saturday, December 17, 1994-D39 $l5O $2OO $250 $3OO $3OO $250 $3OO $3OO $750 $l,OOO IH 700 Plow Auto Reset Semi- Mount NH 190 Spreader (Like New) NH 256 Baler NH 276 Baler NH 315 Baler w/70 Thrower NH 311 Baler w/75 Ejector IH 430 Baler NH 855 Round Baler I
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